Chapter 20: Fractured Light

The holographic map shimmered in the heart of the Prism Corps briefing room, bathed in the cool blue glow emanating from Commander Lyra Nova. A tense silence gripped the room as Astra Blaze, the Prism Prime, surveyed the holographic projection. The once pristine map of the Xylos Sector was now marred by a pulsating red zone, emanating from the Vorlaxian outpost – Jace Swift's first mission.

"The distress signal has gone dark," Astra's voice echoed, devoid of her usual warmth. "Jace and his team haven't responded in over 12 galactic hours."Orion Shield, the ever-stoic warrior, clenched his fists. "We need to launch a rescue mission immediately."Lyra chimed in, her expression grim. "We can't jump in blindly. The cause of the radio silence is unknown. It could be a trap set by Xanathar's forces, or something far worse."A tremor of worry ran through Jace's new squadmate, Rhea Luxe, a Denarian with a vibrant blue mohawk. "But we can't just leave them there!"Suddenly, a holographic distortion flickered, revealing a cloaked figure standing in the corner. It was Vega Specter, the master of illusions, his spectral form barely visible."I may have intercepted a fragmented transmission," Vega reported, his voice a mere whisper. "There were mentions of… shadows… and a power signature unlike anything I've encountered."A collective gasp resonated through the room. Shadows could only point to one thing: Xanathar Prime and his Dark Prism. But the unknown power signature was a chilling new twist."We need more intel before charging in," Cygnus Vortex, the stoic Syfon warrior, spoke with his usual calmness. "My squad can infiltrate the sector undetected and gather intel."Astra nodded curtly. "Agreed. Cygnus, take your team. Orion, you and Stellar Wind will lead the rescue mission with a full battalion. Be prepared for anything."As the heroes dispersed, a holographic projection of Jace flickered to life, a desperate plea etched on his young face."We're under attack! Strange creatures with… rifts… in their bodies! They're draining our energy!"The transmission cut out abruptly, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake.Astra's eyes narrowed. "This changes everything. We're dealing with more than just Xanathar. There's a new player on the galactic stage, and their presence bodes ill for the cosmos."The neon lights of Nova City seemed to dim as the heroes departed on their separate missions. A storm of uncertainty brewed, threatening the fragile peace held together by the Prism Corps. Jace, Orion, and Stellar Wind raced towards the Xylos Sector, a desperate rescue mission morphing into a confrontation with an unknown threat. Cygnus and his Syfon warriors slipped into the shadows, ghosts amidst the stars, seeking the truth behind the fragmented transmission. The fate of the Vorlaxian outpost, and perhaps the future of the entire galaxy, rested on the shoulders of the heroes as they ventured into the heart of a fractured light.