6. Immortal saint

Zilong approached the ominous pagoda with a mix of determination and trepidation. Each step felt heavier as he drew closer to the towering structure, its immense presence pressing down on him like a physical weight. The air around him seemed to thrum with dark energy, making his skin prickle with unease.

As he neared the base of the pagoda, Zilong noticed the statues that surrounded it. These statues, carved from the same black metal as the pagoda itself, depicted monstrous creatures and enigmatic figures, each one exuding a menacing aura. Their eyes, seemingly alive with a malevolent light, appeared to follow him as he moved.

With each glance he cast at the statues, Zilong could feel their gaze in return. It was as if they were aware of his presence, silently observing his every move. Their eyes, glowing faintly, flickered in his direction, creating the unsettling illusion that the statues were almost sentient.

Despite the unnerving sensation, Zilong pressed on. The closer he got, the more palpable the energy emanating from the pagoda became. It pulsed rhythmically, sending waves of dark power coursing through the ground beneath his feet. He could feel this energy resonating with the crystal embedded within the lizard monster he had encountered earlier, linking the two in a web of mystery and power.

Each step towards the pagoda was a battle against the growing sense of dread. Yet, Zilong's newly heightened senses allowed him to perceive the intricate patterns and symbols etched into the black metal, symbols that hinted at the ancient and formidable forces at play. The statues, ever watchful, seemed to acknowledge his resolve, their glances a silent challenge to his courage.

With every step, Zilong steeled himself for the unknown, his eyes fixed on the looming pagoda, determined to uncover the secrets hidden within its dark and ominous walls.

Zilong didn't know why, but he felt drawn to this place.

As he stepped through the entrance of the pagoda, the oppressive atmosphere intensified. The dark, smooth walls of the interior seemed to close in around him, pulsating with the same eerie energy that emanated from the building's exterior. The air inside was thick and heavy, almost tangible, making each breath a laborious effort.

The moment Zilong entered, his eyes were drawn to a figure seated at the far end of the vast chamber. This figure, exuding an aura of overwhelming power, sat in a lotus position atop an altar, its presence dominating the space. Despite the human posture, there was something otherworldly about it. The being radiated an ominous beauty that was both captivating and terrifying.

Its eyes were closed, and for a moment, Zilong dared to hope that it had not noticed his intrusion. But then, slowly and deliberately, the figure opened its eyes and fixed its gaze upon him. The impact was immediate and overwhelming. A wave of invisible pressure crashed over Zilong, driving him to his knees. His body trembled uncontrollably, unable to withstand the sheer force of the being's presence.

The eyes of the figure bore into Zilong, dark and piercing, filled with an ancient and unfathomable wisdom. They seemed to see through him, stripping away all pretense and leaving him utterly exposed. The intensity of the gaze made Zilong shudder, a primal fear gripping his heart. It was as if the very essence of dread had taken form and was staring directly at him.

Desperate to escape, Zilong tried to move, but his body refused to obey. The invisible pressure held him in place, pinning him to the ground. His mind raced, panic setting in as he realized the gravity of his mistake. Regret flooded through him, a deep, consuming regret for ever having dared to open the door of the pagoda.

Every instinct screamed at him to flee, but he was paralyzed by the presence of the being before him. The chamber, once merely ominous, now felt like a trap, a place where the boundaries between fear and reality blurred. Zilong's breath came in short, ragged gasps as he struggled against the invisible bonds that held him.

In that moment, Zilong understood the true nature of terror. He was utterly powerless, a mere mortal before a being of unimaginable power and dark majesty. His mind was a tumult of fear and regret, knowing that he had ventured into a realm far beyond his understanding and control.

"What is this?", those three words, although simple released a powerful aura around that made the air ripple, a testament to this being's incredulous strength.

Zilongs body tensed, fear written all over his pale face, the figure decended and walked towards him, each step sounded like doom and the eerie smell of death seemed to permeant the air.

Zilong struggled but was finally able to raise his head to see what the deity like being looked like.

The being before Zilong was a towering figure, standing at an imposing ten feet tall. Its body was covered in dark, iridescent scales that shimmered subtly in the dim light of the pagoda's interior, each scale reflecting a spectrum of sinister colors. The scales provided an almost impenetrable armor, hinting at the creature's formidable strength and resilience.

Its limbs were a blend of human and feline, with powerful, muscular thighs tapering down to digitigrade feet reminiscent of a great cat. These hind limbs allowed it a posture of both grace and latent power, ready to spring into lethal action at any moment. The creature's claws glowed with a menacing purple light, sharp and deadly, exuding an aura of raw energy that pulsed in sync with the dark currents of the pagoda.

A long, sinuous tail extended from the base of its spine, ending in a sharp, sword-like appendage. The tail swayed slowly behind the creature, the blade at its tip gleaming with an ominous light, suggesting a precision and lethality that could strike without warning.

But it was the eyes that held Zilong captive. The creature's eyes glowed with an intense purple radiance, their depths swirling with ancient, unfathomable power. They were large, almond-shaped, and set deep within the creature's scaled face. As these eyes locked onto Zilong, he felt as if the very core of his being was being scrutinized.

The purple glow within the eyes was not just light, but a manifestation of the creature's immense power and malevolence. The glow pulsed rhythmically, almost hypnotically, drawing Zilong's gaze and holding it captive. Within those eyes, he saw galaxies of chaos and void, an endless expanse of darkness that promised nothing but doom.

The killing intent radiating from the creature was palpable. It was a cold, suffocating presence that wrapped around Zilong, squeezing the air from his lungs and freezing him in place. The creature's gaze conveyed a promise of inevitable death, a certainty that any defiance or attempt to escape would be met with swift and brutal retribution.

Every instinct within Zilong screamed to flee, yet his body remained rooted to the spot, immobilized by the sheer force of the creature's malevolent will. The air crackled with tension, and the oppressive energy seemed to grow denser, pressing down on him with a weight that made even breathing a struggle. In that moment, Zilong knew that he was in the presence of a being far beyond his understanding, a creature of pure, unadulterated power and terror.

Emerging from the creature's back were a pair of massive black wings, folded neatly against its body but still exuding an aura of dark majesty. Each wing was covered in the same iridescent scales that adorned the rest of its body, but these scales were larger, more pronounced, and seemed to absorb the dim light of the pagoda even more completely.

The wings were structured like those of a bat, with long, skeletal fingers supporting a thin, membranous layer. When they occasionally shifted or twitched, the membrane caught the light in such a way that it revealed intricate, vein-like patterns running through it, giving the impression that they were alive with their own dark energy.

The wings themselves were a striking contrast to the creature's otherwise grounded, muscular form, adding an element of eerie, almost supernatural elegance. Despite their formidable appearance, the wings had a certain grace, hinting at the creature's ability to move with silent, predatory speed and agility.

When fully extended, the wings would easily span over twenty feet, capable of enveloping the entire chamber in their shadow. The edges of the wings were lined with razor-sharp, hardened scales, turning them into additional weapons at the creature's disposal.

As the creature fixed its piercing purple gaze on Zilong, the wings unfurled slightly, creating a rustling sound that echoed ominously throughout the pagoda. The movement sent a ripple of dark energy through the air, intensifying the oppressive atmosphere and reinforcing the creature's dominance.

The presence of the wings added to the overall impression of the being as an apex predator, a master of both ground and sky, capable of overwhelming power and lethal grace. The combination of the black, scaled wings, the glowing claws, the sword-like tail, and the malevolent purple eyes made the creature a living embodiment of dread and destruction.