
Violet's ears ringed as she received another sickening blow from her cellmates. She found herself lying on the floor even before she had the chance to keep her balance.

''Bitch!!!'' Her attacker spat on her bloodied form as she laid on the cold floors of the cell space she shared with six other inmates that were twice her size and height and more insane than she ever was.

This was indeed Karma.

Tears began to trail on the sides of her face as she felt her life slowly slipping from her grasp. She thought she was the queen of bully and that anyone who looks at her, lower their heads immediately and cower in fear.

Alas, she had been paired with her bosses and she was going to be stuck with them until god knows when.

They beat her every fucking chance they get. She mustn't even breathe before she gets thrown at the far end of the room. Her very presence and even existence seemed to irritate them for no reason at all.