Halloween 6

The party was a boring one. Everyone felt too big or too rich to have fun and do crazy shit. They all just gathered in small groups to have small talks at tables, each holding onto drinks and food she had no idea they existed. She sat at the table all by herself, waiting for Time to return from taking his sleepy girlfriend back home. All the while, she couldn't help stop thinking about Hale. She started to miss him and wondered if he was serious about not talking to her again.

The thought of their break-up affected her in many ways, and she wouldn't lie when she said it hurt to try to live by it. She would constantly move her eyes around the hall, hoping to see him anywhere to talk. She could have gone up to meet him to talk, but she hasn't had the courage to do so yet. Likewise, she hoped he was doing okay and his pet, Vance, was alright as well.