36- Louise

— Deal! I've made up my mind.

— And what have you decided?

— I'm sorry, but... You'll have to put up with me every day! - I said, smiling.

— I'll take that as a Yes! I'm happy to share my apartment with you.

— Really? - I said, wide-eyed.

— You'll bring joy to the place.

— Joy? I'm grumpy. - I said, confused.

— Yes, and also super clumsy; I'm going to laugh a lot at your falls, stumbles, and giggles.

— Oh my God! So cheeky, but I can't deny that I'm clumsy... That's a fact.

— When are you planning to move? - Dante asked, seeming more eager than me.

— Well, first, I'll need to get some boxes to pack my things and rent a moving truck. I don't have much, but it might take me a couple of days. I'll try to leave the place as I found it, do some cleaning, and then go to the real estate agency to sign the documentation after the property inspection.

— Need help with packing? I know it's not much, but I can come over after work to assist you.

— You're such a sweetheart when you want to be, huh?

— Only with you. - He stuck out his tongue... "He's learned that from me." I thought.

— I accept, I'll just buy some boxes and tape tomorrow.

— It's a deal! Tomorrow, after work hours, I'll come by your apartment.

— Great, I'll try to have everything somewhat sorted.

— I might be a bit late due to meetings, but I'll message you to let you know.

— That's okay, I know your schedule is busy.

— Want some coffee? Today, I'll be the one making it for you.

— I accept! I want to see if your coffee is as good as mine.

— Well, if you don't like it, I have no problem drinking your coffee every day.

— I'm pretty sure your coffee will be much better than mine. - I said, laughing, and followed him to the kitchen.

Dante set the water to boil and prepared instant coffee in the pot (2 heaping tablespoons) along with sugar (3 tablespoons). Yes, he took his coffee with sugar, which was interesting because I had tried having my coffee without it and didn't adapt. Once the water boiled, he poured it into the pot, stirred it well, and poured it into the carafe. I helped him set the table for our coffee, and he made me ricotta toast. My stomach was already growling from hunger. I poured myself a coffee with milk and got two toast. I tasted the coffee, and it really was very good!

— Do you like the coffee? - Dante asked, smiling.

— Yes, I have to admit, your coffee is better than mine.

— Ahhh, you're just saying that so I'll make coffee every day! Not fair. - He shook his hand as a sign of disagreement.

I burst into laughter... I never imagined I'd see this side of him, his company is truly enjoyable, and I don't feel as nervous as I used to. It's more spontaneous, I feel comfortable, and for the first time, I'm seeing the true face of Dante, which surprises me.

— I wish I could read your mind right now... - He said, noticing I was distant.

— I don't need to hide what I'm thinking; you just have to ask me what you want to know. - I said, looking at him intently.

— When you do that, it's like you can see what I'm thinking and feeling.

— I feel the same way hehe.

— Okay, what took you away just now?

— Are you curious? - I asked, playing along.

— Of course, especially when it's about me...

— How do you know I was thinking about you? It could have been anything else. - I feigned innocence.

— By the way, you were looking at me, I'm not sure exactly what it's about, but I know it was about me.

— Well, I have to admit you're right. - I conceded.

— Aha! I told you, you're quite expressive.

— So, I was reflecting on how you seem more comfortable around me now, how you're pleasant, and how I'm only getting to know you now.

— Today I can be myself around you, which back then was impossible due to some factors. I struggled a lot internally and got tense in your presence.

— I never wanted to cause you such discomfort. - I said, looking away.

— But you weren't to blame; I tried to resist your charm to the fullest. I fought against everything (heart and mind) not to get attached, but it was a futile battle because nothing worked. I just ended up frustrated.

— My charm? Wait, what? - I said incredulously.

— You know better than anyone that I was crazy about you.

— Sometimes it seemed that way, but then you'd do something that contradicted your previous actions completely. One moment it seemed like you liked me or at least felt attraction, but other times, you were completely cold.

— Yes, and I really regret that.

— Dante, there's nothing to be done about the past... It's good to talk about it, clarify some doubts, and get things straight, but we can't change it. Don't blame yourself, but also don't repeat the same mistakes from the past, and that will already be enough for us to have a good relationship.

— I agree with you and far be it from me to make the same mistakes again. I'll make new mistakes because I'm modern and immature in some aspects, and because I'm flawed. - He said, playfully smiling.

— I know, no one is perfect... But, if you do what you did to me in the past again, I will literally punch you! - I said, making a loving face (the opposite of what I was saying, yeah, I know).

— I didn't know you had this wicked side... - He said, smiling slightly, creating a dimple on the right corner of his cheek.

"How seductive he is... My God, this really won't be good for my heart... I don't know how much longer I can hold on." - I thought.

— I have many sides you don't know. - I said, raising my nose, feeling super mysterious.

— The good thing about having you here is that I'll get to know all of them!

I smiled as if I had butterflies, trying to disguise the frantic beats of my heart.

"Kyra, breathe... You have to be in control of the situation and never let him take over. We already know the scenario is dangerous; are you sure about moving in with him?" - My mind warned me, but at this point, I didn't want to give this up.

"I really want to get to know him, to see if he actually feels something for me, and damn it, I don't care if I get hurt again!" - I replied internally to my own mind, sending the internal battle into space.

— The more I get to know you, the more I like what I see. - He said, laughing at my mannerisms.

— You're going all in, aren't you? You weren't that direct before.

— What do I have to lose? - He said, looking at me intensely, which sent shivers down my spine.

— I don't know, but maybe it's not what you're expecting.

Dante stood up, walked over to where I was sitting, crouched down near my ear, placed his hands on the back of the chair, and spoke provocatively:

— You know, Kyra, today I'm not expecting anything, because I already have your "No," but if someday I get a "Yes," that would truly be a surprise. Ahhh, and rest assured I won't force you into anything. - He pulled back and headed toward the bedroom.

