
After he left, Ebony dropped to her knees and embraced her terrified cat. They have both been exposed to what a demon really looks. The ram-like horns and the devil's eyes. It was something you'll expect to see in your nightmare. The thought of him coming back or sneaking inside her bedroom again scared her until the point she picked up her phone and her cat and left.

The first room that came to her mind to hide in for a while was Hale's room. But she dared not go there. She did not want to know what he'll do next to her once he finds out that she slept in his room for the night. So, the only person she could turn too was Veronica.

She paused in-between her witchcraft when someone was knocking on her door so late at night. She wondered who it was. Veronica quickly cleaned herself of any trace of black magic before going to answer who was at the door. She opened the door expecting to see Damon's condemning looks at her, but she was surprised when it was Ebony.