One Thousand And One Times

Ebony was satisfied to wake up once again in his arms. She slept the moment her body touched the mattress and woke up to see him embracing her the same way.

Which only meant one thing, he had known her enough to realize when she is being real with herself or not.

Ebony reached out to push a strand of his golden locks from his face to have a better view of him and be marveled once more.

She could never quantify the extents in which he had fallen deeply in-love with her. If only she could also love him as half of how he cherishes her a lot. She wouldn't be so dumb enough to treat him the way she treated him at first. She would have also fought the same way he fought to win her over and not hide and plan to run off like a coward.

He was sound asleep when she leaned close to kiss him on the lips. Promising to make things right today and for them.