I got up from the chair I was sitting in and went to the kitchen sink to get a glass of water because my mouth and throat had gone dry... Seriously, this came out of nowhere; I don't even know why this happened. Alright, who am I kidding? I won't survive here with my sanity intact.

— Kyra, are you ready? - Dante suddenly said, coming back to the kitchen.

I got startled, let out a little scream, and accidentally spilled water on myself, nearly giving Dante a heart attack because he also got startled, but it was because of my "scream."

— Are you alright? - He asked, rushing to grab a towel and handing it to me so I could dry myself.

— Yeah... I'm just clumsy... - I said, feeling disappointed as I looked at my soaked clothes.

— Wow... Were you that distracted? - He said, laughing.

— Yeah... Well, thank goodness we have strong hearts, right? - I sighed.

— Yes, just wait; I'll get you some dry clothes so you don't catch a cold.

Dante went back to the bedroom to get some dry clothes for me. This reminded me of when he visited my apartment when he got sick, and he wore my clothes.

I smiled as I remembered, and now it was the opposite; I would be wearing his clothes.

— Wait, did he change his clothes? Did I see that right? - I was confused.

When Dante returned to the kitchen, I could see better. I was indeed right because he was wearing a high-necked wool sweater, jeans, and a black faux leather jacket.

— Did you change your clothes? - I furrowed my brows.

— Yes, after dropping you off at your apartment, I have a meeting with Louise.

— Oh, and do you need to get dressed up that much?

— Is that a compliment? - He asked, raising an eyebrow.

— You look really handsome. - I said softly, blushing.

— Sorry, Kyra, but I didn't catch what you said after "Really." - He said, coming closer to me.

The fact is: I was still standing in front of the kitchen sink, and I had nowhere to retreat to. He kept coming closer until we were face to face, and I was trapped between him and the sink.

— Why did you get so close? - I asked, trying to dodge him, but in vain, because he put his hands on the sink (I was stuck between them), making it difficult for me to escape.

— I want to hear what you said up close so I don't miss any details.

I took a deep breath and swallowed hard; there was a lot of tension in the air due to our proximity, and I couldn't think straight.

Dante seized on my slip, held my chin, and brought his mouth close to my ear, saying:

— Tell me, sweetie, I'm really curious. - He said in a husky voice.

— You... you look, I mean you look really handsome. - I fell into his little game and ended up giving in.

— Aha! Are you jealous? - He said, pulling away.

I blinked several times to understand what he was saying because it took me a while to come back down to Earth.

— Jeal... jeal... jealous... What?! Me, jealous of you? You must be crazy! - I said, collecting my thoughts.

— Oh, so it's fine if I get involved with Louise then? - Dante said, barely holding back laughter.

Just the thought of him having dinner with another woman already made me angry.

— I don't care, if that's what you want, then go ahead! - I said through gritted teeth, wanting to hit him.

— You'll never admit that you care, right? But, I loved seeing this jealous side of you. - He said, laughing, grabbing the keys so we could leave.

— How conceited you are! You don't even need to drive me back; I can take a taxi and not bother...

I couldn't finish my sentence because Dante got closer, pulled me towards him, and kissed me. I was surprised, but I couldn't pull away... It felt like I hadn't been kissed in ages, and I'll let you in on a secret, dear reader, who's following this madness that is my life: I went to cloud nine, and no one had ever kissed me like that with such intensity, desire, and something more that I couldn't describe yet, but by the end of this tumultuous "Kyra's story," I'm sure I'll figure it out and tell you!

He deepened the kiss, leaving me breathless (in a good way). I returned the kiss, emptying my mind and surrendering to all the feelings exploding in my heart.

Dante pulled back slightly to look at me intently. I opened my eyes, and our gazes met.

— Kyra, I don't want to get involved with another woman... I only have eyes for you. - He said, touching my face.

— I know, but you dressed up so nicely to go out and you even smell so good. - I said, crossing my arms like a sulking child, pouting.

— I don't know if I should be happy about the glimmer of hope you gave me, but I'm loving seeing your reactions.

— Dante, stop imagining things. Let's go! - I said, heading towards the door.

— Alright.

We left the apartment, and the whole way back to my place, we were mostly silent. Dante stopped in front of my apartment; I didn't want to get out, but I had to.

— Thank you so much for today. Have an excellent meeting. - I said, pretending to get out of the car, but I felt a hand on my arm holding me back.

I looked at him, not understanding why he was acting that way.

— Kyra, the meeting will last about 30 minutes... Can I have dinner with you?

— Huh? Aren't you having dinner with Louise? - I said, annoyed.

— Like I said, I have a meeting, but we didn't plan to have dinner.

— Whatever... Is that all? Can I go now? - I got even more irritated when I realized Dante was holding back his laughter.

— After the meeting, I'll come here. Wait for me, sweetie! - He said, letting go of my arm.

— And if I don't want to? - I asked, raising an eyebrow.

— I'll come either way. If plans change, I'll text you. See you later, sweetie.

— I won't even reply to you. - I said, getting out of the car and heard him laughing as he accelerated and drove away.

I climbed the floors of my apartment out of sheer anger... How could he shake up my world and turn it upside down? So irritating!

Back in my apartment, I took a shower, put on my pajamas, and just as I was about to turn on the TV, my phone rang.

Guess who it is? Oh, I doubt you'll guess, dear reader!


Yes, it was Dante... This was a tough one even for me to respond to (Kyra).

— What do you want? - I didn't even say good evening.

— Hello, sweetie, I've missed you too!

— Go to hell, Dante!

— In 20 minutes, I'll be there to pick you up... Let's have dinner out!

— What?! 

— Louise wants to meet you.