Chapter 17: We Have Guests


The Crown Prince was extremely unhappy with the role he was playing right now, as he would have never thought he would become the slave or servant of someone else.


From the moment of his birth, he always thought that he was going to be the Ruler, the God of this World.


Not even in his worst nightmares, did he ever become the slave of someone else. Even more so when that someone else was nothing but a Di*ckless trash.


I knew very well how unwilling this cute bastard was, and even more so about what opinion he had of me.


I didn't care though!


It didn't matter in the least, no matter how much he whined as a little bi*tch, at the end of the day this guy was my slave.


Not to mention that he had yet to suffer true hell!


Soon, very soon I was going to teach him a good lesson, one that he would never forget as long as he was alive.


Even though he should have already realised, that there was no escape for him. All he could do was deal with all the tasks I gave quickly, so he could go and drown himself in cultivation.


Which was the case at this time as well, despite the two Core Disciples of the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect had the same cultivation level as him, he was able to overpower them immediately.


Since the only fights they made were on the bed, the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect Disciples didn't have much of a fighting experience.


Furthermore, due to their cultivation manual but also the many sources they gathered their energy, their cultivation became like a shattered glass pieced together.


They were supposed to be cultivating into one of the primary energies, but paying more attention to their higher level rather than their solidification, it made them practically useless.


It was exactly for that reason, that while they were two versus one, the two disciples of the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect were actually thrown out of the Arena in one move.


To the crowd it seemed like the Crown Prince had been pissed off, as he had allowed these guys to leave but they had thought he was scared.


No, matter how much they wanted to stand up and accuse the Crown Prince of cheating the poor duo couldn't bring themselves to do it.


Now, the only thing they could do would be ask for help from the Elders so they could escape punishment, they didn't want to enter the Punishment Cave.


Unfortunately, their hopes were crushed no matter where they went, even if they requested help from their own respective Master.


The only good part about the whole matter was that their Master was going to go to the Punishment Cave today to deal with a small matter, so they would have someone to protect them in there.


It turned out that their Master was no one else but the Elder that was going to teach me a lesson, of course I was unaware of this great coincidence.



They didn't let me wait for long though, as immediately as the sun went out, they appeared at the gate of the Punishment Cave.


The disciples in charge of guarding the area immediately let them in, as who didn't know about the bet of the two disciples, as for the Elder he didn't have the guts to stop him.


Of course, if I ordered him to not let anyone inside then there was no way in hell he was going to let them in, but how could I spit my food when it had willingly come to my mouth.


Once they entered inside, the doors of the Punishment Cave were immediately closed as weird sounds of laughter were heard from inside.


At least that was what I thought it looked on their side, because in my side it looked extremely great.


In fact, it was going so quick and smooth that I couldn't control my laughter any longer, and started laughing out loud.



Is this what they call there was a way to Heaven, but you refuse to get in, there is no way to hell, but you choose to fu*cking barge in!?"


Hearing my voice, I could tell that the two disciples were terrified as they were faced with something that shouldn't have happened, while the old thing was quite chilled.


He didn't seem bothered from my high and mighty sounding words, and he wasn't totally wrong.


After all, he had the strength to match his attitude. There were few people in this Yin-Yang Prairie Sect that could make him back off, or instil fear in him.


That was exactly the kind of attitude and behaviour an expert should have, the exact kind of attitude and behaviour I wanted to have as well.


It's not something that you can have from birth, no, it's something that slowly builds within you.


A confidence of the Strong.


Unfortunately, that confidence was about to get shattered, as under the mocking smiley face of the old thing, all my slaves within the Punishment Cave appeared.


That wasn't all, as before the old thing or the two disciples could say a thing, a flimsy formation screen appeared, sealing three four sides, and blocking them within a cub.


As if that wasn't enough already, they started to feel a stinging smell in their noses. The early bird gets the food.


Immediately upon noticing the Elder blocked his respiratory system, to keep the poison out, while he used his aura to break those flimsy formations.


The formations were immediately broken to pieces as they weren't that strong to begin with, the only reason I was trying them, was just to know how flimsy they were actually.


The results were quite disappointing to be fairly honest, but it didn't really matter to me.


"Well, everyone, we have three guests tonight, don't tell me that you aren't going to welcome them!"

The slaves seemed to be pretty happy with the guests, as they couldn't help but want to play with them just like they were playing the buffoon at the moment.


Still, looking at the strength of the Elder in front of them, they couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive as they didn't want to die.


After all, the strongest of my slaves was just an early levelled Yang Connection Realm expert, everyone else was below that.


While their numbers were massive, so they were bound to win, no one dared to make the first move and be the first to die.


So, despite my words, a weird moment of silence was established within the Punishment Cave, with neither side making a move.


Of course, the poor Elder didn't know the power of anaesthetics so the whole time he had a irreplicable mocking smile on his face.


It was like he was trying to say, that no matter what happened trash would always be trash.


And he wasn't exactly wrong, because if these bastards actually had a courageous heart, they wouldn't be in this situation.


Well, it didn't really matter, as the irrevocable smile on the Elders face was slowly fading down, the anaesthetics were giving their effect.


"Take him down!"


Once I noticed the slight change I immediately gave the order to my slaves, and this time it didn't fell on empty ears.


The strongest slave took action first, as he jumped in attack towards the Elder, while the rest followed closely behind.


Since it was something, they had to do, then they better do it fast, otherwise the chances of them suffering injuries or even death would be extremely higher.


As much as I would love to join my slaves, unfortunately I couldn't. My strength was far from being sufficient, and that Elder could kill me even with his snot.


What made everything more enjoyable for me, was that the moment he understood his current situation, the poor Elder started screaming sense to my slaves.


"Why are you protecting such a brat!?

What has he promised you!?

Do you think its better to follow a brat like him, than an Elder like me!?

Answer me for fuck's sake, otherwise I will fu*cking kill you!"


Unfortunately all the answer he got was total silence.


It seemed like people were truly right in saying that ignoring is the worst thing you can do to a talking enemy, as it was clear that the poor Elder was enraged.


As for his two disciples!?


Well, they were both on the ground covering their ears and heads, while crying in fear, and almost shat*ting their pants.


Spineless cowards!


For sure I would be able to put their sources, and their tools to better use than them. So it wasn't a wrong action to take it from them.


Not wasting my time, I quickly ordered four True Yang Disciples to quickly apprehend the duo, as the Elder could escape but the two of them, no fucking way.


This didn't mean that I had any intention to let the Elder go, I just wanted to make my priorities clear.


With the two of them captured, I finally had all the ingredients I needed in order to proceed with the Yang Source Pill.


Of course, I didn't forget to give a helping hand to my slaves against the Elder as I used the rest of the hidden weapons in the Punishment Cave to attack.


Needles of all sizes and shapes were released from some corners of the area at the door, and while it didn't pierce the Elders skin, it definitely took his attention for a moment.


In that single moment, the slaves took advantage and launched all their strikes at the same time…