2. You killed her

"You must be kidding me. I would never think of you as a betrayer after everything you've done for me. I'd be unfilial thinking of doing that." I retorted dispelling any odd thoughts Melissa had about me.

"That is great!" There was a sigh of relief in her voice and she stood up, going to the noisy corner to make a phone call. I watched her as her lips moved and wondered what she was talking about that seemed so serious.

Buzz, Buzz!

While I leaned back on the chair, I heard my phone vibrating in my purse. I reached for it, clicking on the new incoming message; it was from Alex.

'Baby, I won't be back till another week, there is still a lot to settle here in California. I didn't think it would be so tedious here. I hope you understand?'

I stared at the message, my breath hitching after reading the whole message. My bubbling mood worsened as I sniffed in, drawing her to my miserable self.

He was always busy!

For a whole month, he was busy!

I didn't want to think too much so I shut down my phone, and closed my eyes, tears threatening to fall down. Didn't Melissa promise me that the child would draw Alex and I closer?

Why did it feel that it took us even more apart? He was either on a business trip, or not in the mood to see me.

I quickly dried my tears as I saw Melissa make her way back to the spot. I sat upright, seeing that her mood had completely changed after her return. She sat down back and asked again.

"Are you sure you trust me?" I blinked my eyes, utterly confused. Was this some kind of joke? Why did she seem to ask this more often?

"I trust you Sister. I have always trusted you." I answered, beating my full chest. Who else would I trust if not my own blood sister that has been through thick and twists with me? 

"Is it too overwhelming for you that I am leaving? Don't think too much about it. Alex would take good care of me, I can assure you on his behalf." I spoke, even though I was not certain that Alex would do such a thing. 

Melissa rolled her eyes, and stacked the document into the file jacket, shoving it into her purse. She rose from the chair and sent me a stern look.

"Finish your drink and let us leave this place."

"Why? My flight doesn't arrive until an hour later. The cab I hired won't also be arriving till next fifteen minutes. I swear I told you this when we came here." I blinked my eyes in confusion. 

"Didn't you say you trusted me? If you did, you wouldn't be opposing my words. Pack up, we are leaving now." She sounded so irritated that I dared to counter her words. 

Instantly I stopped in my tracks, looking at her with suspicion. There was literally something wrong! I just knew it.

"I said be fucking fast!" She yelled, her eyes constantly at the door and then at her phone. The approaching siren noise was what I heard next from the outside. I looked through the window, to see police cars parked outside. "Leave your things, let us go!"

"Why are there sirens? Did something happen?"

"Yes! I got a call that Jeraldine's family is holding you responsible for their daughter's death. Your fingerprints were found on the knife. They are here to arrest you!"

"What?!" Finally, I understood the gravity of the situation. I gripped to my stuff and followed Melissa through the backdoor. She seemed to know the clubhouse better than anyone else as she navigated through every corner with caution.

"Enter the car..." She said, hovering to the passenger door handle, she flinged my handbag onto the chair, and pointed into the car. 

"But we didn't come with this car. What is going on and why aren't you explaining anything to me?" I added, the tension of the situation jerked at me. And as I was about to talk, she pushed me into the car, slamming the car door without hesitation.

I winced in pain, adjusting on the car seat. My face full of frowns. It was either she told me where we were going or things wouldn't feel too funny again! 

"Where are we going?" I wasn't smiling anymore.

"Can you just shut up?!" She roared, obviously not happy with the questions I was asking her. I kept quiet, wailing silently in the backseat. "Whatever you do, don't pick any calls. I am here for you. I will take you somewhere to hide off until the case dies down."

"But I am innocent. I didn't kill anyone! Why wouldn't you allow me to prove it?" I stared, anger surging beneath me.

This was utterly ridiculous! As much as I tried to be the obedient, supportive younger sister, her actions presently weren't making much of a sense.

"What proof do you have? Your fingerprints were spotted on the knife she was killed with. You really disappointed me, Rachel! I told you to settle things calmly and you took it too far when you stabbed her!"

"I did what?" I laughed uncontrollably, my anger getting the best of me. I couldn't understand where all these accusations were coming from.

Yes I hated Jeraldine to core be that as it may be, I wouldn't lay a finger on harming someone let alone murdering one!

Unbelievably, I glared at Melissa, my fingers forming a fist. This was the first time she said something cold to me. Where was the sister who promised she'd stick with me through the negativity of life?

"Stop playing dumb! The police know it is you. If not you, who would kill Jeraldine? You were the only one who despised her in the friend circle. Everyone is a witness! Who knows if you had snuck into her house and killed her or hired an assassin!"

"ENOUGH!" I yelled with all my might, tears falling down from my eyes. Sniffing in, I stabbed myself remembering that I still had a child in me, and I had to be cautious.

I threw my gaze out of the window, noticing the unfamiliar environment Melissa was driving towards. My instinct kicked in knowing she was up to no good!

"Stop the car! I want to get down!" I banged on the glass window and Melissa ignored, stepping on the brakes with full force.

Due to the force, my back hit the seat with might, my lower body aching in pain. I placed my hand below the belly bump, silencing the pain building up within my lower legs. 

"Didn't you hear me, Melissa, Stop this car!" I roared, my veins popping on my forehead. She responded to none of my words, and kept on driving.

I was fed up and reached into my purse, pulling out my phone to dial for help. From Stella, to Cartelle to Jasmine, I dialed everyone's number but none picked up.

I was frustrated and at the same time scared, as I couldn't tell why Melissa had suddenly changed into a vicious wolf. As I was about to keep my phone in my bag, I caught hold of something.

"Blood…" Lo and behold, the trickling drops of blood slipped down from my fingers to my wrist. I gulped in, pushing my right hand underneath my gown. I pulled it out a few seconds later only to see my whole fist covered in blood.

"Melissa, the baby, the baby…It hurts so much!" I said, clutching tighter to my stomach. The pain intensified vehemently, and my vision began to blur. "Melissa...Me..Li..ssa," With my last strength, I cried out, falling unconscious.


 My eyelids fluttered open, disoriented to see myself in a dimly lit room. I was puzzled attempting to recall what had happened after I passed out. 

As I tried to move, a strong tug caused pain, restricting my movement. I reached for my right hand, trying to shake off the dizziness. 

And when I couldn't move it, I knew something was wrong. I tried to move my other hand but felt a strong, painful tug, as if something was holding me back.

 I tried to get my brain working, yet it appeared to be dulling at the crucial moment. Whatever reason I was chained up here, I knew it wasn't for a good reason! 

"Melissa, Melissa..." I called out, my head pounding in pain. "Remember how you got here, Rachel," I urged, noticing something amiss. The room was turning smoky, all coming from one direction- behind me. 

I sniffed in, noticing that the entire atmosphere had a tingling sensation of exposed gasoline. 

"Gas? Fire!" 

My brain jolted me back to reality. I became very alarmed and my eyes widened. I struggled faster, despite the pain it brought as the small fire lit up near the corner behind me.

I could smell it, I could feel the heat! The fire was definitely real, I yelled internally, struggling to free myself.

"Get me out of here. Anyone, help! Please..." I didn't know when I began to cry. 

Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing Melissa and a stern-faced man in a lab coat.

"Sister," I called out to her and unfortunately for me, the glare she returned back to me didn't seem like a friendly one. She pulled closer to me, my heart pounding in my chest as Melissa stopped in front of me.

I reached out to her for help, b

ut she forcefully pushed my hand away, her words silencing any protest.

"Don't ever call me that, you rascal,"