The Virgin Princess II

It's been a minute, and the King and Nala are still having their conversation. Emissary Boateng and the two women are outside waiting to hear the king calls in for them.

Princess Nala: Father, I understand you summon my presence. I hope it's nothing too serious.

King: (Takes in a deep breath) My daughter, may the gods be our light and guidance throughout all our endeavours. Something have been drawn to my attention and I thought of having a talk with you about that since it concerns you.

Princess Anala: Father, I am beginning to get too apprehensive.

King: My daughter, all I need to know is the truth and nothing but the truth child.

Princess Nala: (Getting more bewildered by her fathers' words) Sure father. Am just a bit addled to what you are about asking.

King: You have always been that one thing I have always been proud of. I have always been proud that my daughter, the only princess of the Ptolemaic Kingdom will soon be queen just as your grandmother. And you always remind me of her, child. And I have always prayed to the gods to protect you in every course. You are a precious gem in the heart of the Kingdom, and I am bound to believe you'd always protect the honour and dignity of the throne.

Princess Nala: Yes, father. What else could one ask for other than being the only princess to the most noble and wise of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. It has always been and will be my primary chore in protecting the sanctity of this throne and the Kingdom, father. A father like you are what everyone would wish to have.

King: (Looks at his daughter with a smile) You are truly the daughter of your father.

Princess Nala: You have always ensured my safety and happiness. I never had to worry about my security nor the security of our people so long as your reign prolongs. For you are indeed the best to have ever happened to our people.

King: Okay my daughter, I would like to ask you some few questions and I believe you will not lie to me about it.

Princess Nala: Go ahead father. I am keen to be open and truthful in all circumstances.

King: My daughter, I recently realized you have been sneaking out of the place at odd times without your security or personal maids. It has raised some concerns for me.

Princess Nala: Father, where else would I go if not being in the palace. (She calmly answered) I do go out for walks sometimes when I begin to overthink on stuffs.

King: Are you sure you are being truthful about this. You know I am your father, and you can talk to me about anything at all.

Princess Nala: May the gods of our land be angry if I ever lie to…

King: (Sharply interrupts) Do not say that. May the gods forbid. You will never incur the wrath of the gods in anyways. Never call upon the anger of the gods unto yourself. The gods forbid it.

Princess Nala: I'm sorry, father. It will not happen again. (Apologises as she bows down her head)

King: That is okay my child. But as I was saying, sneaking out of the palace at odd hours is beginning to raise an alarm and starting to get the Kingdom talking. I fear for my daughter may be doing something wrong. Something that our tradition and custom do not condone.

Princess Nala: Does it have to do with anything reported to you by the two women outside, Zibo and Amari? (She asks with a big of furiousness)

King: That is not it, child. It is something more concerning.

I do know of the relationship you had with Hakeemi and I never stood in your ways until the arrival of your cousin into the palace. I do know about it all but decided to give it a blind eye. As tradition and custom demands, royal bloods marry royal bloods in order to keep the lineage. That was why I made it a primary matter to win the heart of the prince, your cousin, but in ways that wouldn't unleash the anger of the gods upon us. You know tradition states only male child would be eligible to be heir to the throne and that was the reason why your grandmother, my mother, made the pronouncement of enstooling any male child that might either come from me or from your aunt, the queen of Azurethra, Amanirenas. Fortunately, I had you, and couldn't have a male child to ascend the throne when the time is due, and in respect to your grandmother's pronouncement, is the reason why I sent for Akinidad, your cousin, to be trained about Kingship, so that as he ascends as King you will be by his side as queen.

Princess Nala: Yes, father (With a soft voice)

King: But that does not mean you should engage yourselves in any unusual or uncustomed activities, so as not to dirty the dignity the throne carries.

Princess Nala: (Still answering with her head bowed down) Yes, father.

King: Hakeemi has been in the Kingdom for a while now and your sneaks have been happening right after his return to Carthage. It has been reported that you sneak out of the palace during these odd hours just to go visit him. This has gotten me worried and the reason why I have summoned you. I have begin noticing some unusual changes both in your personality and complexion.

Princess Nala: (Interrupts anxiously) What are you insinuating father.

King: Why the sudden anxiousness. I am only asking to be sure of the welfare of thy child.

Princess Nala: Am sorry father, for interrupting.

King: It has been reported to me that you have been having an unusual appetite for clay and eat almost everything, which is very atypical about you. It has been reported to me that you spit all round the palace very often and shouts at the least of provocations. All these have been my concern child.

Princess Nala: Father, I believe it is just a change in my cycle that is causing all that and nothing else. I know is atypical of me, especially when it comes to food because am usually picky, but it is just a change in cycle.

King: Are you sure it is nothing else other than that? (Asks curiously)

I do believe that changes in cycle might cause you some loss of weight and appetite, gets you moody and all that, but change in complexion?

But I am termed to believe my daughter, the only princess of our Kingdom.

Princess Nala: (Nervously) Believe me father, I would definitely tell you if there was any other thing.

King: The two women out there have shown nothing but concerns, so do not think they are here to complain about you.

Princess Nala: I won't, father.

King: I believe you have not been seeing Hakeemi either. Do not let his presence in the palace turn your minds around. (A long pause)

I am only concerned about your wellbeing and preserving the sanctity of the throne. Do your best and not bring upon us any disgrace or the wrath of the gods.