The Message From WMA

Arjun awoke late the next afternoon, blinking groggily as he emerged from his room. Krishna, already dressed and alert, teased him about sleeping like a log. "You missed half the day, Arjun!" he chuckled, to which Arjun responded with a tired laugh, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. They shared a simple meal, the warmth of friendship easing the last vestiges of drowsiness.

Just as they finished eating, a fluttering sound caught their attention. A pigeon swooped gracefully into the room, dropping a sealed circular letter marked with Hastinapur's official seal. Arjun watched with curiosity as Krishna carefully unsealed it, revealing a message from Bhishma, one of the leaders of the World Magic Association.

"After consulting with the leaders of WMA," Krishna read aloud, his voice steady and clear, "it has been decided that Arjun, possessing magical abilities, may pose a threat to our secrets or to the NORMAL world. He is permitted to learn magic and reside in Hastinapur's GURUKUL under close supervision, pending a selection test. Otherwise, alternative actions will be considered."

Arjun couldn't help but smile broadly, disbelief mingling with excitement. "I... I can study magic here?" he murmured incredulously, his heart pounding with newfound possibilities.

Krishna grinned, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he playfully pinched Arjun's arm. "That's fantastic news, Arjun!" he exclaimed. "Now you can join us at the GURUKUL!"

"In that case," Krishna continued, his tone turning serious yet eager, "let's visit the GURUKUL today. I haven't seen it in person either, and I bet you're dying to explore it."

Arjun nodded eagerly, his mind buzzing with anticipation. He quickly changed into more suitable attire, and together they made their way to a waiting vimaan—a magical flying vehicle. Arjun settled into the vimaan beside Krishna, marveling at how effortlessly it soared through the sky. The bustling city of Hastinapur stretched out below them, a tapestry of winding streets and grand structures bathed in the golden light of the afternoon sun.

As they approached the GURUKUL, Arjun's breath caught in his throat. The sprawling complex seemed like a vision from another world, its architecture blending seamlessly with magical elements—a testament to centuries of mystical knowledge and craftsmanship. Towers rose proudly into the sky, adorned with intricate runes that shimmered faintly with latent magic. Gardens sprawled beneath them, bursting with vibrant, otherworldly flora that seemed to dance in the gentle breeze.

"Welcome to our world, Arjun," Krishna said warmly, his eyes alight with pride. "This is where your journey truly begins."

Together, they embarked on a guided tour of the GURUKUL, each step revealing new wonders and possibilities. They entered the grand library, its shelves overflowing with ancient tomes and scrolls that whispered of forgotten spells and legendary heroes. Arjun traced his fingers over the faded pages, his mind racing with questions and newfound knowledge.

Next, they visited the potions laboratory, where colorful concoctions bubbled and fizzed in large cauldrons. The air was thick with the heady scents of herbs and arcane ingredients, each potion promising a glimpse into the limitless potential of magic. Arjun marveled at the precision and artistry required to master such delicate brews.

In the enchanted forest surrounding the GURUKUL, they encountered creatures of myth and legend—sprites flitting through sun-dappled glades, and wise old tree spirits who watched over the land with ancient wisdom. Arjun's senses were overwhelmed by the beauty and magic that permeated every corner of this mystical realm.

As they concluded their tour, Krishna turned to Arjun with a serious yet encouraging expression. "The selection test for Hastinapur's GURUKUL starts the day after tomorrow," Krishna informed him, his voice filled with confidence. "We should make sure we're fully prepared."

Arjun nodded eagerly, a newfound sense of determination coursing through his veins. He was ready to prove himself worthy!!