Chapter 4: Smoke Show

With those thoughts in mind, the guard at the door didn't waste time as he requested the other guard to cover for him and immediately went inside.


Knowing the place to the palm of his hand, the guard immediately made his way towards Fairy Hua's room.


The moment that Yang Trash opened the door to enter inside, he pushed the guy in with a dangerous smile on his face, and entered the room.


"What is going on here!?"


Fairy Hua was nothing but a chubby woman with good curves but with a really loose reputation, she was the cheapest within the house.


At the same time, she was the one with the most experience and the one that was guaranteed to give a good show.


Even Yang Trash himself couldn't believe his luck when he saw this guy enter inside, as this would make his whole story even more believable.


But while Fairy Hua seemed displeased, the guard looked at her with a perverted smile and said,


"This trash paid to spend some time with you, don't tell me that you would prefer him over someone like me!


It's good that you aren't at a loss either as he is paying!"


Looking at the trash in front of her and then looking at the guard, Fairy Hua didn't need to think twice about it, but she couldn't let the bastard take advantage only either, as she said,


"Very well, but I want double the price!"




"If you don't, I can just call the others and tell what you are trying to do! I am sure you know the consequences, right!?"





The guard couldn't help but curse within his heart at the foxy nature of the bi*tch in front of him, but he wasn't losing anything either, the trash had already paid double.


"Here, take it!

They gave me this for you!"


Just at this time, the trash gave a bag to the surprised Fairy Hua while he handed over the pouch to her.


The guard couldn't understand what was going on either at first, but he next thought that this was a pouch with money, so he immediately grabbed it from Yang Trash's hand.


"Now, now, you shouldn't play around with such treasures kid! You did a good job of bringing them over, that's for sure!"


The poor guard had no idea that his words sounded like guilt acceptance words in front of the Elders of the Yang Family, who couldn't bear any longer.


"Despicable trash bastard, tell us where the Young Master is, otherwise you are going to die a terrible death!"


It was the Second Elder of the Yang Clan, this guy wasn't really happy with the way the matter had been handled, as he didn't want the Yang Family's cultivation method to be given to a stranger.


For that reason, he had come forward and revealed himself, the moment that he felt that the guard had accepted the responsibility.


The guard couldn't even register properly in his mind how this old man appeared in front of him, or who he was, and what was he doing here.


Even less understanding his words, his meaning, and how to answer, so he could just stay there shocked trying to process everything.


First thought was that the old man was a guardian of the trash within the room, but that didn't seem like something believable.


After all, the whole city and the whole world knew that Yang Trash was the most pathetic waste of the Yang Family. There was no way he had a protector.


But if it wasn't that, then who was this old man, and more importantly what did he want by asking that question?


It was at this time he was reminded of the letter they had received a couple of moments ago, and once he came to this realization he started screaming,


"The Yangs' are attacking!



The Second Elder was startled by the sudden reaction of the opponent, but those actions just made him feel like he was right on the money.


Unfortunately, before he could take action, the whole room was suddenly covered in smoke, and he wasn't able to make what was in front of him anymore.


It was a smoke show, no one was able to see anything for a few moments, before they recomposed themselves and started using their Soul Senses.


That momentary lapse though was all the guard needed to run out of the room, and call louder for help.


At the same time, Fairy Hua had disappeared from the room as well, as she thought that her identity might have been compromised for real, and she was going to get killed.


The Second Elder was pissed off from the tricks of the opponent, so his reasoning was lost at that moment, as he immediately jumped in pursuit of the guard.


The rest of the Elders were unhappy with the way things were going but they had no other option but to act as well.


The guard seemed like the only trustable lead they had, so they couldn't allow him to escape any longer.


The moment they started acting though, was the moment that the guards of the brothel started acting as well, so in but a few seconds a battle started.


The Elders of the Yang Family naturally had the advantage on this case, as they all had better cultivation, and more experience as the guards of the brothel.


Even the Owner of the Ecstasy Brothel House, was nothing more but a normal 3rd level Foundation Establishment Realm expert.


While even the weakest of Elders of the Yang Clan was a 2nd level Foundation Establishment Realm expert.


One had to understand that 50% or to be more accurate 8 elders of the Yang Clan had been dispatched this time, and their overall power was a headache even for the main clans.


Not to mention such an establishment that was nothing but a money generator for the Luo Family.


But of course, things wouldn't be that easy for the Yang Family either, as the Owner of the Brothel House, had already requested help from the main Clan.


All this while, everyone had completely forgotten about the trash of the Yang Family, who was cowering on a corner of the room.


He looked just like a scaredy cat trying to hide from the predators, as he had a feeling that someone was watching over him.


He couldn't feel anyone, yet he had a feeling that he was being watched, and he knew he couldn't neglect that sixth sense.


Meanwhile the Maid herself was extremely conflicted at the moment, seeing that he was cowering like a frightened rat she couldn't help but despise him even more.


As a matter of fact, she wanted to kill this bastard and be done with it, but thinking that her Mistress might have other plans for him she didn't do it.


At the same time, outside the reinforcements of the Luo Clan had arrived and the whole situation had reached a stalemate.


The Yang Clan Elders had managed to wipe out more than 80% of the Brothel House, but they hadn't been able to capture their target, who was now covered by the reinforcements.


"You Luo Clan bastards finally couldn't bear it, and had to drop so fu*cking low in order to get our cultivation manual from us!


You truly have opened this old man's eyes today!"



What fu*cking nonsense are you spitting old man!?

Have you gone senile in old age!?"


While the Yang Family seemed to have everything laid out for them, the Luo Clan people had no fu*cking idea what was going on.


"Huh!? Me!?


You fu*ckers kidnapped our Young Master, requested our cultivation manual as ransom, and now you fu*cking call me a lunatic!


Good! Good! Good!


Well, this senile old man makes an oath to his heart demons that either you or I live past tonight!"


"Motherfu*cker, do you think I am afraid of you!? I just don't fu*cking understand what the fu*ck you are saying, but if it's a battle to death that you seek, then I will fu*cking accept gladly!"


At this time, quite a few independent experts, and people from smaller clans and families had appeared.


So a crowd had been gathered listening to the whole matter, and they were puzzled as well.


The old things of the Yang Clan understood that they needed to have the masses on their side, so the old man immediately said,



You don't know what the fu*ck I am talking about, then why don't you let the bastard close to you reveal what he has within his pouch!"


The Yang Clan Elder's words made the middle-aged man leading the Luo Clan reinforcements puzzled for a moment, as he still couldn't understand what was going on.


Still, he grabbed the pouch from the hands of the guard that the Elder of the Yang Clan had pointed, and took a look inside, only to be fu*cking startled, and stupefied.




This was the Yang Family Cultivation Manual, something that his Luo Family was dreaming of getting their hands into.


If he brought this to his own Patriarch, then he was guaranteed to become an Elder and get massive resources.


Now that it was on his hands there was no way in hell he was giving that thing back.



Are we Luo Clan going to control our servants just because you Yang Clan are incapable of protecting your treasures!?


There is no way in hell I am going to allow this to happen bastards, so you better clean your neck and let me kill you in one piece…