
Ebony has been avoiding Violet all week ever since that incident. It was not because of what she did, but how she will react when they meet. Violet has been trying her best to reach out to her and explain herself, but she was not in the mood. She had other things to worry about, like how she feels anytime she sees Hale. Or that she daydreams about him in his class and other classes as well. He is starting to occupy her thoughts when the sun is bright and the moon is high. She couldn't sleep properly without spending hours of thinking about him. It was that worse.

The craziness about their college 20th anniversary dinner and after party was so thick in the air that she could smell it. Nobody cared about the assembly that will hold with them and the owners of the school in three days time. The only thing she looked forward too. Awards will be given to each student based on their performances, and she gets to meet with the owners and sponsors. She found it terrifying as well as exciting out of the multitude on campus. She slept feeling frustrated last night wondering how she got a big, ugly, red pimple budding at the worst part of her body.

Her freaking forehead. The region between her eyebrows. She noticed it moments after taking a shower, and it was infuriating to see it after spending half of what you earned on balms and beauty products to stop shits like this from happening.

All day she refused to make eye contact with anyone scared of what they might think. She went as far as wearing the biggest hoodie she could pull out, putting on the hoodie cap throughout even if the temperature was not favorable. She bore it all just to conceal what she considers hideous.

But the worse is yet to come.

Ebony buried her face deep in her arms, groaning as everyone began to file in their seats for the last lecture of the day.

Hale's lecture.

''Goooood day my fans, how has your day been with me on campus?''

The whole class giggled and mumbled about him happening on campus was the best thing that occurred in their boring lives. Ebony felt like she could die. Is this a class or a freaking fan club?

She raised her head a bit to see him looking at her with worry.

'Are you okay?' he mouthed at her in the midst of the mumbling. She gave him a small smile, nodded and resumed her previous position and let them continue their fan club in peace.

She woke up with Hale tapping her shoulder. He leaned on the desk, staring down at her with a look that felt serious.

''What?'' She inquired softly.

''The class is over.''


She dragged her form into a more upright position with a soft sigh. Sleeping throughout a non-serious class is much expected.

''You slept through and thought you needed your beauty rest so we were quiet enough to not disturb.'' That beautiful smile returned to his face as he dragged a chair before her and sat stretching his legs lazily on the desk. Ebony checked to confirm everyone has left

''Haha, very funny, Hale. You are the first I've seen to let a student sleep conveniently throughout their lecture.''

''Well, I am not really a teacher.''


''I am your dashing demon friend that cares about you. What's wrong?''

How come he hasn't noticed it yet? Did her hoodie cap did a fantastic job at hiding that ridiculousness from her face.

''Nothing just tired. Nothing alarming.''

Hale cocked his head to the side as if trying to figure out what was wrong with her.

''I noticed you and that your other girlfriend don't tag along anymore.''

Ebony hoped no one would notice, but she was mistaken. Not only would Hale find it weird. She was sure that absurdity would be on the school gossip blog by now. It's such a shame.

''Is it because you've found someone better?'' He joked, wiggling his eyebrows at her in amusement.

Ebony smiled before she cautioned herself and forced a frown. ''Hell, no.''

''Then what untied the friendship knot? It started the day after I took you out.'' She watched him manifest a red apple from thin air and took a giant bite out of it. He paused, and she felt uneasy when his gray eyes found hers again in suspicion. ''Ebony. What really happened to you at club devilz?''

She hoped he never asked.

The apple vanished as it came. Her hands rested on her laps and she began to pull at the bandage he put on her that night.

Should she tell him?

Would that make her sound more pathetic than she is?

Getting more depressed over discovering the true nature and intentions of whom she considered a friend?

''It's just…'' She swallowed. ''It's just…''

''She fucked your boyfriend before you got to do it?'' Hale finished in the worst way immaginable.

Ebony's mouth fell apart at such words. She blinked at him, horrified as his grin got even bigger.

''No,'' She snapped. ''I don't have a boyfriend.'' She emphasized each word so that it could sink well into his pretty head.

''I know.'' he was beaming like he had just won a lottery. ''You are too innocent for that.'' His smile morphed into a devilish smirk and Ebony couldn't believe her ears.

How can he be so…well, it doesn't matter anyway when it is so true?

''Why do I have a feeling you came here just to mess with it?''

He just laughed finding that very funny. This time he summoned a box of tissue out of thin air and placed it in front of her. She threw him a questioning look, and he answered, ''I have a feeling the reason you are no longer talking will be more heartbreaking than her messing around with a crush or a boyfriend.'' He leaned back with his hands folded across his chest. His authentic gold wristwatch almost blinding.


They both stared at each other. Each refusing to look away and Ebony has never felt so awkward. She was the first to break away looking around feeling unsure whether she could trust him with her struggles.

''Don't worry, Ebony. You can tell me anything. I don't care how long, boring or complicated it is. I just want to hear you.''He was smart to catch on.

She slowly stared back at him and felt lost in his sincerity. He could be a joke star, a jerk sometimes or a certified stalker who is crazy about his influence and attention…but he could be caring and loving. She liked that about him.

Ebony loosened up and leaned on the desk beside his long legs, still staring at him.

''You would just listen, right?''

He carried his legs from the desk and rested his chin on his folded hands on the other side of the desk. His perfume sweet and satisfying and his closeness reassuring that he was here for her. They both looked at each other as the world around them stilled.

''Well…I don't know where to start.'' She whispered.

''You can start from when she crushed you, and you started feeling this way.''