Chapter 14: The Crown Prince Reached The Sect


Those bastards managed to show up at the fucking right time, and make a move. It was just so fu*cking iconic.


Not even a dumbfu*ck would believe that they just arrived in there, most probably they had been waiting there for a fu*cking long time.


They had decided to show on the moment that it made them look best, and sell a fu*cking favour to the Crown Prince and the Imperial Family, completely fu*cking my plans.


I wanted nothing less but to destroy their fu*cking bodies, and torture them for as long as they were able to hold on.


Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about it!


To make matters worse, those bastards had actually turned all the attackers to dust, so they hadn't been able to leave proof of what or who they were.


Not that it mattered, as the first two groups had already served the purpose. At worst, one of those three powers would escape responsibility, but it didn't really matter.



I am pissed!'


But what the fu*ck can I do, my luck is just this shitty, sometimes it throws a big gift my way, and just when I think this is my chance, it fu*cking takes it away.



If I don't make those bastards bleed wishing to die but not being able to, then I will cut my fu*cking throat myself!

Where you expecting something like this to happen!?'



No fu*cking chance!

My plan hadn't failed, quite on the opposite my plan had succeeded and extremely so!"


In order to understand the situation better, one had to go back at the second attack that the Crown Prince's group suffered.


The backup plan group had actually set up a trap for the Crown Prince's group on their path, and place where the trap was activated, alongside two or three more spots was planted with bombs.


Meaning that the second attack didn't happen only from the attackers hitting at the Crown Prince's group and the Imperial Tutor but also from the three bomb spots.


With this four-pronged attack, the Imperial Tutor had no other option but fully concentrate on protecting the Crown Prince.


Which left the rest of the group at the mercy of my 'bombers'!


At this moment, and this situation, I ordered the first and second True Yang Realm experts to enter the battlefield, and actually plant a slave seal on the Crown Prince's guards and women.


This motherfu*cker was actually coming to propose marriage in the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect while being accompanied by his Wife and Concubine.


Once the matter was done, I just had one of the two True Yang Realm experts jump towards the Imperial Tutor and explode itself, while the other escaped again.


The self-explosion of a True Yang Realm expert was no joke, and even the almighty Imperial Tutor had no other option but to get injured, which pissed him off.


Not wanting to be left in the dark all time, the Imperial Tutor immediately jumped in pursuit of the True Yang Realm expert that had ran away, leaving the poor Crown Prince alone.


At that moment, five members of the backup to the backup group had appeared from below ground, and attacked the Crown Prince's group again.


The medicine that I had used to fake my own death could only be considered as a heavenly medicine in this place, as it was able to block all signs of life.


It wasn't like the Crown Prince was completely useless, as he was actually a True Yang Realm expert himself, not to mention the many protections treasures he had.


But the target of those 5 wasn't just the Crown Prince, but his Wife and his Concubine as well.


Forcing the Crown Prince to actually move in front of them, to protect them from the sudden attack.


How could he allow his women to die just like that? Not to mention that it would cause a big ruckus with the two Royal Clans.


Yes, both his women were from the direct lineage of the two Royal Clans, even though they were just his 2ndWife and his 1st Concubine, they still couldn't die.


So, despite the sudden attack once again, the Crown Prince was more than capable of defending his own life, until the Imperial Tutor turned back.


The Imperial Tutor was no joke either, he hadn't even left the scene for 10 seconds when he returned, understanding that this had been a trap.


Still, seeing that the Crown Prince would be able to defend his own life and his women he was relieved, as he just thought about how to torture these treacherous bastards.


The next moment though, his complexion changed immediately as he understood that he had been too lightheaded.


Just as he reached the Crown Prince and was about to deal with the remaining 5 attackers, the worst happened.


Under his eagle piercing and unbelieving eyes, the two women behind the Crown Prince made a move and launched two bombs towards him at close range, while stabbing the Crown Prince from behind.


At this moment, some more servants made a move as well, throwing more bombs towards the Imperial Tutor, leaving no space to escape for him.


'Boooooommmmmmmmmmmm~!' xmany


Of course, as the Imperial Tutor the guy had his own protective treasures, but unfortunately none of those treasures could help him save the Crown Prince's life.


While those bombs hadn't taken his life, it had most certainly turned him into a tattered condition, his clothes were burned and even his skin was charred, as thin lines of blood could be seen all over his body.


The needles had done their job properly, so now it was just about the anaesthetics to take effect.


No matter how powerful he was, he wouldn't be able to force all the anaesthetics outside, that was because they were exactly considered poison.


Not to mention that these sorts of compounds weren't found in this place, so he had no idea what sort of poison he was dealing with.


If that wasn't enough already, he heard the two women speak in a loud and threatening tone,


"Imperial Master, you better not think anything funny, otherwise the Crown Prince will die!"


He had been completely outdone, the Imperial Master couldn't believe his fucking luck, as he had been completely outdone by a bunch of ants.


At that moment, my remaining two True Yang Realm experts showed up and approached the Crown Prince as well.


One of them took the Crown Prince's Storage Ring, while the other one planted a slave seal on the Crown Prince's Soul Avatar.


That might not be too long standing, but it would be enough until the Crown Prince arrived at the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect to show himself in front of me.


The Imperial Tutor was even angrier upon witnessing what happened, as he couldn't help but want to make a move, when he felt extremely weak.


It was like his body was saying that he had exhausted all his energy, which made him extremely puzzled and frightened.


He tried to use his inner energy to force out any foreign substances on his body, but the fast circulation of his blood and energy, just made the anaesthetics work faster.


Terrified of the 'poison' the Imperial Tutor immediately thought of making a move, but before he could even move a muscle, a flurry of bombs was thrown his way.


Those bombs would never be able to take his life, but would most certainly block his path, and he would be left with no option but to defend.


While the Crown Prince was his responsibility, his life was his life after all. It was a no-brainer who was most important and dear to him.


With that, the poor Imperial Tutor had been completely incapacitated as he fell asleep, just like the Crown Prince did.


So, the scene belonged to my two True Yang Realm Experts with that, who immediately took action.


Taking advantage of the current state of the Imperial Tutor, they quickly blocked his energy circulation paths, left him a letter.


Managing properly all the remaining servants as well, the two True Yang Realm experts moved the group forward on the way, and 'cleaned' up the battle scene before disappearing.


Just like that, the Crown Prince and his group of people had been completely subdued.


Upon hearing about the second attack, the Emperor had send the Grand-Emperor to protect his own son, but his arrival had been untimely.



Upon awakening, the Imperial Tutor read the letter left behind by my slaves with a hard face most probably, before following whatever was wrote in there.


After all, the Crown Prince's life was in my hands now, and only a thought was needed to have the Crown Prince take his own life, or attack the Imperial Tutor.


Only a great expert in Souls would be able to remove the Slave Seal in his Soul Avatar even though it was a washed-up version of the real one.



Just like that, the Crown Prince, the Purple Divine Crystal, and the whole delegation had ended up in my hands.


The Third attack was done just to solidify the image that all the attacks were after the Crown Prince's life, and his possession.


After all, I couldn't have the sent troops return without fulfilling their purpose.


While I was happily laughing out loud about how great and sharp I was, the news that the Crown Prince and his people had reached the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect spread everywhere.


This time the Crown Prince had truly endangered his own life, and the lives of his women, just to propose marriage and not be able to enjoy his new wife…