Chapter 11: The Bait Has Arrived & News


The incentive turned out to be a great idea, as just the next day, the 3 bastards brought more than 10 female disciples at the Punishment Cave.


Some of them were brought through promised benefits and some of them were brought through 'punishment' for their crimes.


The second day, there were 30 female disciples brought to the Punishment Cave, but this time it wasn't just the work of those three bastards but also the new female slaves.


These beauties had spread the word that the 3 bastards were upholding their end of the agreement, and delivered on what they said they would.


Those words removed the doubts from many more female disciples, so they couldn't help but fall for the scheme.


The third day the number reached a massive 114 which went beyond my expectations, and I couldn't help but ask them to lower their efforts.


After all, it wouldn't be a good idea to attract a lot of attention towards the Punishment Cave, even though the ones who had attracted all the attention were the 4 bastards.


These guys had made a name within the Sect as new rich disciples, who upheld justice against the female population of the Sect, making the beauties have complicated thoughts.


Of course, beside the increased number of the enslaved disciples, my finances saw a great increase as well.


After all, my slave's possession was my possession, and with the new numbers I managed to gather a considerate amount of wealth.


At the same time, through different ways and paths I managed to release a few of my slaves into the outside world.


I made sure to order them to leave the sect and gather in small groups in the cities around and start preparing to take over those cities.


Of course, I strictly forbid them to take action without my order, no matter what happened.


I could afford to lose a slave, but I couldn't afford to alert the enemy of my existence.


Everything was going nicely and smoothly, until I finally realised a problem, a big problem I would say.


After the number of my slaves reached the 300 hundred, I started to slowly lose Soul Power too quickly.


I would get tired, I would get angry to easily, once I was even close to losing control, and once that happened all my slaves would turn against me.


No, no, this couldn't be allowed to happen, no matter what!


With those thoughts in mind, I immediately ordered my slaves to stop recruiting, while making sure I cleaned my backyard a little bit.


There were a few fu*ckers in the male population within the Punishment Cave that couldn't stop themselves from cursing and insulting me all the time.


These bastards apparently had been living too good recently, so my cleaning served as a wakeup call to all these bastards as well.


They had to remember at all times that I was their Master, not their Leader. I had their lives on my fingertips, and if I wasn't satisfied with their work, I could take their lives at any moment.


At the same time, the slaves outside couldn't be left to gather dust either, so I quickly ordered them to create a guild within the Sect all together, and start taking missions outside of the Sect.


Of course, one of the main requirements was to not allow any male disciple to join their guild, and to not have any interaction with a male disciple as well.


This would help them create the feeling of a guild of proud swans, while at the same time I could be assured that they wouldn't have any interaction with another man but me.


Call me narrow-minded, selfish, egotistical, I don't care. I agree actually I am all of them, but as long as my punch is stronger than yours then better fuck off.


If one comes to question me and my character, I wouldn't mind killing one, and if many come and do the same, I wouldn't mind killing many as well.


This was a dog eats dog world!


Of course, it wasn't a surprise that all the rewards of their hard work came to me, while I just enjoyed my days in cultivating my soul within the Punishment Cave.


As a matter of fact, the only thing remaining that made this place resemble the old one, was its name.


Because the inside had been turned into a true palace, the whole place had been cleaned up and decorated.


Each and every cell had been upgraded and furnished with comfortable beds and utilities.


We even had night illumination pearls in here, that made the whole place look no different from a luxurious Cultivation Cave.


While the current Punishment Cave couldn't be compared to the building of the Inner Elders and those above them, it wasn't worse than an Outer Court Elder's residence either.


Not to mention that I had also changed the layout of the Punishment Cave, my cell had been destroyed alongside the one in front of it, and their adjacent ones as well.


Now there was one big cell at the end, belonging to myself, with a big and wide bed that could easily accommodate 30 people.


The whole place was illuminated with Night Illumination Pearls, and sides of the room were covered in crystals of different colours.


That was done with the intention of turning my room into a cultivation paradise.


After that, the cells next to mine were for female residents only, and while their conditions weren't similar to mine, they weren't that worse off either.


It wasn't like I didn't think of requesting their services and company in my room, but that would be useless.


The current me could only get excited and agitated, but not do anything at all. Of course, I could pleasure them with my fingers, and tongue, but why would I?


There was no deep affection with them, and they weren't worthy either, they were my slaves, they should pleasure me not the other way around.


So, all I could do right now was hope that I would be able to gather those materials I needed as soon as possible.


The moment I was able to cultivate properly I would surely breakthrough in my soul cultivation Realm as well, because I could feel that my lack of tools was my current Inner Demon.


Of course, I could use my Inferno Soul to burn that Inner Demon, but I wasn't totally sure what kind of direction my Soul Avatar would take after that.


So, right now I had to clench my teeth and wait.



Heaven truly rewards the patient, as not even 2 months from the creation of the Swans Guild, I received information that they had found 3 stalks of Immortal Grass.


This was a magnificent news for me, but that wasn't all, there was also news that at least two Yang Flowers would be put for sale in the next Auction of the Treasure Pavilion.


Treasure Pavilion was the greatest Chamber of Commerce in the Dragon Empire, having a monopoly on all the high-quality herbs, pills, and artefacts.


Their origins were extremely mysterious, and no one dared to offend them, as the last one to have done so had disappeared alongside every blood related person within the Empire.


I didn't dare to attack and steal the Yang Flowers either, but at the same time I had no intention of purchasing them in an Auction.


After all, wouldn't the efforts of the 4 bastards go to waste in all their previous dealings with the Treasure Pavilion?


Of course, despite all that the Treasure Pavilion wasn't going to provide me with those Yang Flowers without being able to provide something of similar quality.


 So, I decided to give them something that not only would secure me the Yang Flowers, but would also make them take the initiative in cooperating with me.


The answer was pretty simple, pill recipes. Among all the Elders of the Yin-Yang Sect Prairie, and coupled with the medical knowledge of the 'otaku' I had created quite a few pill recipes.


Exactly, I had created them.


If I just offered to the Treasure Pavilion some normal pill recipes, no matter how high their quality was I wouldn't be able to attract their attention.


But once I showed them these newly created recipes that they had never even heard, I could become that hidden Master expert of the 4 bastards.


Truly the Treasure Pavilion didn't disappoint me, not only did they provide me with 4 Yang Flowers, but they even promised to buy all the current and next recipes at 2 times the market price.


This was certainly good news, but now that I had collected two out of three needed materials, I wasn't bothered with small wealth.


No, I wanted and needed to get my hands on a substantial wealth, that would allow me to get more than 20 pounds of Purple Divine Crystal.



This is so infuriating, I had gathered two of the most impossible to find materials and couldn't get my hands on the most common one.

Fu*ck my luck!"


Just as I was cursing and insulting my luck, another piece of news reached me two weeks after.


The Crown Prince of the Dragon Empire had been infatuated with the Core Disciple of the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect, the personal Disciple of the Matriarch.


Not caring how the outside world viewed him, and his actions, he had publicly announced that he would be coming to the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect to propose marriage.


I didn't really care about the love story, or his audacity in look for women in my territory…