The Talk 2

The silence between them stretched longer than Ebony could take. The rate and intensity the demon looked at her was so uncomfortable that she had to lean back to avoid being burnt by his stares.

So, he is indirectly advising me to submit to his brother's craziness. But that wouldn't help with his redemption. Which was the thing she cared about the most. She expected Damon and Rayven should have Rayven's redemption as their top priorities too.

"So, could you please give me an idea on just how wealthy this demon of yours is that you and the entire world hype so much? Is he just a millionaire or a multi-millionaire?"

Damon laughed at the dumbest question he has ever been asked since he was born. This human is either too blind to see or just too dumb to try to comprehend his brother's massive wealth.