Chapter 22

As days turned into weeks, the anticipation of the U.A. High School entrance exam results weighed heavily on Amelia. She continued attending her regular classes, the mundane rhythm of school life offering a stark contrast to the exhilaration of the practical exam. Each day was a blend of routine and restless excitement, her thoughts often drifting to that pivotal test and the moment when her future would be decided.

One evening, after spending the afternoon at the Midoriya household discussing strategies and possible outcomes with Izuku, Amelia returned home. The sun was dipping below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the quaint neighborhood. She pushed open the door to her house, her thoughts still lingering on the various quirks she and Izuku had debated over.

"Mom, I'm home!" Amelia called out as she kicked off her shoes in the entryway.

From the living room, she heard her mother's voice, a blend of surprise and apprehension. "Is that you, Amelia?"

"Yes, it's me," Amelia replied, stepping into the hallway.

As she rounded the corner, she was met with the sight of Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi standing in the living room. The detective, a familiar figure from her childhood but seldom seen in recent years, was in the midst of a conversation with her mother. His stern demeanor was softened by a smile as he turned to face Amelia.

"Hello, Amelia," he said warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I remember when you were just a kid, running around with that boundless energy. Look at you now, all grown up and about to start high school."

"Detective Tsukauchi?" Amelia responded, a mix of curiosity and nostalgia in her voice. "I didn't expect to see you here. Are you leaving already?"

"Yes, unfortunately," he said, glancing at his watch. "Just catching up with your mom. Duty calls, as always."

As he moved towards the door, he paused to give her a reassuring nod. "Good luck with your results, Amelia. I'm sure you'll do great."

"Thank you," she replied, watching as he stepped out into the evening light, the door closing softly behind him.

Turning towards the kitchen, Amelia entered to find her parents hastily gathering papers from the table, their movements slightly rushed. They exchanged brief glances before smiling at her.

"Hi, sweetheart," her mother said, quickly stacking the papers and sliding them into a drawer. "How was your day?"

Amelia set her bag down, eyeing the paperwork with a hint of suspicion but deciding not to press. "It was good. Spent some time with Izuku. We talked about the exam and all the possibilities."

Her father gave her a warm smile as he closed the drawer. "That's good to hear. You two have been working really hard. Nervous about the results?"

"A little," Amelia admitted, pulling out a chair and sitting at the table. "But I think I did okay. I just hope it's enough."

Her mother reached over, patting her hand gently. "You've done your best, and that's all that matters. We're proud of you no matter what."

Amelia nodded, feeling a mixture of comfort and lingering curiosity. The presence of Detective Tsukauchi had unsettled her, a reminder of a world she was only partly aware of—a world her parents were evidently more involved in than she had realized.

Her father's voice broke her reverie. "Dinner's almost ready. Why don't you set the table? We can talk more over a nice meal."

"Sure," Amelia said, rising to gather plates and cutlery. As she moved about the kitchen, setting the table with practiced ease, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Her parents' hurried actions and the detective's visit were pieces of a puzzle she couldn't quite fit together.

As they sat down for dinner, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, the atmosphere easing into familiar comfort. Yet, in the back of her mind, Amelia couldn't help but wonder what her parents were hiding, and how it might connect to the next phase of her life at U.A. High School.

That night, as she lay in bed, Amelia stared at the ceiling, her thoughts a whirl of excitement and unease. The thrill of the upcoming results was tempered by the uncertainty that the visit from Detective Tsukauchi had stirred within her. She resolved to focus on the positive, trusting that whatever was going on with her parents, they would share it with her when the time was right.

A week had passed since the tense evening when Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi had visited Amelia's home, and the memory of that visit had slowly faded into the background. The excitement of waiting for her U.A. High School entrance exam results overshadowed everything else. Each day was marked by mounting anticipation, the kind that made even the most mundane moments feel electric with possibility.

On a crisp Friday morning, Amelia's heart leapt into her throat when she heard the distinct ring of the doorbell. She sprinted to the door, throwing it open to find a small envelope lying on the welcome mat. She picked it up, hands trembling slightly as she recognized the U.A. High School emblem embossed on the front. Her pulse quickened as she carefully tore open the envelope and pulled out a sleek, white disc.

Her parents appeared in the hallway, their faces lit with a mixture of encouragement and pride. "Open it, Amelia!" her father urged, his excitement barely contained.

Amelia placed the disc on the coffee table and took a step back. The device whirred softly before projecting a holographic image into the air—a larger-than-life All Might in all his heroic glory. His presence filled the room with an almost tangible aura of strength and warmth.

"HELLO, AMELIA!" All Might's booming voice reverberated through the room, a broad smile spreading across his face. "I hope this message finds you well. I must apologize for not contacting you sooner, but I bring exciting news!"

