
Even before the fire of the boar had died down, it had turned into nothing but skin and bones; its majestic body looked like a sculpture.

Lucian then retracted Velm, before the insects would start eating it away.

Finally, the fire died down, and with it gone, the insects began to devour its skin even crazily.

Without any lingering threats, they were actually after its flesh, organs, and bones, but they were going to be disappointed very soon.

He had allowed Velm to absorb all the Fog from the boar's body, since he needed to use Velm quite a lot here.

"The best way to reach the queen bug will be by flying; it is also the fastest. But I wonder if there are any dangers in the sky too, what do you think, Zero?"

Lucian questioned, though his trust in this strange book was plummeting with each passing day.