Unwavering Loyalty

Hours later, when all has been settled, the injured cared for, and the exhausted cadets sleeping, Alpha-17 and Shaak Ti meet again in the general's office.

"I think we are in agreement now, are we not?" Shaak Ti asks with a wry smile as she steadily pours two mugs of tea. "Boba and Diaro have proved themselves more than capable."

Alpha-17 grunts noncommittally as he accepts the proffered mug of tea.

"Come now, captain. They showed great ingenuity in their trap, and great bravery in protecting the other cadets."

"They're still young," Alpha-17 points out.

Shaak Ti sighs softly into her mug. "They are. And if I could keep them here safely, I would. But today's attack has proved that Kamino is not as safe as I once believed."

Alpha-17 winces. "General – "

Shaak Ti holds up a slender hand. "These matters will be discussed more thoroughly tomorrow. Right now, we discuss the futures of those two cadets. The safety of Kamino aside, they would not be content here. Coruscant remains a safe planet, perhaps the safest in Republic territory."

"Hmm. There are many clones there who can finish their training," Alpha-17 acknowledges. "Turn them into proper soldiers."

"To help reform them, in any matter," Shaak-Ti allows. "Then, if we are in agreement, captain, I will notify General Windu and Commander Fox of our decision?"

Alpha-17 hesitates, but nods. "Agreed."


The wind tears at Dia and Boba's ponchos as they stand at attention, facing Alpha-17 and Shaak Ti. Dawn has not yet broken, and Dia stifles a yawn as Shaak Ti smiles benevolently at them.

"I am sure you will both accomplish great things in service of the Republic," she says. "There are many on Coruscant who will guide you."

Dia offers a tired smile in return, while Boba nods stiffly. He'd snuck off during the evening, after they'd been notified they were being transferred to Coruscant, and came back wiping away tears. It had only taken a gentle hug for Boba to tell Dia everything about Omega, his previously-unknown sister.

Dia's first reaction had been to insist Boba stay on Kamino, stay with Omega. But Boba assured Dia that he and Omega had talked everything out. They would meet again after the war was over, and if anything came up before then, Boba would find a way back to Kamino.

As Shaak Ti reminds them of their duties to their Republic – "Only five years, and with luck the war will be over before then," – Boba's gaze drifts to the distant windows of the building beside them, and Dia knows he's wondering if Omega watches them.

Alpha-17 steps forward. "I know your situation is unique, but I, the commanders, and the Jedi council expect your complete and unwavering loyalty to the Republic during your time on Coruscant. Make us proud, cadets."

Both Dia and Boba lift their hands in a practiced salute.

In the privacy of his own heart, Dia knows the only one he holds unwavering loyalty to is Boba.


The Republic Center for Military Operations is just as hectically busy as Dia and Boba had left it. Clones sprint through the main foyer with stacks of datapads, others yell instructions through comms, and one unlucky shiny is mopping up a spilled pot of caff.

One of the clones escorting Dia and Boba hurries off down one hallway.

A few minutes later, he returns with a Coruscant Guard commander. Not Commander Fox, but another with red wings painted on his helmet.

He stops before them and removes his helmet, revealing short, curly hair and a wide grin. "You must be Boba and Dia. I'm Thorn. Walk with me, I'll take you to Fox."

Dia waves to the clones who escorted them, then follows Thorn, Boba trailing reluctantly behind. They take an elevator up a few floors, then walk down a somewhat-quieter hallway.

"I know you two came here before," Thorn says, nodding to each clone that stops to salute him, "but I was out on assignment then. How was Kamino?"

"Um… rainy," Dia replies with a nervous laugh.

Thorn chuckles. "That it is. Here we are." He stops in front of a door at the end of the hallway and knocks twice.

"Come in," a voice replies.

"Good luck." Thorn winks encouragingly. "I'll see you for dinner."

He presses the button for the door, and Dia and Boba step into a large office. The windows look over the high, defensive walls of the Center, giving a breathtaking view of the towers of Coruscant, aglow in the beginnings of sunset.

Behind the desk sits a clone, the hair at his temples grey, the bags under his eyes even worse than when Dia last saw him.

"Welcome back," Commander Fox says, gesturing to the seats before his desk. "Take a seat." 

Dia does so, perching on the edge of the chair. A moment later, Boba drops into the other seat, glowering at Fox.

With a sigh, Fox swipes through his datapad. Dia and Boba's holos, taken when they were first brought to the center, hover over the screen.

"When you were here last," Fox says, "General Windu spoke highly of your skills."

"But you still sent us to be evaluated on Kamino," Boba mutters.

"And you passed with flying colours and a personal note of approval from General Shaak Ti," Fox remarks. "I'll admit I was reluctant to bring two children to work here – for many reasons. But the generals give convincing arguments. They say keeping you locked up in a prison would be detrimental to your growth. By giving you work, and the opportunity to aid the Republic, you'll be better able to make something of yourselves.

"That being said – " Fox's eyes narrow, exhaustion disappearing for a brief moment – "if either of you do anything to jeopardize the Coruscant Guard, I will not hesitate to put you in solitary for the next five years. Do you understand?"

Dia nods quickly. Boba shifts uncomfortably, but nods as well.

"Good." Fox rubs his forehead with another sigh. "Your duties will be mostly patrolling, basic chores, and message-running if necessary. You'll report to me once a week, and your responsibilities will be updated every morning on your datapads."

He takes two datapads and hands them over. Dia studies his curiously. It's simple, but far better than anything he could get his hands on while living on Tatooine.

"Prioritize your daily duties, but if a clone gives you urgent instructions, follow them. If you're not sure about anything, check with Commanders Thorn or Thire." Fox leans back in his chair. "You can make your way to the cafeteria for dinner at eighteen-hundred hours. For now, retire to your bunks and change into your uniforms. Dismissed."

Boba stands, and Dia follows. 

As they reach the door, Fox add, "Good luck, cadets."