Fighting For Life

I saw a creature that was a manifestation of pure malevolence and untamed power, a monstrous fusion of dark sorcery and primal ferocity. Its fur was an abyssal black, absorbing all light and exuding an aura of dread, with streaks of deep crimson that seemed to pulse and flow like living veins. Its muscular form moved with lethal grace, each sinew and tendon promising devastating force. The creature's eyes were twin embers of molten gold, burning with fierce, ancient intelligence and cold, calculating malice. Staring into them was like peering into the very depths of the abyss, a gaze that chilled the soul and instilled a profound sense of terror.

Its fangs were long, wickedly curved, and gleamed with a sinister luminescence, tipped with a venom that promised excruciating agony and madness. Its claws, forged from an otherworldly metal, were lethally sharp, capable of slicing through the strongest materials with ease. When it roared, the sound was a harrowing blend of a thunderous growl and a spectral wail, a primordial scream that reverberated through the air and froze the blood of anyone who heard it. The creature's presence alone was enough to extinguish hope, leaving only despair and darkness in its wake. It moved with supernatural stealth, capable of manipulating shadows to cloak itself or create terrifying illusions, embodying the essence of fear and death.

With a high power he bounced towards me I tried to dodge but


He scratched my wrist when he came to ground I ran towards him and with halfnof my might i punched it's ribcage


A boom sound came from punch and he closed his eyes and he disappeared i thoutht I killed him and he disappeared because I don't know when I was thinking about it i didn't let my guard down

He suddenly jumped on from thin air and scratched my fingers


I was shocked but I didn't fall behind and I kicked his abdomen he coughed up blood

I didn't stop and punched his face he fell to the ground and again I tried to kick him but this time he dodged and tried to bite my leg and he succeeded I fell on the ground


I groaned in pain

He tried to bite my neck but I dodged and kicked his head with all my might

And he died

{Mortis has killed a Shadowfang}

{1/100% of Infernia understanding}

{Mortis has gained access to Shadow demension}

{Mortis has gained F tear regeneration}

{Mortis is now immune to F tear venom}

I didn't see the notification in my head and fell unconscious and after probably 2 hours i regained my conscious and after I awake I saw my body was fully recovered

And I saw notification in my head

{Mortis has killed a Shadowfang}

{1/100% of Infernia understanding}

Mortis has gained secret technique ABSORBTION}

{Mortis has gained access to Shadow demension}

{Mortis has gained F tear regeneration}

{Mortis is now immune to F tear venom}

*Shadowfang is the creatures name ok and I also understand the understanding but I didn't understand the shadow demension and the F tear regen thing and the secret technique ABSORBTION* hmm why I gained absorbtion i thought

{Because Mortis has killed a being under 2 hours} system explained

*You can talk* I said with a shocked expression

*Yeah* system said in my mind


i sighed and said *yeah*

*You are right life is full of mystery*

*No life is not full of mystery it's just you cannot see anything* system said in my mind


And after that I fell asleep

When I open my eye I was in front of a real cosmic horror his eyes are dark as universe itself his face was distorted his body was made of pure black and cracks all over his body in those cracks I can see some purple light in his upper body and red light in his lower body

And the place was full darkness and in the back of that cosmic horror I can see stars and galaxies with colours of red blue and some purple

And when I look down i can't see anything because it seems like we are moving with a high speed

*Hello friend My name is Arceus*He said with a terrafing deep voice

I was too shocked to say anything

*Bye*he said with a small smile

Cracks formed in that place and after some time the place got broken like glass

I opened my eyes again and in front of me was the same Shadowfang*another one let's go*

I charged at the Shadowfang

He tried to bite me but I dodged and kicked off his legs he fell to the ground and vanished

But I can see that he is in my shadow so I tried to punch

my shadow

but he came out of my shadow and scratched my fingers

I jumped back and he charged towards me

I started running and he started chasing and

we reached far from my previous location

I slowed my speed because my stamina was over he catched up to me

I turned back and hit his head with all my might and

He died

I started breathing heavily.

After some time I returned to my normal state

{Mortis has gained molten ember eyes}

{Do he wish to equip it}

*of course* I said with a very happy smile

Suddenly my vision went dark and soon after good 5 minutes it came back

And when I opened my eyes I cannot see world in colours or shapes but in the form of energy

I can see very powerful energies

Very far from me and some small and decent energy near me

And when I walked a few steps and looked back I can see me standing there in mist form and and small energy coming from me when I was about to touch it it disappeared in thin air