18. kings decree

Zilong spent the day doing almost nothing, Zilong, now revitalized and transformed, felt a new sense of purpose and curiosity as he stepped out of the hut and into the village. Liora accompanied him, guiding him through the narrow, winding paths between the modest houses made of wood and straw. The village was picturesque, with vibrant flowers and lush greenery adding color to the rustic surroundings.

'this place is really nice, I wonder if this place is actually real', indeed.. that was a strange question, this was a dungeon after all, were the inhabitants actually real creatures... I mean people?.

Despite the beauty of the village, Zilong couldn't help but notice the tension in the air. The villagers went about their daily routines, but there was a subtle fear hidden in their eyes. Mothers clutched their children a little tighter, men cast wary glances at the horizon, and whispered conversations halted as he and Liora approached. It was clear that something weighed heavily on their minds.

"Zilong...Zilong..", 'what?' he was lost in thought.. the village seemed lively everyone was happy, so why did he feel this way, as if this people were under constant pressure, he snapped out of it and focused on the beautiful sceneries shown by Liora.

As they walked, Liora pointed out various points of interest—the communal well, the marketplace, and the small shrine dedicated to their local deity. Zilong listened attentively, taking in every detail, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the village's anxiety than met the eye.

Their tour was interrupted when a messenger arrived, urgently calling for Liora. The village head wanted to see her. Liora's face tightened with concern, but she nodded and led Zilong to the village center. There, she was ushered into a large building, leaving Zilong to wait outside.

Zilong, curious and sensing the gravity of the situation, positioned himself near the door and strained to listen. The voices inside were muffled, but he could make out snippets of the conversation. Words like "king's chariot," "main kingdom," and "harem" reached his ears, causing his heart to race with a mix of concern and indignation.

After what felt like an eternity, Liora emerged from the building, her face pale and her expression defeated. Zilong approached her immediately, worry etched on his features. "Liora, what's going on? What did they say?"

Liora took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting the weight of the news she was about to share. "The village head received word that a chariot from the king is coming. They're coming to take me to the main kingdom," she explained, her voice trembling. "The king wants to make me aid his son in war style Zenith Ascension."

Zilong felt a surge of anger and protectiveness. "How can they do this? Can't we refuse?".., indeed Zilong knew what was war style Zenith Ascension...from the deity's memory of course, this was the act of stimulating the user bodies with the spouse, making them one with their partner.., well also know as sexual intercourse.

Liora shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "It's the king's decree. Refusal would bring great suffering upon the village. We have no choice."

Zilong clenched his fists, his mind racing as he considered their options. "There has to be another way," he said, his voice became calm and he spoke with elegance once again, "..can't the king choose another person?..", he said his eyes flashing with a glint of hope.

"Yes he can, but it's my duty as the village heads daughter to take this responsibility", this explains a lot of things... Well just one, this is the way of dictatorship the strong decieds and the weak endures.

He was in a dilemma, was he going to try and prevent it from happening, or is he going to just let the king take her, she is just a nobody, and basically if she got carried away Zilong would still be save, and besides he just met her three days ago.., surelynthree days isnt enough for a person to start risking his life and if he died the painful realization that no one would even remember him.

"Well...I won't allow them to take you, never", Zilong said with a relaxed expression on his face, but however..

'wait that came out wrong.. what is this dammed feeling!, is it pity no conviction.. no, Zilong didn't know why but he wasn't going to give up at least without a fight.

Liora looked at him with a mixture of hope and fear. "Zilong, you don't understand the power they wield. The king's men are formidable, and they will not hesitate to use force."

Zilong's dark blue eyes burned with resolve. "I understand the risk, but I can't stand by and do nothing. You've shown me kindness and helped me when I needed it most. Now it's my turn to help you."

'fuck I'm definitely going to die..'

Liora placed a hand on his arm, her touch light but filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Zilong. Your courage means more to me than you know. But please, be careful. The safety of the entire village is at stake."

'wow.., not only will I fail miserablely I will also embarrass myself in front of so many people, Zilong imagined a scenario where by he stood before the king men, but before he was able to utter a word they would cut him to pieces.. or break him to pieces.

Zilong nodded, his mind already formulating a plan. He would not let Liora be taken away against her will, and he would do everything in his power to protect her and the village. The hidden fears in the villagers' eyes had given him a glimpse of the oppression they lived under, and he was determined to change their fate.


Well a few days passed and Zilong spent all those time cultivating. The Elysium essence flowed into the weaves that made up his body making them stronger and more resilient, the universe around him brightened, and suddenly exploded with raging energy and then he opened he eyes.

'wow, this feeling of breaking through is really amazing.