
Mortis put on a smile and froze there

*what should I say MASTER*mortis asked Arceus and saying master little slowly

*huh*Arceus who was trying to sleep woke up from mortise's question

*Hmm I think you should say vacation*Arceus said after thinking for a bit

*and why should I*Mortis asked in surprised because he had thought that Arceus is the thing that never rests

*what, huh so stupid just say I want vacation and a place to live for about a year*Arceus said in a disappointing tone

*ok master *said Mortis

Rank one who was staring at Mortis realized that he was acting wrongly and thought

I should get some rest

*I want a vacation and a home for about a year *mortis said with the same sweet smile

*why*rank one asked in surprise, anyone would be because he had requested or ordered a home for a year and people need home to live so he was going to live with them for a year

*what why, I want a home to live and vacation to relax * mortis said and acted like frustrated to make things quick

*Mmm I will arrange everything in a week*rank one said with a little fear because he saw mortis frustrated and he didn't wanted to fight for another round

*and before that where do I live*mortis said with a sweet

Rank one who was in a stupor after seeing the sweet smile in mortise's face for the first time

His woke up from his stupor when he heard what mortis has said

*huh, umm I mean you will live where you lived before *rank one said with a bit of hesitation

*umm ok*mortis just nodded


After ten minutes rank one and his full team was in their headquarter

What have I done am I a ga- no I can't be I have to clear my mind rank one thought after remembering the moment when he was looking at mortise's sweet smile

*what have you both have talked about *rank six a man with a big sword asked rank one

*oh he wanted a vacation and a house to live for a year*rank one said after listening what rank six has asked

*Hmm so what do you said *rank six again asked rank one

*I said I will arrange it in a week *rank one said and looked at the expression of everyone

And the expression were not good everyone's expression was like they had tasted a sourest thing in the world

*really*the boy with a spear asked

*you think I would joke about things like this *rank one asked with a sweet smile that was giving a killing vibe

Last time I saw him like this was when the monsters were about to enter the city and after that day our training increased by thirty percent

*go and rest I will see you all tomorrow *rank one said with a sweet smile

*ye- yes *they all agreed with a bit of splutter

*and she is also coming in a week *rank third a women with I pad and pink hair said

*how do you know*rank one said with a displeased look

*through a phone*rank three stated the obvious

*Uhh so much headache at only a few days *rank one complained to himself

*what are you all waiting for disappear before I make you*rank one said with a normal face

And everyone disappeared

Little did they all knew Mortis was listening to all of them from rank one's shadow and thinking who is she

And why is rank one is so frustrated after listening to her name

*forget it I have no work to do with women*Mortis said and got back to sleep

*that's my stupid student *Arceus appreciated mortis in his was of appreciating


And mortis rested for about a week in rank one's shadow

And only thing he saw was work like a dog and sleep like a sloth and eat like an elephant

Everyday rank one woke up at eight am get fresh and ready eats a lot of food like an elephant and go to his office- headquarter and then work like a dog everytime doing something not even a break for a minute and came to home at six pm and sleep immediately not even dinner like a sloth

*your house is ready you can go now *rank one said with a sweet smile

*Mmm is there are slave- workers in the house*Mortis asked because he has gained a habit to live alone after these years

*yes*Rank one stated the obvious

*I only want a chef and a maid or butler whatever and after that not a single person

*Mmm I will arrange that in a minute *rank one said

And took out his phone from his pocket and started to talk to someone and after a minute

*by the what is your name *rank one asked with a bit of curiosity

*Its Mortis *Mortis said with a casual face

*Mmm, it's your house is done you have to leave now*rank one said with the same sweet smile

*Mmm*Mortis said and he was about to leave but turned around and asked

*can I get the location of the house*Mortis said with a gentlemanly smile

But this time rank one didn't fall for the handsome face and said *I will send a car with you *

*which one *Mortis asked curiously because he has never used a car before

*a Rolls Royce *rank one said with a proud smile

*oh I don't want that I want a Lamborghini a McLaren and a Ferrari *Mortis said excitedly

*do you really want all of them*Rank one asked with a surprise

*I mean yeah I am serious *Mortis said with energetic tone

*ok I will arrange that also but for now use the Rolls Royce *rank one said

*Mmm *Mortis nodded and headed to the elevator and pressed the elevator button and after a minute reached the ground floor and started walking slowly to the exit

People were talking about him but he didn't care and headed to the car and