Thrilling day ..

The morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, waking everyone up to another day in the mountains.

After a few minutes of getting ready, they all met downstairs.

The smell of breakfast filled the air as they gathered around the table, chatting and eating.

Lily looked up from her plate, a spark of excitement in her eyes. "So, what should we do today?"

Ava's face lit up. "Let's do something fun and adventurous! How about an amusement park?"

Jake chuckled, shaking his head.

"Are you serious? We're in the mountains. Do you really think there's an amusement park here?"

"Whatever," Ethan chimed in. "There's nothing fun to do around here anyway."

Lily raised an eyebrow. "Guys, come on. We're in the mountains, which means we can go hiking, exploring, diving, or even bungee jumping!"

Noah's eyes widened. "Yeah, that's right! Okay, then let's go bungee jumping."

Ethan's face paled. "Bungee jumping? Are you serious?"

Natalie smirked. "Are you scared?"

Ethan quickly shook his head. "No, I'm not."

Ava clapped her hands. "Okay then, it's decided. Today we're all going bungee jumping."




They reached a was not that High, they bought a rope and tied it with a strong tree...

Noah glanced up at the towering cliffs. "Wow, it looks so high. It might not be that scary, but now I'm regretting my decision."

Lily laughed. "Come on, who's going first?"

"Ava should go first," lily suggested, a teasing glint in her eye.

Ava protested. "Why should I go first?"

"Are you perhaps scared?" Lily teased back.

Ava rolled her eyes. "You shut up or I will…"

"Okay, okay," Noah interjected. "Since you don't want to go first, I won't stop you."

They all laughed, and finally, Noah stepped up. As he prepared to jump, Lily, Ethan, and Jake started chanting and cheering him on.

"Yeah, Noah, you can do it!" Lily shouted.

"Go Noah!" Ethan and Jake echoed.

Noah took a deep breath and looked down. "What the hell are they doing?" he muttered under his breath. Then, louder, he yelled, "Okay, I'm going to jump now!"

With a final deep breath, he leaped off the edge. The adrenaline rushed through him as he plummeted towards the ground before the bungee cord snapped him back up. After a few minutes, he was safely back on solid ground.

"Wow, that was amazing!" Noah exclaimed, a huge grin on his face.

Natalie turned to lily. "I think you should go next."

Chloe's eyes widened. "What?"

"Come on, you can do it!" Ethan encouraged.

Chloe took a deep breath and stepped up. As she prepared to jump, the trainer gave her a reassuring nod. "Okay, you're ready."

She moved forward, her heart pounding. "Damn, this is high."

"Come on, Chloe, you can do it!" Natalie shouted.

"Yeah, you got this!" Lily and Ethan cheered.

With a final burst of courage, Chloe jumped. The sensation of falling was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. After a few moments, she was back on the ground, her legs shaking.

"Wow, Chloe, you were amazing!" Natalie said, helping her up.

"Who's next?" Lily asked, looking around.

"Yeah, Ava, now it's your turn," Noah said with a grin.

"Fine," Ava sighed, stepping up to the edge.

"Show them what you've got!" Lily shouted.

Ava took a deep breath and jumped, her heart racing as she plummeted downwards. The rush was incredible, and as she bounced back up, she couldn't help but laugh. When she landed, everyone clapped and cheered.

"Good job!" Lily said, clapping.

Finally, it was Lily's turn. She stood at the edge, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

"You can do it, Lily!" Ava shouted.

With everyone's encouragement, Lily jumped.

The feeling of falling was both terrifying and thrilling. When she finally landed, she couldn't stop smiling.

"Wow, that was amazing!" she said, breathless.

After a few hours of bungee jumping, they all headed back to the house where they were staying.


Hehe...have fun guys... Before the big showdown....

Huh? You forgot? It's me watcher...


They gathered in the living room, exhausted but happy.

"That was so much fun," Ethan said, stretching out on the couch.

"What's the time?" Lily asked, glancing at her watch.

"8:00 PM. Let's play something."

"I'm going to sing," Jake said, standing up.

"Not so fast, sleepyhead," Lily teased. "Can't you stay with us a bit longer?"

"Fine," Jake grumbled, sitting back down.

"So, what should we play?" Ethan asked.

"How about snake and ladders?" Lily suggested.

"Nooo..." everybody shouted

Then there was a sclient....

Nobody said anything...

All faces on lily...

Then silent broke...

"How about we play Truth or Dare?" Lily suggested once again.

"Great idea!" Ethan said.

Jake rolled his eyes. "What a childish game."

"Shut up and just cooperate,it's better then snake and ladders" Ava said, nudging him.

"Fine," Jake said, with a resigned sigh.


Noooo....don't play this bloody game...

You all are gonna die....





Ahh....'s not a spoiler....

Yeh...not a spoiler...

Fun reading.....

Bye bye....

