Her Good Future


Ebony stepped back as it finally made sense to her.

"… I am a bit of a card reader and a good medium to the good spirits who still want to reach out to their poor loved ones."

She looked around her as she remembered how Veronica introduced herself to her on the day they were getting to know each other. This before her was more than just reading cards and being a medium to a spirit.

The bottles of weird ingredients and the pentagram drawn boldly in the middle and burning non-stop with candles. It felt so ritualistic than performing a divination.

What exactly goes on in this room?

Ebony dug her hands into the pockets of her baggy pants to pull out a white handkerchief. She stepped forward and wrapped one of the bottles of ingredients with the white handkerchief.

If she was going to inform Rayven about this, she would need to show him proof.