The Supreme Chancellor

A month passes quickly.

As Dia had feared, they soon become lost in routine. Each morning they wake to their alarm clock, check their orders on their datapads, dress, make their way to breakfast, and begin the day's duties. Mostly they help Hound or another ARF trooper with patrols. Some days they run messages across the Center, or help with cleaning.

Occasionally, they're assigned to separate duties. They always find each other at dinner at the latest, and spend the evening talking quietly long after lights-out.

Clones begin to join them at dinner, sitting further down the same table. Slowly they inch closer, and Dia finds himself joining their conversations from time to time.

Boba stays cold towards all of them, though not outright hostile – except to Fox.

"You're being temporarily transferred," the commander tells them one day after summoning them to his office. "Errand duty in the Senate Annex. You'll be working around the senators, so make sure to read your briefings and follow protocol." 

"Getting rid of us already?" Boba sneers.

Dia picks up his datapad and begins scanning the new protocols. Detailed instructions on interacting with both the senators and Senate Guard are outlined.

"Your transfer's for three weeks," Fox forges on, used to Boba's prickliness by now. "You'll be back here for curfew, and commute each morning. I'll be escorting you there today. Gather your things, and meet me in the foyer."


The Senate Building is a huge dome, filled with the offices of the senators, and the massive Grand Convocation Chamber of the Republic Senate.

Coruscant Guard troopers are assigned to each senator while they are inside the building, and Senate Guards in blue cloaks and feathered helmets patrol the hallways and entrances.

Dia and Boba are brought first to the head of the Coruscant Guard within the Senate Building – Commander Jatt.

"Commander Fox. Cadets. Welcome," he says briefly.

Fox nods, and sits back while Jatt debriefs them.

"Now, the senators each have their assistants and guards, not to mention us. Your job is to step in if anything is needed. If the senators want a private message delivered, you deliver it. If they want a drink or food, you get it. If you can't do something, notify one of us troopers. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, sir," Dia answers.

"Good." Jatt leans forward, an intense glint in his dark eyes. "But you have a secondary, more important job."

"… Sir?"

A new voice speaks: "You will be monitoring the senators for possible traitors."

Dia's gaze snaps to the corner of the room in surprise, as a bearded human in trailing beige robes steps forward.

Boba shoots to his feet. Instinctively, Dia catches his arm, holding him back. He hadn't even noticed the Jedi, who regards him somberly.

"Good afternoon. I'm Obi-Wan."

"I remember you," Boba spits.

"And I, you." The Jedi tucks his hands into his draping sleeves. "I wished to see you again. I apologize for the role I played in your father's death."

Boba's eyes narrow. The muscles of his arm twitch under Dia's hand.

"I am happy to find a replacement liaison from the other Jedi masters if you wish," Obi-Wan continues, "but this is a pressing matter."

He regards Boba with piercing eyes, posture relaxed and patient.

"Tsk. Whatever," Boba mutters, sinking back into his seat.

Obi-Wan nods once. "As I've said to the Commanders, the Jedi Council has concerns that certain senators are betraying or planning to betray the Republic. It has been difficult for the clones to find evidence supporting this, but Master Windu has vouched for your… creativity," he says with a curious tilt of his head.

"So some senators are defecting to the Separatists?" Dia asks, frowning. "What kind of evidence do we need?"

"Files, transmissions, overheard conversations – anything you can get your hands on," Jatt interjects.

"As children, and in your peculiar circumstances, you are able to act with some freedom that the clones cannot," Obi-Wan continues.

"You mean breaking the law," Dia says bluntly.

A faint smile quirks Obi-Wan's lips. "Well? Do you accept?"

Boba rolls his eyes. "Do we really have a choice?"

"Yes," Obi-Wan answers easily. "If you don't accept, you'll return to the Republic Centre and continue your duties there."

Dia and Boba exchange a glance. Dia lifts his shoulder just slightly, tilting his head. Boba sighs through his nostrils, resigned.

"Fine," he says.

A Guard trooper hurries into the room, pausing briefly to salute Obi-Wan and Fox, then whispers something in Jatt's ear. The Commander's eyes widen.

"I won't continue to intrude," Obi-Wan says, offering a faint smile. "The Commanders will walk you through the rest, and I'll return to hear your report in a week."

"Yes, sir." Everyone salutes, and Obi-Wan nods at each of them in turn.

As the Jedi sweeps from the room, Jatt turns to look at Dia and Boba.

"The Supreme Chancellor wants to meet you both," he says. "And to see you, Commander Fox."

"Who?" Dia squeaks.

Boba frowns. "Why?"

"If the Supreme Chancellor wishes it," Fox says, standing, "we don't question it. Let's go."

Did and Boba trail behind Commander Fox, through the quieter hallways of the Senate Building, avoiding the senators' offices. They pass a few clones, who salute and continue quickly on without the usual curious stare at the children.

A long elevator ride later, they arrive before the wide doors of the Supreme Chancellor's office. Two clones flank the doors, and one pushes a button that sends the doors swinging slowly inwards.

The office is spacious, boasting an elegant desk and a high chair upon a dais. His back to the arching windows overlooking bustling Coruscant sits an elderly human in long robes.

"Ah, Commander," he says, with a slight tremor of age in his voice. "And, of course, the children."

"Supreme Chancellor," Fox greets, back stiff and voice stiffer.

The Chancellor stands, smiling benevolently, and moves around the desk. "Come closer, young ones. I don't bite." Wrinkled hands reach for Dia and Boba.

Involuntarily, Dia takes a step back. Something dark seems to glint beneath the Chancellor's unsmiling blue eyes.

Seeing Dia's reaction, the Chancellor's smile fades entirely. "Are you alright, dear?"

Maybe Dia had imagined it. Or maybe the Chancellor was just tired. It must be difficult to be in charge of the entire Republic during a galactic war.

Dia nods.

The Chancellor's brow creases sympathetically. "I hear that the two of you have been through a lot of struggle. I am skeptical of the Jedi Council's decision to put you to work, but – " he sighs helplessly – "Master Windu insisted. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to come to me."

"Thank you, Supreme Chancellor," Dia murmurs, bowing his head instinctively. Boba echoes him.

"Of course. I will see you later." The Chancellor returns to his desk.

With a tight hand on each of their shoulders, Fox steers them from the office. Dia looks over his shoulder to find the Chancellor sitting at his desk, hands laced together, watching them with piercing eyes.

As soon as the door closes behind them, Dia shudders.

"You alright?" Boba whispers. 

Dia nods. "Just… a weird feeling."