The Path To Revenge

"Aurra Sing?!"

"You two?!"

Dia glares at the bounty hunter as she strides down the ramp of her ship. "You're Hondo's friend?"

"You two are the 'lucrative job'?" Aurra sneers, setting a hand on her hip. "I'm surprised you made it off Tatooine."

"Aurra!" Hondo exclaims, stepping past Dia and Boba. "It's been a long time."

"Sure has, Hondo." Aurra turns her attention to the pirate and grins. "You look good."

Before Hondo can start flirting, Dia says, "We don't have all day. Let's get to planning."

Aurra's sneer returns. "Don't order me around, kid. First, I'm getting a drink." She looks over her shoulder, back into the ship, and yells, "Bossk! Let's go!"

A Trandoshan – another bounty hunter, from their weapons and scars – steps out of the ship behind Aurra.

"This is Bossk," Aurra says to Boba. "We're avenging your dad, right? He'll be helpful."

Boba nods, serious-faced. "After your drink, we'll start planning."

As the group traipses to the main building, Boba asks Dia under his breath,

"You're okay with Aurra helping us?"

"I'm not happy about it," Dia murmurs in reply. "But she's experienced."

"Hm. They'll help, I think. But don't trust them."

They sit in a quieter corner of the building, away from the rowdy pirates. Once Aurra and Bossk have drunk and eaten their fill, finally the conversation turns to the job at hand.

"So we're going after the Jedi. Windu, right? Jedi aren't easy to kill – " Aurra sets down her tankard and grins viciously – "but luckily you have me."

"Hssss. Do you have any idea where Windu is?" Bossk hisses.

"I've had some associates keeping an eye on the General," Hondo interjects. "His regiment is preparing to ship out, within days. Once we know where he'll be, we can make a solid plan."

"Perfect," Boba says darkly. "If he's weakened from fighting, we'll have a better chance to catch him off guard."

Dia nods. "You have no hint where he's headed, Hondo?"

"My associate should report back today," Hondo replies.

"We should have a backup plan," Aurra advises. She leans forward conspiratorially. "I've heard they've been bringing clone cadets on the star destroyers – for training."

"In that case… I could blend in with the cadets," Boba realizes, eyes widening. "It's the perfect disguise!"

"Hang on." Dia frowns, confused. "Blend in with them? How?" 

Boba hesitates, meeting Dia's eyes then glancing back at the others. "Give us a minute," he mutters, standing. He motions for Dia to follow him.

Once they disappear outside, and Hondo strolls off to get more drinks, the bounty hunters talk between themselves.

"Think that kid's a liability?" Bossk asks Aurra. "Hssss. Boba seems awfully soft on him."

"You have a point," Aurra admits, tapping her finger on the table. "He's not like Boba. Too weak and kind. Honestly, he's probably holding Boba back from his true potential."

"Shall I take him out during this mission? Hssss. It can look like an accident." Bossk grins maliciously, showing off his sharp teeth.

"Hmm. An extra pair of hands could come in useful, though." Aurra glances at the door. "We'll deal with him once the mission's over."


Boba and Dia sit together silently on a bench outside the main building, their legs swinging. Boba fidgets nervously with his sleeves. 

"So, what did you mean?" Dia prompts. "When you said you could blend in with the clones?"

Boba takes a deep breath, staring at the ground. "Do you know who the Republic army was cloned from?"

"Uh… I heard it was a bounty hunter, but I don't remember their name."

"His name was Jango Fett."

Dia blinks in surprise. "Your dad? I had no idea." He tilts his head. "So because the clones were based off your dad, you look like them?"

"Not… exactlyI'm– I'm also a clone. Technically."

"Oh." Dia's not sure how to react. Boba seems upset about the fact, but Dia has no idea why.

"I was – I wasn't raised with them," Boba starts to explain. "I was Jango's son. His family. The clones are just… " He bites his lip. "I don't have a connection to them. It won't get in the way of my revenge – I would k-kill any of them, if I had to." 

He's lying, Dia knows. Or he can't admit how much they mean to him.

But he says nothing, except, "Thanks for telling me."

Boba nods. "There shouldn't be secrets between us." He looks up, meeting Dia's eyes with a rare vulnerable expression. "Right?"

Dia smiles. "No secrets," he agrees easily. "I promise."

"Boba!" someone shouts.

Boba and Dia hop to their feet as the door clatters open and Hondo stumbles outside.

"I have news!" he announces with a triumphant grin. "Windu's fighting on Dantooine."


Days Later…

The Republic's base camp on Dantooine hugs a plateau, and is separated from the dense forest that covers much of the planet by an empty, grassy plain. Three dozen tents are arranged strategically, with the medical tent one of the closest to the center. But it's not enough – the regiment is in dire need of medical supplies.

It's the result of the final battle with the Separatists who'd tried to take control of the planet. Many clones – soldiers, just soldiers, Boba reminds himself – had died. Many more were wounded.

That's good, Boba thinks as he slinks past the outer tents. Fewer guards to notice me.

He freezes as a clone steps out of the tent beside him. The clone sighs heavily and runs a hand through his cropped hair before stuffing his helmet on his head and marching away, without noticing the trespasser just feet away. Boba shakes off any relief he feels and keeps sneaking through the camp.

Soon, he reaches Windu's tent. He's close to the center of the camp, and more likely to be spotted.

His hands shake slightly as he pulls the bomb out of his bag. Working quickly, he activates the bomb and slides it beneath the bottom edge of the tent.

It's set up to explode when pressure is applied. With luck, Windu will walk into his tent, oblivious, and Boba will have his revenge.

It's less personal than he would like, Boba thinks as he sneaks back to the edge of the camp, but he has to admit he wouldn't be likely to kill a powerful Jedi any other way.

He reaches the edge of the tents and sits, lying in wait, and listening intently.