The Control

Megaflare woke up in a dark room chained to a wall. He began to hear a voice "Welcome Megaflare or do you prefer Cody Rail that's the name your parents gave you isn't it". "Do not speak of my parents like that. Now I want answers where am I where my friends are?" he said as a woman stepped out of the shadows and he quickly recognized her. "Chancellor Francis what is the meaning of this"Megaflare said yanking at his chains "Oh you think that I'm that Chancellor from the summit oh no I am so much more," she said as she transformed into a woman in a thin green dress and black hair. "Who are you," he asked, "I am Ambros the sorcerous," she said "What exactly do you want with me, "Megaflare asked "Well that's a surprise I don't want to spoil just yet my team leader wouldn't want me too," she said."Team Leader," he asked "We'll talk about it later after a few adjustments are made," she said. She used her powers to shock his mind at the same time he began to scream out.