Chapter 9: Information On The Sect

I imposed quite a few restrictions on the Punishment Group, as I couldn't allow these four bastards to die, as they would be my link to the outside world.


I had no intention of leaving this Punishment Cave in the short-term future.


Firstly, because I had no idea what awaited me out there, and secondly because I didn't have an identity I could use out there.


Jumping blindly to the outside world, would make the most idiotic person in existence, especially considering my previous life experiences.


While I had grown stronger, I wasn't so full of myself as to think of this Yin-Yang Prairie Sect as my own backyard.


With those thoughts in mind, the Punishment Group wasn't allowed to kill the four bastards, or leave heavy injuries that would make the people outside suspicious.


While it was allowed to have the four bastards fall a level or two in cultivation, they needed to have sufficient strength to stand up and do the tasks assigned.


The restrictions made the Punishment Group work slow, but they finally reached quite a few interesting ideas, that were put to action.


The four bastards had to use their own cut D's as dildos to play with each other, eat each other's excrements, and even wipe my cell with their tongues.


My hatred towards them had yet to be dissolved, but it was more than enough for the moment, so we postponed other actions, and I sent them outside.


Their instructions were simple and easy this time, as I just told them to buy food, a lot of it, and buy as many herbs as possible and pills they could with all the money I and they had.


Of course, the money of my slaves was my money as well, and there was no reason for me not to use their money.


After all, I wasn't the only one who was extremely hungry, each and every one of new slaves was hungry as well.


At the same time, I requested them to gather some special materials as well, materials that would help me created some technological weapons from Earth.


Well, I do call them technological weapons from Earth they are in fact nothing more but a gunpowder and bombs.


In a world where people can use their inner energy instead of fabricated weapons those weapons are a temporary help, they aren't permanent strength like inner energy is.


Well, to me personally, perhaps affected by the thought process of that 'otaku' that is some utter bullshit.


Aren't berserk pills, formations, or even talismans the same shit, or artefacts as well. Those are external help that one can use to kill their enemy.


Well, gunpower and bombs are the same shit. Especially when a normal bomb that he could create had the same power meters as the full power attack of a True Yang Realm expert.


Imagine just through 2, 5, 10, or even 100 of them at the enemy, who would fu*cking dare to approach him.


As for the smoke bombs they were even better, as they would cause a disarray in the sensory perception of the enemy.


Especially when it was a smoke bomb with a terrible smell, if taken by surprise it would throw an enemy totally off guard, he could kill the guy like killing a chicken.



While his slaves had gone to do their tasks, I was laying down on the floor of this Punishment Cave and thinking about the information I had gathered regarding the Sect I was.


While this Yin-Yang Prairie Sect was thought as something big in the cultivation world, at least for the City where I grew up, in fact it was nothing of that sort.


The strongest Experts in this Sect were in the later Stages of the Yang/Yin Connection Realm.


There was a chance of a Yang King or Yin Queen Realm Ancestor to be there, but even he wouldn't be higher than the first levels of the Realm.


Considering how many more normally known cultivation Realms there were, this strength was nothing but average, or even below average.


Which clearly meant that in this planet, or even in the continent the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect was nothing but average at best, there were many more stronger powers out there.


Still to the current me, even this Yin-Yang Prairie Sect was a great danger that I wouldn't dare face lightly.


These thoughts just fuelled the desire to get stronger, the desire to be unfettered in this world. To punish all those bastards that caused me trouble, and to do whatever I wanted.


Getting back to my previous thoughts, I couldn't help but start thinking about the structure of the sect.


Apparently, the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect had a Sect Master that was missing, the Matriarch that was the equivalent of the Sect Master, and 2 Vice Sect Master, and 2 Vice Matriarchs.


Beside the 6 of them, there were also 69 Inner Elders, 139 Outer Elders, and 267 Deacons, and a few tens of thousands of disciples.


There were 2 Grand Elders called the Yin-Yang Barrier of the sect, and those Ancestors that might or might not have died.


All Deacons had a cultivation level of the early levels of Foundation Establishment, the Outer Court Elders had a cultivation of later stage of Foundation Establishment.


The Inner Court Elders had a cultivation of the early stages of Yin/Yang Connection Realm, and the Masters or above had a cultivation of the late stage of the same Realm.


The Empire where the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect was located was called the Dragon Empire, and it had 9 more similar powers to the Sect.


There were 1 Imperial Clan, 2 Royal Clans, 3 Cults, and 4 Sects.


The Imperial Clan was the Long Clan and was the hegemon of the Empire, while the 2 Royal Clans were the Shang Clan, and Li Clan.


As for the Cults there was the Devil Cult, Demonic Path, and Devouring Cult, while the Sects were Azure Sword Sect, True Fire Sect, Medicine Valley, and of course Yin-Yang Prairie Sect.


The strength of these powers was almost the same, and despite their conflicting views on the path of cultivation, they still kept a balance in interaction.


There was always friction among them, especially between the Sects and Cults, as the Sects considered themselves as the White Path, while the Cults were the Dark Path.


Still, neither side dared to go too far in their actions, fearing that they would become the starting point of a big war or conflict.


After all, no matter what, there were still 2 Royal Clans, and one Imperial Clan that were dying to see them kill each other on the side, ready to put them under control.


While all this seemed as more information than I needed right now, it was still good. There was a good adage on the 'otaku's' memories,


"Know yourself, know your enemy, and you will be undefeated in 1000 battles!"


Still, I had no intention of going out there and fighting all these powers, I had neither the strength, nor the energy.


Not to mention that why would I need to tire myself out, when these guys would fight each other with just a little push.



It took those useless bastards more than 2 days to complete all my requests, but at least they had done a good job.


They had brought all the food that I had required, and also all the materials I needed.


In fact, they were even able to find me information regarding some of the materials I needed to forge my missing 'tools'.


As a great and generous leader that I was, I immediately called for a big banquet for the whole Punishment Cave, in order to fill the bellies of my slaves.


The entertainment was provided from the 4 bastards that had caused suffering to everyone within the Punishment Cave.


Everything was nice and dandy up to here, but soon a big problem crept up, now that they had their bellies filled these bastards wanted to cultivate.


Or to be clearer these motherfu*ckers wanted to double cultivate within the Punishment Cave, while I as their Master couldn't.


This was a fu*cking heresy from these motherfu*ckers, something that I would never permit to them.


It was a good thing that this happened now, as this gave me a reason and an idea on the structuring of this Punishment Cave of mine.


While they were all my slaves, it didn't mean that I was going to treat them all the same.


For that reason, I quickly made spread my next orders that made the male population look at me in hate, fear, and rebellion, while the ladies in complex expressions.


My orders!?


Simple, all the male population of the Punishment Cave would cut their own D's become Eunuch's and cultivate an improved version of the Heavenly Yang Manual.


The female population of the Punishment Cave would be given a chance to become part of my Devilish Dual Cultivation Palace, or be used as cultivation cauldrons for myself.


Was this fair!?


Not even a dumb fu*ck would think it was fair, but I never claimed to be a fair person.


I was, am, and will always be a fucking selfish bastard, that would have the whole World play according to my tune.


Those male cultivators were unhappy, rebellious, or even hated me, I couldn't fu*cking care less.


The ladies had complicated thoughts and expressions, as they looked down on me since I didn't have a D at the moment, well they would fu*cking get soon.


I had no intention of creating a fair world, or asking for justice.




I fu*cking wanted everyone to obey me and play by my rules…