Demon Power

Ebony thought she has always been a nervous person…but how she felt this time was beyond her. It was obvious something bothered her all day, and it made concentration in class almost impossible. She peeled at the tender skin of her palms until the point of it hurting.


Her legs stopped their restless movements as she looked up to see everyone staring at her. Hale leaned on the small desk before him, his strong hands supporting his upper body as he stared at her with concern.


''You are sweating and wouldn't stop gazing at the wall clock. It tells me you are restless. Are you okay? Would you like to be excused from this class until you're feeling better?''

Ebony nodded, ''Sure.'' One of the perks of being friends with your teacher and having a huge crush on him is that you get to have a break when you need it. It is the last class of the day as usual. Ebony quickly gathered her things and walked out of the lecture hall. She was halfway where she had in mind of going too when she received a quick text from Hale.

Tell me where you'll be, and I'll come meet you once I'm done handing out the assignments.

She smiled and told him she would be heading towards the library but stopped at the empty cafeteria like she intended. She didn't mean to lie to him, but she would rather be alone to sort out this mess she is in than let Hale know she once dreamily filled an application three years ago to be part of the selection book that redeemed fallen angels.

Ebony sighed as she settled at a table around a corner and the transparent walls by her left gave a breathtaking view of the college driveway and gloomy sky. For a second, she wished it rained non-stop until morning, blocking all roads leading to him, so she could have an excuse not to have dinner with him tonight.

She brought out the now crumpled so-called award she received yesterday, and read the words on the paper for the ten-millionth time since she opened it. Each time she did, she hoped she misread them, saying a different thing than having dinner with the demon she foolishly promised to be the only one to redeem him. Ended up rejecting his offer to be his selected heartbeat because she has strangely developed strong feelings for the super-hot new lecturer that spawned overnight!

Moreover, she is nowhere near being prepared for his redemption.

''God, why did he have to choose me at the wrong time?'' She moved in her seat in such a way that reflected her internal turmoil. She read his invitation again, and his words mentioning he wants to know why she rejected him made her frown a bit in displeasure.

''What? I can't say no without giving you a reason?'' She pressed her hand hard on the edges of the paper in slight irritation. ''I am just interested in redeeming you because I pity you and knows how it feels to be different.'' She let go of the paper regretting ever showing interest in the weird demon in the first place with a sigh. ''Maybe, I shouldn't have.''

The sky rumbled and raindrops trickled down the glass walls beside her. A gentle breeze blew the paper a bit to the left side of the table, and she wished the wind were a bit stronger to carry it out of her sight to a place where no one would ever find it.

''What am I even going to say to him as my reason for saying no? How sorry should I be? And would he be ready to understand and forgive for getting his hopes high?'' She mumbled, resting her head on the table sideways. With all the chilling horrors she has gathered about him so far, she wasn't sure.

Why did she ever want to redeem a demon anyway? Her stupid self could have dreamed of having her first boyfriend or wonder what it will feel like to be cherished by someone.

No, sixteen-year-old Ebony wanted to be the heartbeat of a monster. A demon rumored to be more mysterious than the angels themselves.

What will happen if he fails to understand?

Will I then…''Give him up just to redeem a monster?''

''Give who up?''

She sat straight, startled by the sound of Hale's voice. She used this opportunity to stare at him, and she considered him perfect in every way. Fitting her standards, she made up the moment he walked in and introduced himself. He settled on the chair opposite hers, and she wondered how he found her.

''Is it like a demon power? How you just always seem to find me?''

''No, you are just a gentle soul that hates being in many places. You are either in the library, here, at home or in the library again.''

She smiled. She loves how he always seem to make her smile and smile again.

''I could start being in different places soon, Hale.''

He leaned back with his arms crossed to show-off just how sexy he is even when relaxed.

''Like?'' He asked.

''I don't know. Maybe having dinner with Rayven tonight at that creepy estate on the hill.'' She said, trying not to make it sound like a big deal.

The silence between them was louder than the sound of the rain outside, and it made Ebony turn to Hale. The smile was gone from his lips and he had this look that made her sit even straighter with worry.

It seems like her situation is much worse than she is taking it.

''What?'' She managed out, not liking how Hale is looking so serious. Then he cocked his head sideways and smiled.

''Ebony, you don't say you are having dinner with someone who never invited you.''

Is it that difficult to believe? Even for Hale?

