34- Want to live with me?

I sat there with an emptiness in my heart. Just when things seemed to be moving forward... Boom! Destiny comes and trips me up. I sighed deeply and didn't know how to react. At this moment, all I wanted to do was disconnect from the world and sleep. And that's exactly what I did—turned off my phone, took a shower, and went to bed to mend my heart.

I slept so deeply that when I woke up, I didn't know where I was. The shock had been so great that I slept for about 15 hours or so. When I looked, it was already past noon, but I didn't mind since I had already sent the article that was supposed to be published today in the newspaper yesterday. The one for today, which would be published tomorrow, I had until around 5 p.m to submit. To my delight, the text was already ready, so all I had to do was send it and then spend the rest of the day vegetating—yes, I decided to give myself a break.

I know it's wrong to want to hide from the world when I'm feeling so sad, but it's a way to try to recover, even though I didn't inform my friends. Once I feel better, I'll turn on my phone again and give them an update. I do this because I don't want to worry them, and I also don't like to transmit my sadness to them. I don't think it's fair, even though many people might see it as wrong because talking really helps a lot, but there are times when we just want to sleep and digest the situation without going crazy.

I got up, turned on my computer, checked my email, and sent tomorrow's article. That way, I'd be more at ease with my responsibilities. As for Dante, I preferred to talk to him when I felt better, and I also had to wait for the contract to be drawn up to discuss the final details. I went to the fridge and grabbed the slice of cake I had bought from Anne yesterday—something sweet helps lighten the mood a bit.

It was then that I heard the doorbell ring. I thought I had heard it wrong and continued setting the table to eat. I heard it again and went to see who it was.

— Dante? What are you doing here? - I asked in surprise.

He entered my apartment with a look of concern mixed with irritation.

— What happened? - He said, crossing his arms and leaning against my sink.

I sighed, wondering whether it was better to tell him what had happened or to let it slide.

— I asked first, and you didn't answer me. - I said, evading the question.

— Your phone has been off since yesterday, you haven't responded to messages, and there's been no sign of you. - He said, furrowing his brow and running his hands through his hair in distress.

— I wanted to take a break from everything and breathe. That's why I turned off my phone.

— You know that this worries the people who care about you and want the best for you?

— Who wants the best for me? - I repeated, confused. - I don't understand what I did wrong.

— Kyra, don't you realize that we were all fearing the worst because you hid from the world?

— We?

— Yes, me, Trish, Nick, Lucy, Diana, and Dominic. We've been trying to reach you since yesterday, and what's worse, I found out from Diana. If I had waited for the contract to be finalized, who knows what could have happened? - He said, looking quite concerned.

— Hey, calm down! I wouldn't have done anything crazy because of what happened yesterday. I just wanted a little time for myself.

Dante looked at me with a guilty expression and asked:

— Was it because of me? Did I hurt you? Kyra, I didn't want to leave the café like that, but...

— Dante, it wasn't your fault! For the love of God. - I said, interrupting him.

— Then what happened? - He asked, puzzled.

— This apartment was sold yesterday. I didn't manage to buy it in time.

Dante looked at me with a sad expression in his eyes.

— Sorry, Kyra, I found out from my broker yesterday that your apartment was up for sale, and that's one of the reasons I rushed out of our meeting because I wanted to buy it. But when I got to the real estate agency, someone had already bought it.

— You wanted to buy it? - I asked surprised.

— Yes, I know how much you like it here, and I wanted to help you. I wouldn't ask for rent or anything in return. Just the fact that you'd be well and happy would make me content.

I looked at him with a warm feeling in my heart. He tried to do something for me, even though I was stubborn, and it made me somewhat happy (really, talking to someone is the best option, you don't feel alone — I confess I was wrong).

I went towards him and hugged him. He was shocked as he didn't expect this reaction, and I didn't mind —it felt so good to know that someone genuinely cared about me.

— Thank you, Dante, for making my day better. It really feels good to know that there are people who care about me! - I said, tears in my eyes.

