All Hers

He intended to put everything he had and owned under her name. An idea that spawned out of the great love he had for her. He would do it in secret and reward her with it openly once it was done. He agreed to do it because he thought she deserved it. Even more if he was trying to be real with himself.

He flipped the next page and began to read the page paragraph by paragraph, sentence by sentence, word by word with more profound understanding of what this was about.

He didn't even know she wanted it.

She could have just asked, and he was ready to let it all go for her than go behind his back, bribing his lawyers and betraying him in such a painful way as this.

Constantine read the document up to the last page in silence. His eyes began to water at where his signature was, and the heaviness of his chest couldn't be described.

He silently let go of the document to lean back on his chair in deep thought.