3. Showdown of the century

Zilong sprinted through the dense forest, adrenaline surging through his veins, propelling him to speeds he had never imagined possible. His heart pounded like a war drum in his chest, each beat echoing the fear and desperation that fueled his flight. The dark canopy overhead allowed only slivers of moonlight to pierce through, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor and making the terrain treacherous.

'Tch, why is this happening to me?'

Branches and underbrush clawed at his clothes and skin, but he barely felt the scratches in his frantic escape. His breath came in ragged gasps, each inhale burning his lungs as he pushed his body beyond its natural limits. He stumbled over roots and rocks, but sheer terror kept him upright and moving forward.

He then looked back.

Behind him, the monstrous pursuer crashed through the forest with a relentless determination, its glowing white eyes locked onto him like beacons of doom. The beast's guttural growls and the sound of its claws tearing through the foliage drove the man onward, the primal instinct to survive overriding all else.

The forest seemed to stretch endlessly before him, each step feeling heavier as his muscles screamed in protest. His vision blurred from the exertion and lack of oxygen, and he could feel the creeping edges of collapse threatening to overtake him. He knew he couldn't maintain this pace much longer; his body was at its breaking point. His legs wobbled, his steps faltered, and he stumbled, barely catching himself before hitting the ground.

With every ounce of strength he had left, he pushed forward, but he could feel his body betraying him, his speed diminishing as exhaustion took its toll. He glanced over his shoulder, eyes wide with panic, only to see the monster gaining on him, its relentless pursuit unyielding. Desperation clawed at his mind as he realized he was running out of time, the darkness closing in around him both physically and metaphorically.

It wasn't long till the monster caught up to him, his remaining teammates long dead and only him was left, well not for long, it abomination swiped it's claws, tearing through Zilong's back, warm blood gushed out of the wound, and the impact of the slash sent Zilong flying through the bushes, only this time those bushes had thorns.

Battered and dying, his vision blurred and turned red due to the blood flowing to his eyes, he then looked back at the abomination.

The monster, towering over six feet tall, cut an even more terrifying figure now that it was covered in blood. Its six muscular arms, each ending in hands with razor-sharp claws, were stained crimson, the blood dripping slowly from the tips of its claws. The creature's glowing white eyes seemed to burn even brighter against the dark forest backdrop, casting an eerie light that reflected off the slick blood coating its body.

Its three horns—two fully intact and one half-broken—were spattered with gore, the dark red contrasting sharply with the pale light of its eyes. The leathery, mottled skin of the beast, already fearsome, was now slick and glistening with fresh blood, adding to its nightmarish appearance.

Its mouth, filled with rows of jagged teeth, was smeared with blood, and when it opened its maw, the low growl that emanated from deep within resonated with a chilling, almost unearthly echo. The blood accentuated the beast's primal ferocity, making its presence even more menacing and otherworldly.

Every movement of the monster was fluid and purposeful, its predatory grace evident even through the thick forest underbrush. The blood on its body marked it as a relentless hunter, a creature of pure malevolence and raw power, leaving no doubt that it was a force to be reckoned with in this dark, unforgiving wilderness.

Zilong was terrified, the pain in his back was getting worse and his vision was slowly slipping.

Then a loud roar echoed throughout the entire forest, then Zilong looked at the source of such a loud roar, and what he saw made his hopes or getting out of there alive instantly crushed.

Emerging from the dense foliage, a lizard the size of a truck made its presence known with a thunderous roar that echoed through the forest. Its scales glistened in the pale moon light, each one as hard and sharp as a blade, forming a natural armor that seemed impenetrable. The creature's eyes, a fierce yellow with slitted pupils, glowed with a predatory intensity, locking onto the blood-covered monster with a lethal focus.

The lizard's massive body moved with surprising agility for its size, muscles rippling beneath its tough exterior as it prepared to strike. Its powerful legs, tipped with razor-sharp claws, dug into the ground, ready to propel it forward in a deadly assault. The lizard's mouth opened to reveal rows of serrated teeth, capable of tearing through flesh and bone with ease, promising a brutal confrontation.

The monster, equally fierce and battle-hardened, turned to face this new adversary, its bloodied claws flexing in anticipation. Its glowing white eyes narrowed, and a guttural growl emanated from deep within its chest, challenging the approaching beast. Zilong held his, breath as these two titanic creatures squared off, each a perfect embodiment of primal ferocity.

With a sudden, explosive burst of speed, the lizard lunged at the monster, jaws snapping shut with a bone-crunching force. The monster dodged to the side, its six arms moving in a blur as it counterattacked, claws raking across the lizard's thick scales, sending sparks flying. The impact reverberated through the forest, a clash of titans that shook the very ground beneath them.

The lizard responded with a swipe of its massive tail, aiming to knock the monster off balance. The tail connected with a thunderous crack, sending the monster staggering but not down. Recovering quickly, the monster leaped onto the lizard's back, its claws digging into the armored scales, seeking a vulnerable spot. The lizard thrashed wildly, trying to dislodge the tenacious creature, its roars of fury mixing with the monster's own snarls.

For every swipe of the monster's claws, the lizard retaliated with its powerful jaws and tail, each attack a test of strength and endurance. Blood and scales flew, the forest around them becoming a chaotic battlefield. The moonlight reflected off their writhing forms, casting grotesque shadows that danced in the darkness.

As the battle raged on, it became a relentless struggle for dominance, each creature pushing the other to their limits. The monster, with its relentless savagery, and the lizard, with its brute strength and unyielding ferocity, seemed evenly matched. The outcome hung in the balance, a testament to the raw power and primal instincts driving these fearsome beasts.