Chapter 6: Punishment Cave


With the thoughts of how to scene his own death, one week passed for Yang Trash and the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect.


The only change of his daily routine was that the cuckold bastard would come every once in a while, to release his anger and stress on him.


Whether he liked it or not, Yang Trash had to bear with the current treatment he got.


After all, if he made a move, he would raise eyebrows and doubts on those watching over him.


He had already gone away with it once in the matter of Young Master Yang, but that was a one-time exception.


If stuff like that happened repeatedly, then he was bound to attract attention, and with how weak he currently was, attracting attention was the same as signing his own death.


For that reason, taking a beating without making a sound was a must, so he could just clench his teeth and wait for his opportunity.


It was during one of those 'beating' sessions that he got valuable information from the cuckold bastard, the Punishment Cave.


It was one of the forbidden grounds of the Sect, as there were thrown all those that had done atrocities in the sect.


That place would be great for him to die, and then be 'reborn' but for sure wouldn't be simple and smooth for him.



First of all, how would he get inside the Punishment Cave, and secondly how could he have that expert watching over him think he was dead and never look for him again.


Well, the first part was difficult because for the second part he didn't think much, after all the experts had managed to enter the Sect without any trouble whatsoever.


She was bound to be able on easily confirming his life and death if she wanted to. For that reason, he had to make some preparations one more time.


He had to induce himself into a full 'death' stance, no vitality or heartbeat should happen on the scene of his death.


With those thoughts in mind, he started looking for herbs that would help him in preparing some medicine as per the 'otaku's' memories.


It was difficult for him to be able to find all the herbs needed for such medicines, especially since the naming system was different in this dimension, but he didn't get disheartened.


Quite on the contrary he started looking at the herbs and materials even more, as they were a great temporary assistance for him.


Especially knowing that some of these compounds would actually help him kill experts blocking his path, or trap experts that would be needed for his cultivation.


It took another 2 months for him to finally prepare the medicine he needed, before he started looking around for a reason or way to enter the Punishment Cave.


He couldn't think of anything to be honest, any action he took out of ordinary would take the attention of the person watching over him, and everything less would just earn him a beating.


Just like that, once again Yang Trash started waiting for his opportunity, that came only around a month after.


The cuckold bastard was clearly angry and agitated, as he was followed by an average looking young girl that was pleading with him.


"Please Father, I didn't mean to do it!

It was the Vice Sect Master that urged me to do it!

Please help me, I don't want to get punished!"


"I know it was the Vice Sect Master who requested you, but how could you be so stupid as to leave traces behind!

Stupid girl!


What do you expect me to do!?

Where the fu*ck would I be able to find a scapegoat for you!?"


It was clear that the Cuckold bastard was extremely pissed off with his daughter, as she had been found to be the thief behind the stealing of the sect's Yin cultivation manual.


Just as he said up to there though, his eyes landed on the target of his stress and anger, and he finally thought he had found the scapegoat he needed.


Yang Trash understood the intentions behind the cuckold bastard's look, but he didn't even try to hide as that was exactly what he needed.


This would help him start the plan of his death, and it would be the breaking point he needed. With this he would finally be free.



It didn't take longer than half an hour for the enforcement team of the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect to show up and detain him to throw him inside the Punishment Cave.


Of course, to make matters more believable, the cuckold bastard had left the stolen cultivation manual with him for a few minutes, as he looked at it absent minded.


When the Enforcement Hall people came, they seemed to have caught the guy in flagrance, so there wasn't even a need for a trial or gathering proof.


They had immediately sent him to the darkest and creepiest cell in the Punishment Cave.


Those guys understood that he wasn't the one at fault as well, as Yang Trash was a normal person without even a day of cultivation.


Not to mention that no one had seen him get out of the Vice Sect Masters Horse Cave, so it was even more impossible.


Still, he had been picked up as the scapegoat, and none of them wanted to get drawn with him, so they could only show 'justified' anger and resolve.


The Punishment Cave was just like the rumours described, it was a place filled with negativity, Yin Qi, and most importantly with remaining souls.


The moment one passed the threshold to this place, they would be able to smell the aura and stinky smell of death and decomposing corpses.


That was right, the sect never brought out or cleaned the corpses from this place, in fact they were using those corpses to create Yin Qi.


This was certainly not a 'nice' thing to do, but no one actually cared about thieves, liars, and murderous bastards.


So, nobody voiced out any objection to the treatment that these souls got into this Punishment Cave.


There were rumours that once one entered the Punishment Cave, they would never be able to get out of this place.


Well, Yang Trash would be brought to the outside the other day, no matter what he had to make an 'appearance' to his trial and get his judgement.


It would most probably be a punishment of torturous death, something that he might not even imagine right now.


Too bad that it was going to be their loss, as he intended to 'die' today.


Thinking up to here, he couldn't help but crackle a sick laugh as he thought just how useless the trial tomorrow would turn out to be.


There was a chance that the Vice Sect Master would send someone to teach him what to say tomorrow, in case he didn't want to die a horrible death.


As if saying what he would be taught would bring him an easier death. But knowing how trash and gullible he was, no one would think he would go out of scenario.


Well, Yang Trash wasn't in the mood to deal with such bastards either, as he immediately took the first ball of medicine that stunk and then laid down on the floor.


It looked like he had given up on life, which made his overseer extremely happy. With how things were she didn't need to wait for much longer, soon she would be free.


As if to confirm her thoughts and hopes the insides of the Punishment Cave became even icier than before as some wandering souls started moving around.


Most of them were wandering souls, people with regrets that in the spur of the moment of their death had managed to strengthen their soul enough to stay in this world.


The moment that Yang Trash noticed these souls, she felt that his heartbeat started going cold, and finally stopping.


It seemed like the trash had taken his last breath a moment ago upon noticing these souls, it was either that or one of those souls was trying to take over his body.


Either way, the original soul, Yang Trash was bound to disappear from existence, so she couldn't help but get excited.


Of course, she didn't leave immediately as she stayed behind for a full minute to check on his body, just to make sure he had died, and then she left.


She didn't return her head back. She would never do that, in fear that in some strange turn of events and he was alive, she would be forced to stay behind still.


She finally had such an opportunity, there was no way in fu*cking hell she wouldn't get advantage of it.



While the overseer left, Yang Trash was left inside the Punishment Cave of the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect, and there were two new guests on his Soul Sea.


The two Souls were extremely close to losing their 'self' as the Yin Qi was slowly corroding their conscience despite making their current forms stronger.


The Yin Qi was turning the two of them into mindless ghosts, and while they wanted strength, the most important was not losing their 'self' and 'existence'.


With those thoughts in mind, the two of them were just looking for targets to possess.


It wasn't like they hadn't seen for anyone else, but each and every one of those that were trapped in this Punishment Cave weren't people they could mess up with.


Not every Tom, Dick, and Harry would be sent to this Punishment Cave, well with the exception of Yang Trash, who had the shittiest of lucks…