It Doesn't Really Sucks

''I am the surest thing you could name of. I come when you're old, and I knock when you're young. The truest reward for anything good or anything evil. Money would leave and fail you, life would disappoint you, love would leave you in pain and in tears. But I will never leave the moment I struck. I am ever present once I lay my hands on you. I am the infinite conclusion to a rather worthless existence. I am beautiful, satisfying, and desired. I. am. God.''

The child who looked not more than five-years-old spoke with so much power and gave off the aura of an alpha before lowering herself on the iron throne. Hale and the rest nine on their knees before her, watched as the minions behind them also fell on their knees with bowed heads.

''I am wicked, merciless, consuming. I am divine. I should be worshiped.''

Hale watched as her four irises moved on each of them, all the while frowning in displeasure when it falls on him.