A psychopath

I wasted no time and vanished and appeared behind his back and stabbed him in the back of his neck

*System I am going to bed* Mortis said with very tired tone and voice

*Hey darling wake up you have enough slept * a very beautiful women said to her lover maybe

*Hmm where am I * a boy said who looked like he had just woken up from sleep said

*oh you woke up*the girl said to the boy with a happy smile

*yeah* the boy said with also a happy smile

*anyway today is the day*the girl said with a serious face

*what *Boom*

* The boy said with a confused look in his face

*the experiment day *the girl said with a obvious face

{Mortis has gained crystal lance}

{Mortis has gained Creation

Mortis can create cosmic lance and crystal lance}

{Mortis has gained humanoid crystal dragon form}

{Oh you woke up} the system said to mortis

*system how many understanding do I have * Mortis said with a serious face

{Mortis has 20% understanding of this planet}

*huh only that * Mortis said with a shocked face

"Yeah" system said in an obvious tone

*and what is humanoid dragon from and Creation*Mortis said with curious face

"You gained crystal lance from dragon "said said with bored tone

*and why are you are bored*Mortis asked

"Because you are asking the obvious "the system said with same as before tone

"And Creation can create anything it has from thin air * system explained

*ok so now I can create ANYTING from thin air*Mortis said with surprised look

"No "system said

*why *Mortis said with a fake smile because he want to shout to system that why didn't you fu—ng tell me everything but he cannot say that because it's system you know

"Because Creation can only be used for things you have absorbed like crystal lance and whatever" system said

*ok so let's practice my lances*Mortis said with curious eyes


*System I done enough lets go inside there*Mortis said

The there is referred to the crack in the ground which is deep and huge and maybe goes to the core of the planet

*are you sure Mortis * system said with a bit of hesitation

*Of course I have lances which can maybe handle the heat of the core of this planet and the meal man like body also*mortis said with normal face

"Metal man? "System said with questioned tone

*oh you don't know * Mortis said with a bit of hesitation

*it means a man's body made of metal* Mortis explained

*and let's not waste any time and go *Mortis said with a serious expression

After saying this Mortis jumped into the crack

After two hours

When he reached the ground he saw a place very different from above and that left him shocked

A battle field where shadow fangs, dragons, Tiger with three head and a big wolfs were fighting against HUMAN literal humans

But something felt different from them they have very much more energies then normal human should have

And they are killing the creatures but everyone of the was not strong and the one who was not strong are dying

I waited for them to kill the monsters because I don't want to interfere in their fight because I just practiced without sleeping for two month but the system said I don't need to sleep for a month If I want to so I just practiced and practiced

Cough back to the topic

After two hours

*lets go system *Mortis said with a exited and curious look and tone

"Mmm" system said normally

*hey see maybe he is the final boss *a man said with feared eyes

Because he thought Mortis is a monster which he is but jokes aside

Mortis's aura was very powerful because he has killed many many beasts like shadow fang and dragon and after his two months training even system couldn't count the number of beast Mortis has killed

*Let's end this * saying this the other man just ran towards with speed of a cheetah

But for Mortis it was very slow so he just summoned his crystal lance under one second and throwed it in the direction of the man because Mortis didn't care if it was his past self then he will started running but not now after all he is a monster now and

*boom *

Sonic boom sound came from the speed of the lance and in the next second the man's head was rolling behind his body like a soccer ball had been kicked

*M-- mo—monster* the other man said with full of fear

*C—call a rank 7 and say it's an emergency *another man spluttered a bit and said

*ye- yeah*another man spluttered

*And we will buy time for them to appear by fighting this monster * another man shouted with fear

After that a man ran like a prey running from predator

And other man started running towards Mortis

About fifteen men are running towards Mortis

But Mortis started laughing


And after that mortis started walking

Everything went slow for him one by one he started cutting their legs, hands, and stomach

With only bare hand and after five minutes which was around fifty milliseconds for them mortis was sitting on the corpse of a dragon with a big psychopathic smile like a demon has found a herd of weak humans and suddenly




Many screams were heard in that dark place and the place was filled with smell of blood and blood drop every ware