Halloween 4

Everyone was putting on their best dress, that was the first thing Ebony noticed when she was let in through Damon's help. As soon as the demon ensured she was inside, he left and disappeared to God who knows where. The hall was jam packed and only a few people dressed up as witches, vampires and other creatures of Hell. As Ebony strolled by, she caught sight of a young woman lugging a staggering pair of angel wings, easily ten feet long, their majestic beauty marred by an eerie splatter of crimson that resembled a blood stain. An artificial halo clung to the woman's forehead, its artificial sparkle jarring against the macabre backdrop.

''Wotcha' looking at?'' The girl snapped when Ebony wouldn't stop staring. The girl was by a table all by herself drinking. The woman's face was scary even without putting on any makeup, and the jewelry on her neck suggested she was at many levels above Ebony. ''You haven't seen an angel costume before?''