Chapter 32: New Skill & Gathering *


It felt like I was in an inner fight with myself, trying to get out of this mess or get even deeper into it.


Getting deeper meant getting even more pleasure than currently if that was even fu*cking possible, but at the same time I would definitely lose my mind and my life.


For a moment it felt like pleasure would win, but a big alert started ringing in my head, the moment that I was close to choosing that option.


Truly there would be no geniuses that lacked special gifts!


What had stopped me from actually losing my life just now had been my Inferno Soul that had alerted me on the dangers.


My Soul Avatar was almost gone at that moment, I was really close to truly losing control of my Body and Soul, but the Inferno Soul managed to bring back my sanity.


Once my sanity was back, I immediately ordered F1 to stop her actions and release me, as I experienced a little after pleasure shock due to missing that pleasure.


F1 seemed to have lost it for a moment as well, as she didn't know how things had proceeded until that, but she had completely lost it due to pleasure for a moment.


F2 was looking at me like a monster on the side, alongside a look that clearly expressed her feelings of wanting to devour me.


Yes, she wanted to devour me!


Or to be more specific she wanted to experience the same thing that F1 experienced as well, as that moment had given F1 a sudden enlightenment or trance.


She was close to another breakthrough, and if I hadn't stopped her, she would have been able to breakthrough.


Of course, having a stronger slave meant having better support, but not in exchange to my fu*cking life.


It wasn't worth it in the least!


Nothing had more value than my life!


F1 was clearly within a myriad of complex feelings to what had just happened and the opportunity she had missed, but at the same time she felt like this wasn't the end.


After all, since she had been able to experience this moment once, she might have another opportunity in the future.


This made her look towards me with a love-hate expression, as I had been the villain to enslave her, but I was also the hope she had for the future.


She needed me and detested me at the same time.


Of course, the detest came more from the fact that she knew she was dispensable to me. The moment she lost her value and usefulness she was as good as gone.


I had no time to waste dealing with her at the moment, as there was something extremely urgent, I needed to take care.


Without wasting time, I immediately grabbed one of M2's disciples that was in the 7th level of the Foundation Establishment Realm, and immediately pierced her holes.


My act could have been seen as barbaric, or just as pathetic due to thinking that I was releasing my anger to someone else since I couldn't do anything to F1.


But that couldn't have been any more wrong, because what I was doing right now was creating my own technique.


The sensation and feeling of what had just happened before with F1 was still active within my heart and mind, but it was slowly blurring out.


I had to make sure that I achieved the skill creation before the 'realization' left me, so I started doing whatever I had done before and started using the same moves.


At first there was nothing, it felt like I was just trying without any hope of achieving something, but that didn't stop me.


I mean even if it was useless trying, I was still having my fun playing with the beauty in my arms.


I wasn't losing anything!


With those thoughts in mind, I focused once again in just trying to feel the connection between myself and the female cultivator in my arms, and I could finally 'feel' it again.




The beauty that was serving as my experiment seemed to be feeling it as well, but I didn't bother much with what she was feeling.


I was more concentrated on what I was feeling personally, and making sure that I learned the Qi rhythm and route for my skill, and the necessary movements as well.


While the woman in my arms seemed to be behaving just like F1 previously, her skill level and most importantly her strength was far from being enough.


In the meanwhile, I could feel the energy leaving my Double D's it was just like they were spurting spinning lava trying to burn everything on its path.


It was quite intoxicating, and that made me realise what had happened before, the lava that the Double Dragon's spurted it didn't affect only the opposition, but myself as well.


This skill was purely for satisfaction, which while it went perfectly fine with my path of doing everything I could to have a long and pleasing life, it didn't help with my cultivation.


This kind of bummed me out a little bit, but not much either. After all, there was a big positive to get from this situation, I had actually managed to create my own skill.


I am sure that those guys who claimed their selves to be geniuses never imagined of being able to do something like this at this age.


Feeling the slight fluctuation of energy, F1 and F2 seemed to have realized what was going on as well, and the two of them couldn't contain their shock.


I was giving them more and more shocks with each passing time, and the two beauties couldn't believe what was happening anymore.


After all, while it might be embarrassing to accept, despite their strength and age the two of them had yet to create a skill or technique of their own.


If they still had any regrets or apprehensions about being my slaves still, those feelings were disappearing and fast.


After all a talent with a big future was much better than stagnated water that was playing drama games to take control of the Sect.


With that out of the way, I just continued having my fun with the beauties, while making sure that I used my skill only where I could afford to.



the next few days went by without much news, as I just dual cultivated with my female slaves whenever I had the time.


Of course, while I enjoyed my time in happiness and among fragrances, the disciples, deacons, Elders, and everyone else was within a heated discussion.


Should the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect enter an alliance with the Imperial Clan or not!?


While all these people talked and discussed, they all understood that the only people who could decide about the situation were the Council of Elders.


Still, this didn't stop them from saying whatever they wanted, whether they truly believed it, or whether this was just for the sake of conversation, no one cared.


But the lower levels weren't the only ones discussing about the alliance, as the upper levels were doing the same thing.


The Vice Sect Master seemed to be trying all he could in order to make sure that his plan worked, and he proved his worth to the Imperial Clan.


As a matter of fact, despite thinking that he had the votes to make this happen, the little schemer called my F1 for tea and dual cultivation.


While this would be a great opportunity for me to trap the guy and place a slave seal on him, I decided against it.


Firstly because that Grand-Emperor was still within the Sect and I couldn't have him discover me.


Secondly, but most importantly, because I wanted to see this little rat jump a little bit in desperation, with genuine desperation.


No matter how much he tried all the waves he tried to create would be extinguished before he even saw them move.


Not to mention that I truly wanted to see just what he had to rely on when facing the Imperial Clan, because not everyone could actually get a Dao Companion from the Imperial Clan.


As for the possibility of him being able to tip the scales, that never crossed my mind.


Not because I was overconfident or arrogant, but because I had already trapped the guy from all corners.



Not far away from me, the Vice Sect Master was actually having a meeting with the Grand Emperor, the Imperial Tutor, F2, and M2.


"Don't worry Imperial Granduncle, I have made all the necessary preparations, and tomorrow we will be able to officially send our troops into this Yin-Yang Sect and capture everything.


Whether its women, resources, or cannon fodder, we are going to get everything from this place and squeeze it dry!"



My good grandnephew, you are truly capable and resourceful, I can finally understand why my Third Nephew looks favourably at you!

You are a true talent!

Do this for us, and I will make sure that your place in the Imperial Clan never be taken from you!"


Hearing that confirmation, the Vice Sect Master's face distorted from how happy and smug he was, as this was a great opportunity but also evaluation for him.


This guy would most probably laugh on his sleep tonight.


"Don't worry Imperial Granduncle I will make sure that this Yin-Yang Sect becomes our plaything!"


Everyone around him looked him with all kinds of complicated looks, which made his ego extremely inflated.


After all, to him all those eyes were filled with great astonishment at his show of cunningness, planning, and connections, and he had no idea it was…