
They would feel their skin burning and then their flesh melting, the screams that were coming from inside proved just how much pain that man was feeling, his screams were so loud that it woke up all the people in the surrounding houses. 

Lucian walked back to the car while carrying the remaining petrol in the can, he opened the door and spilled some petrol over the paralyzed man who was still screaming and then connected the petrol to the fuel tank of the car. 

" Good bye, it's nothing personal but I'm just in a bad mood today, no hard feelings. " 

Lucian mumbled, then he lit up the lighter and dropped it over the chest of the man who had a dreadful expression on his face, he could hear the screams of his brother from inside the house, so he kept begging for Lucian to spare him without knowing why this was happening to him.