The Phenomenon

Chapter 100 The Phenomenon Dahdin surveyed the area, searching for spots unilluminated by the light's rays. He carefully examined the space. While preparing for the impending battle, he hoped the light would weaken the power of the strange Phenomenon. As he waited, he reviewed his plans, testing his abilities within the space before engaging in combat. Dahdin attempted to use his power of nature manipulation, but for some reason, it failed in this environment. Perhaps the strange Phenomenon had consumed the force of nature itself. Knowing that he couldn't rely on his powers left Dahdin feeling disadvantaged. However, he was confident in his physical strength and believed that with the assistance of the light, he could combat the Phenomenon. Still, he continued to train in the space, viewing it as an opportunity to refine his fighting skills. Dahdin felt he had relied too heavily on his magic, so he used the situation to practice his melee combat. Dahdin began training by envisioning an imaginary target. Swiping his claws at phantom targets, he focused on precision and speed, channeling his focus into those movements. While doing so, he chained those movements with dodges, twisting his body and turning in the air. He repeated this action several times before switching to attacking with his hind legs while defending with his front legs. After practicing various methods of attacking and defending against threats, he noticed in his peripheral vision that the hole was closing. Dahdin prepared himself to face the Phenomenon, tamping down his fear. His body felt normal—nothing out of the ordinary other than its feeling—just ordinary. Strangely, he felt no fatigue in his mind or body. As a precaution, he moved to the brightest spot in the space and patiently waited for the Phenomenon to emerge from the hole to confront him directly. When the Phenomenon emerged from the hole, its form left Dahdin at a loss. Upon seeing its form, Dahdin reassessed the thing he feared. Now aware of the Phenomenon's true nature, Dahdin adjusted his strategy to accommodate this new knowledge. Dahdin prepared himself to confront the mist by readying up his body. Once it entered his range of attack, determination could be seen in his eyes as he lunged forward, putting all his strength into the movement. Despite its intangible appearance, Dahdin could feel its form against him. His kick pushed the mist back by a few meters, with the rest of its mass remaining closely connected.