— Kyra, we'll always be here for you, no matter the situation... Whether to laugh or cry, we'll do it together. - He said, returning the hug.

We stood there hugging for about 5 minutes, and then my stomach growled. Dante pulled away slightly, looked into my eyes, and asked suspiciously:

— Have you had lunch, sweetheart? - He said, already knowing the answer.

I smiled as if to say, "I'm guilty as charged," and replied:

— No, I was going to have the cake I bought yesterday. Want a piece? - I said, heading towards the table.

— You're shameless, aren't you? Put the cake away and let's have lunch. I'll join you.

— No need to worry, I can...

— You have 10 minutes to get ready, or else I'm going to spend the DAY and NIGHT here bothering you until I'm convinced you're really eating well. - He said, with a hint of threat, narrowing his eyes.

— Okay, okay, I'm going. - I said, heading to the bedroom to get ready.

Dante sat on the couch and waited until I was ready.

— Ready? - I said.

He looked me up and down and had a surprised expression. I was wearing a black floral dress (with red button flowers and white petals). It was made of a light and comfortable fabric that looked good on me.

— You look beautiful. - He said, smiling.

— Oh, now I see you know how to compliment. Thank you very much. - I said, sarcastically.

— It's not that you weren't pretty on that fateful day (the Dean's birthday), but I couldn't express my feelings.

— Oh, and today you can? - I furrowed my brow.

— Today I can! I want you to know me for who I am.

— I noticed that you're different from what you were. Before, it seemed like you were cold most of the time, and when you let your guard down, it scared me.

— I know. - He said, running his hands through his hair. - The thing is, back then you hardly ever wore dresses, and now I'll have to make sure no one messes with you. - He said, winking at me.

— Shut up! Let's go. - I said, playfully, and walked out of the apartment with him.

We got into the car not entirely sure which restaurant we were going to for lunch. Dante started the car, and I asked:

— Which restaurant are we going to?

— Since it's past 1 p.m., we have few options, but I know one that will do.

— Perfect then. - I said, eager to see the place, as my stomach was speaking louder than I was.

Dante heard the sounds coming from my stomach and started laughing.

— You don't let anything slide, do you? - I retorted, feeling embarrassed.

— Can I, though? - He said, still laughing.

We continued the journey, discussing trivial things like the weather, how beautiful the sun was, and how my writing was going in the newspaper. He parked the car in front of a restaurant that had a simple facade, yet it was beautiful. The front had a rustic feel with wooden strips and pots in brown tones, with spring flowers cascading down in white. There was a wooden table by the large glass window, all in the same colors to match the decor. I was amazed by the beauty of the place. We entered, and the lights were warm and inviting, perfect for anyone seeking a good meal. Paintings of dishes served in the restaurant adorned the walls, with live flowers in vases placed among them. The tables were all separated coordinately, maintaining a clean appearance while being pleasant for customers. The entire restaurant had brown walls, white tablecloths, and a black porcelain floor. We chose the table with the view of the large window.

— Do you like the place? - Dante asked.

— Yes, I love the decor. Have you tried the food here?

— Yes, I've been here a few times for meetings with clients or event organizers. I personally love this place; it's not fancy, but it's comfortable.

— I thought the same thing.

— I'm glad you like it. Let's place our orders.

The waiter arrived and handed us the menu. I ordered sparkling water and pasta with white sauce and arugula, while Dante ordered grilled salmon with broccoli, olives, and carrots, along with pineapple juice.

The waiter took our orders, brought our drinks, and went to attend to other tables.

— Now that you seem a bit better, what do you want to do about the apartment? - Dante asked.

— I really don't know. I have to find a new place quickly because in the email they sent me, they gave me 30 days to vacate.

— Do you want help finding something?

— I really don't have any motivation for that, plus it needs to fit within my budget. - I said, taking a sip of my water.

— Well, can I make a suggestion?

— Go ahead, I'm all ears.

— Do you want to live with me?