"The Hierarchy of Magic"?

Arjun sat quietly, still processing Krishna's story about the Veil and the mystical world he had been thrust into. As his shock began to ebb, he couldn't help but notice the grandeur of the room they were in. Intricately carved wooden panels, rich tapestries, and shimmering chandeliers adorned the vast space, making it feel like a palace from a dream.

"Krishna," Arjun began, his voice tinged with curiosity, "do all mages in this world live in such grand houses?"

Krishna chuckled, shaking his head. "No, Arjun. There is inequality even amongst the mages. They are divided into classes based on the amount of magic they can wield. The classes range from KAMZOR, meaning those with low magic power, to SAINIK, those with normal level power. Above them are the KSHATRIYA, with the power of a basic warrior, and the RAJA, wielding the power of a king. The highest rank we acknowledge or till which we can calculate are the MAHARAJA, whose power surpasses that of a king. Each class has five stages, and ascending in rank is extremely rare. But there also comes a category above MAHARAJA , the DIVINE which can't be measured, and there is nothing beyond that, but anyways there hasn't been a DIVINE in centuries. "

Arjun listened intently, absorbing the information. "Is this division genetic?"

"Mostly," Krishna admitted. "People from royal families are generally stronger. The approximate magic level is calculated by the talisman orb every four years, it gives different colors for different classes and its intensity helps acknowledge the level, and in the case of DIVINE the orb becomes completely transparent. But you can measure your powers only after you turn eighteen. For me, the last test in the world was when I was 17. Now that I have turned 21, I will be calculating my power after two days, on the official day for power testing set by the World Magic Association (WMA)."

Arjun's eyes widened. "Your house is pretty grand. Does that mean your father is a king?"

Krishna smiled. "Yes, my dad is the king of Dwarka, a state in this world."

"Is your dad the strongest rank then?" Arjun asked, puzzled.

Krishna shook his head. "There are ranks even above my father. Above kings are emperors who manage all the kingdoms in their country. Then come the overlords who rule over entire continents. At the top is the leading committee of the WMA, whose orders are to be followed by everyone."

Arjun was shocked by the complexity and hierarchy of this magical world. "Why couldn't you sense me, Krishna? You said everyone has an aura."

"Yes, everyone has a particular aura, whether they are a mage or a Normal. A mage can easily sense a Normal's aura since they can't hide it. But somehow, I couldn't sense yours," Krishna said, looking perplexed.

As they were talking, the doors of Krishna's chambers opened on their own. A short guy with an extremely muscular frame entered the room. He exuded a sense of strength and confidence that seemed to fill the space.

"Krishna," the newcomer greeted with a deep, booming voice. "I see you've found an interesting guest.