Chapter 2: The Luckiest, Unluckiest Child

 Normally the day of the child being born is the happiest day for his parents who finally will have the little treasure that they had been invigorated for about a year or more.


Yet, the moment this kid was born, the faces of his parents were indeed happy, but not because he was born, but due to the phenomena he caused, and the treasured body he had.


Since both of his parents were existences beyond what normal people, and normal cultivators, or even what big sects would imagine, he was bound to be a Dragon among men.


The fact that he was born with Heavenly Yang Body, and even more so with Immortal Meridians, and the Devil Yang Tool made the whole things even more credible.


It seemed like this would be his great life, but everything changed the next moment, as his good father immediately turned his hand into a claw and delved it deep into his body.


He didn't waste time, and soon pulled out his claw alongside two out of the three great treasures that his son had, the Heavenly Yang Constitution, and his Devil Yang Tool.


After that, he threw the baby to his mother, and said in an unconcerned tone,


"Take it, now he is yours!"


One would think that at least his mother would take pity or love on him and help him from there, right!?


Well, that was wrong!


Extremely wrong!


Not only didn't this woman help him, but she turned her own hand into a claw as she delved it into his body once again, as she pulled out the last treasure his body had.


With that the Immortal Meridians he had were gone as well. The poor kid was the luckiest upon birth, but turned to the unluckiest one immediately in a few moments.


As if robbing him of whatever he had wasn't enough, his mother threw him to one of her maids, and then she said,


"Make him gone!"


There was no compassion, no love, no pity, nothing. She just wanted the kid gone.


The only luck the kid had was that the maid was a new one, and she didn't have any idea what her Mistress had requested so she brought the kid to this No.12 Flower Petal City.


Of course, she thought that her Mistress just wanted the kid out of her sight but to live a good life, so she brought him to the biggest Clan in this No.12 Flower Petal City.


At the time, the Yang Clan was certainly a power to be frightened with as it was the time their Ancestor was vying to become a Yang Vice Sect Master.


With that done, she returned to her Mistress to report on the duty, only to get the scolding of a lifetime.


The Mistress had wanted the kid to disappear from the face of living, but while she considered the situation, she suddenly changed thought and then made a move herself.


Going to the Yang Clan, she told them to raise the kid as their own, and treat him in the worst way possible.


Of course, that was with the intention of making him reveal any cards that he might have left, as a person with a body full of treasures, wouldn't have a lack of luck.


With those thoughts in mind, she also sent the Maid that brought him here to observe on him, she could only return if she had a good report, or if he died.


Her plan was foolproof, and no one could deny it.


What she didn't know though was that while she was having the Yang Family make an inner-Demon oath, a war was being wagged within the poor kids Soul Sea.


Another soul had appeared in there, a soul that didn't seem to belong to this world, a soul coming from a different dimension and timeline.


The soul seemed to be thrilled about the experience screaming how this was his moment to shine, the moment to show his otaku experience.


He was screaming about beauties, cultivation, harem, and dominating the world, as he didn't even put the soul of the little baby into his eyes.


What happened next though completely wiped out the thoughts of happiness from the poor otaku's soul avatar face.


Just when he thought that this would be his chance in life, the soul of the little baby that was supposed to be close to extinguished started to burn in flames.


It wasn't just the Soul Avatar of the little baby, that seemed to have been just the spark that actually turned the whole Soul Sea into an inferno of flames.


Everything within the Soul Sea was covered in flames, and that was the case even for the poor otaku who thought that he had just gotten the ticket of his lifetime.


Inferno Soul was one of the biggest gifts and treasures that a cultivator could get, as they would be able to burn through any obstacles in cultivation.


Whatever heart demon appeared, or whatever cultivation block appeared on their path, it would be burned, and the path would be cleared.


Of course, everything depended on the development of the Inferno Soul, but not one person, not one cultivator with such a Soul had ever been an average one.


The only problem with such a divine treasure was that the Inferno Soul would never show up unless the person that had it didn't go through 'Death' once.


While the two repetitive claws of his parents had actually forced Yang Trash into a life and death situation, it wasn't total death.


The true death danger had arrived from the occupation of his soul from the bastard otaku, who had almost wiped him out from existence.


Just like that, a great transmigration story had been completely wiped out, and the lucky unluckiest Yang Trash managed to survive.


Even more unexpectedly he managed to get the memories of the otaku from his previous world and they kind of became part of himself.


So while the otaku had been wiped out, the 'otakuness' was still within him. And that wasn't even the weirdest part.


As the activation of the Inferno Soul from this young age, actually made the little boy save in his memory everything that had happened from the moment he was born.


Unfortunately, the information he got from the 'otaku' and from the early awakening of his Inferno Soul were too much for the poor young soul, so it had no other choice but to go in comatose sleep.


Meaning that he was able to only perform normal interactions and nothing else. Forget about cultivation, he would only be able to eat, drink, sleep, and follow normal orders.


That was also the reason why his behaviour was the same as his name during these 18 years that had gone through.


Well, today would be the 18th year, because today was Yang Trash's birthday, and also the day that his soul finally matured enough and woke up.


Well, the truth was that his soul had awakened in the morning, but it took a bit of time for all the information of these 18 years to be processed, and he finally had the opportunity to act.


Once that opportunity showed itself, Yang Trash didn't waste his time, and immediately used the broom on his hand to actually pierce the behinds of the Young Master Yang.


Of course, if he did just that he was definitely going to die the next moment as the opponent was actually a cultivator at the 7th level of Body Tempering.


While he himself was just an ordinary person, someone that hadn't been able to train or cultivate even for a single day.


Which brought the matter to the margins of the great details he had taken from this morning.


Even though the new information was being processed, Yang Trash had already processed and made his all the information of the 'otaku' that had tried to take his body.


With that information available, he had been able to find some herbs that could actually help him create poisons, and most importantly anaesthetics.


Meaning that the moment he took action was already decided in stone that his opponent would fall.


After all, the toilets were the best place where one could hide odours of poisons, as nobody would be thinking or would want to smell in there.


The poor Young Master Yang had no idea that he was being targeted from the very beginning, and this was supposed to be the worst day of his life.


Before he could make a sound, he had already been injured and detained, so there was no escape for him.


Of course, as much as Yang Trash would want to deal with the whole of Yang Family immediately, he couldn't.


That was because he didn't have the strength or the method to deal with the situation.


So, he had no other option but to continue with the next step of his plan, as he quickly tied up and threw Young Master in the dump hole.


Not before taking everything out of his pockets though.


At the same time, he continued with his work as normal, until it was time for him to continue to his room.


Of course, after going home and turning off the lights he didn't went to sleep as he got outside, and then sent a letter to the clan.


In this day and age, and especially in this continent, there were no letters, at least there was no mail service to deliver the letter.


For that reason, he had to use one of the coins he got from Young Master Yang to hire a beggar to do the job.


As the next morning the Yang Mansion was in upheaval…