''I'm serious.'' She picked up the paper and passed it to him to take a look. Hale stared at the paper before looking at her and then picking up the paper to read what it said. Her eyes following every of his reaction.

''Wait…you said no?'' He faced her after reading what was scribbled on the paper. Ebony shifted forward, her hands on the smooth surface of the table.

''Am I not allowed to?''

Hale gazed at her in disbelief. Now he understands why Rayven was here himself on campus disguised as Damon. That was the conclusion they arrived at when Damon was able to prove that he was indeed in the abyss, and he made mention of Rayven having that kind of ability to take any form he wishes to imitate. It's one of his rare demonic gifts he was born with. Why he did that was now answered.

The girl he wishes to make his heartbeat said no. Which must have confused him a lot. Hale cleared his throat, sat up and looked at her straight in the eye.

''Of course you can, Ebony. What I meant to say was why?''

The little about the owner of the dark mansion on the hill he was exposed too was that he existed and he is the closest and only relative to Damon. The one he knew very well and reported to daily about Ebony.

He has no idea of what he looked like even if he was staying in the mansion with them for now. The demon is so good at hiding that they have never crossed path or seen each other's shadow. And when he is eager to know more about him from Damon, he would be told to just mind his business. Which he was starting to find disturbing.

''I have my…reasons which I don't wish to share with anyone…for now. I changed my mind about this whole redemption thing when I received my selection letter and said no. What I didn't want was for him to make Damon come to my school to award me a dinner date with him to explain why I said no.'' She voiced out.

Hale stared not knowing how to respond.

''He would be coming for me tonight,'' She continued, looking paranoid.'' And I am yet to figure out my way out of this. Should I just write him a nice letter telling him; no, I can't make it and he should move on? I can write it now and give it to you, and you can help me give it to him, since you are very close to them. Please.'' She would do anything in the world presently but not face him to tell him why she said no. Hell, other demons wouldn't care and just look for another dying to be a heartbeat.

Hale withdrew back when her eyes were staring at him pleadingly. He knew it was a big mistake revealing that he was close to them in a way. He has seen the heavy preparation and witnessed the anticipation of her arrival. She impressed him so much until the point he was hired to know every single about her and protect her in the best way he could.

It must have been so devastating when she said no for reasons unknown to them. For him to leave the shelter of his little world up the hill, isolated from everything that represented life, risked being exposed to the very world he feared and disliked. The world of demons and mortals that fashioned different views of him without being sure if he existed, to come without Damon by his side… Hale shook his head.

No, he doesn't deserve to be rejected twice.

''Ebony, listen to me. I am sure he just wants to know why you said no. Believe me when I say that he was very sure you would say yes and be with him. I think and believe it would be more than nice of you to have this dinner with him and at least let him know a bit why you said no. I want you to put yourself in his shoes and imagine being rejected without any reason stated. Then you ask why and the person…still says…no.''

It was Ebony's turn to be quiet.

''Can you be okay with a rejection without knowing the cause?''

She rested her forehead on her palms, thinking. ''The problem is… I don't know what to tell him.'' She admitted softly.

''The truth. You can tell him the first thing that came to your head when you saw that he chose you. What made you to say no.''

Her eyes went to him.

''I am sure whatever you say, he would understand.'' Hale encouraged, not understanding why he thinks Rayven would understand. They both know nothing about this demon or what goes on in his head. After this talk with Ebony and sure she would go, he would reach out to Damon, to inform him of what was going on so he could come back as soon as possible and handle things properly.

Ebony stopped staring to look at the rain in thought. She never imagined her being in a position where she would say no to being part of Rayven's redemption. The demon she has been so obsessed about since she learned how to dream. The demon she has always once admired every night and thought about him.

What exactly happened to her? What changed? What went wrong?

She really underestimated the feeling she grew for Hale if she thought it would only get her in trouble with the school authorities or being ridiculed for life among her peers.

She looked at him again, smiling softly.

Her feelings was so strong to end her obsession with the mysterious demon of the creepy estate. In a good way, she was satisfied it did. This is her chance to love and be loved and lead a normal life.

She would rather end up with Hale in his flashy and adventurous world than be in an isolated estate trying to redeem a demon no one has any idea about.

''The note said I would be picked up by someone, but I would like to be taken up there by you. It would make me worry less and more comfortable with you by my side.''

Hale saw it as nothing. He could take her there by himself if that is what she wanted.

''I will.''