Amelia's heart pounded as she listened, her hands clenching the fabric of her shirt. All Might's holographic figure shifted slightly, his expression becoming more serious yet still radiating encouragement.

"You've done exceptionally well," he continued. "In fact, not only did you pass the entrance exam, but you also surpassed a personal milestone of mine. During my time at U.A., I achieved 98 points. You, Amelia, scored 101 points, surpassing me by three points! This is a remarkable achievement and speaks volumes about your potential as a future hero."

Amelia's eyes widened, her heart soaring with a mix of disbelief and joy. She glanced at her parents, who were beaming with pride, their eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"All Might's hologram gave a thumbs-up, his smile growing even wider. "Additionally, U.A. judges rewarded you with rescue points for your heroic deeds during the practical exam. It's not just about raw power, but also about your instinct to help others. You exemplified both during the exam. Congratulations, Amelia, and welcome to U.A. High School!"

The hologram flickered, the image of All Might shifting slightly. "One more thing," he added, "I'll be joining U.A. as a teacher. I look forward to seeing you in class!"

With that, the hologram faded, leaving Amelia standing in the living room, her breath coming in excited bursts. Her parents enveloped her in a tight hug, their pride and joy flowing through the embrace.

"I can't believe it," Amelia murmured, her voice filled with awe. "I actually did it."

Her father chuckled, ruffling her hair. "We never doubted you for a second."

The following day, Amelia and Izuku met at Takoba Municipal Beach Park. The sky was a brilliant blue, the kind of day that seemed to hum with possibilities. As they strolled along the sandy shore, they spotted All Might waiting for them, his presence as commanding and reassuring as ever.

"Well done, both of you!" All Might greeted them with his characteristic enthusiasm. "You've shown incredible promise, and I'm proud to welcome you to U.A. High School."

Izuku, his face glowing with pride and a hint of nervousness, bowed slightly. "Thank you, All Might. I'll keep working hard to live up to this honor."

Amelia nodded, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, All Might. This means everything to us."

All Might placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, his expression growing more serious. "Izuku, you've made great strides with One For All, but there's still a lot to learn. Keep adjusting and mastering it. Remember, being a hero is as much about heart as it is about power."

Izuku nodded earnestly. "I understand, All Might. I'll do my best."

With a final encouraging smile, All Might departed, leaving Amelia and Izuku to their thoughts and the gentle sound of the waves lapping at the shore. They walked in comfortable silence for a while, each lost in their own reflections on the journey that had brought them to this point.

As they strolled barefoot along the sand, both of them carrying their shoes in their hands, Amelia glanced at Izuku's iconic red sneakers. "I've noticed you really like those sneakers," she said, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Is there a special reason why you always wear them?"

Izuku hesitated, his gaze dropping to the shoes in his hands. He looked thoughtful, as if debating whether to share the story. Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke.

"These sneakers… they were made for quirkless people like me," he began, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and determination. "Back when I didn't have a quirk, these were the only kind available for us. Red sneakers were kind of a symbol for quirkless people because they were designed to be sturdy and comfortable, accommodating the fact that we didn't have any enhancements or special abilities to rely on."

Amelia listened intently, her eyes soft with understanding.

"I wear them now," Izuku continued, "as a reminder of where I came from and the struggles I've overcome. Having a quirk now hasn't changed my feet, but it has changed everything else about my life. These shoes keep me grounded, remind me to stay humble and remember my journey."

He laughed softly, his cheeks coloring with a blush. "Besides, they're really comfortable."

Amelia chuckled, nudging him playfully with her elbow. "I think that's a great reason to wear them. It's like a part of your identity."

Izuku smiled, a warm, genuine expression that reached his eyes. "Yeah, I guess it is."

Wanting to lighten the mood even further, Amelia scooped up a handful of water and splashed it at Izuku, a mischievous grin on her face. "Think fast!"

Izuku sputtered, laughing as he wiped the water from his face. "Oh, it's on!" He retaliated with a splash of his own, and soon they were engaged in a playful water fight, their laughter mingling with the sound of the waves.

At one point, Izuku scooped Amelia up, holding her above the water with a mock threatening grin. "I might just throw you in!"

Amelia squealed, clutching at his shoulders. "Okay, okay, I yield! Put me down!"

Izuku chuckled, his blush deepening as he realized how close they were. Gently, he set her back on her feet, both of them dropping their shoes in the sand as they caught their breath, their laughter echoing across the beach.

They continued to walk, the sun dipping lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the water. As they talked about the upcoming year at U.A. High School, their hopes and dreams intertwining with the gentle rhythm of the ocean, Amelia felt a profound sense of contentment.