Chapter 30

Breaking News: "U.A. High's hero course students were attacked by the League of Villains in a brazen attempt to eliminate the Symbol of Peace, All Might. Seventy-three criminals were apprehended, though the mastermind, Tomura Shigaraki, remains at large. The villainous plot targeted not only All Might but also threatened the safety of U.A. students during the assault on the U.S.J."

The dramatic news footage flickered on screens across the country, casting a shadow over the hero community. In his office, Toshinori Yagi, known to the world as All Might, sat with a heavy heart, penning a letter to his former teacher. The words flowed from his heart, gratitude mixed with concern for the safety of his students and the escalating threat posed by the League. As he sealed the letter and sent it off with a solemn prayer, his thoughts turned to the boy he had acknowledged in his writing—a boy whose potential and challenges mirrored his own turbulent journey.

U.A. High School was closed the same day of the attack, and the atmosphere was heavy with unresolved tension. In a secure conference room, the faculty convened with Police Force Investigator Naomasa Tsukauchi. The room buzzed with the hum of uncertainty and the rustle of papers.

Principal Nezu opened the meeting. "Thank you for joining us, Investigator Tsukauchi. We must address the League of Villains' attack and plan our next steps."

Tsukauchi sighed, leaning forward. "We managed to arrest seventy-three villains, but the information on their leaders is scarce. Tomura Shigaraki's actions were impulsive, almost child-like. His motives and his backers remain unclear."

All Might, his face grim, added, "Tomura displayed a lack of strategic thinking. His plan was reckless, lacking the sophistication we'd expect from a criminal mastermind."

Aizawa nodded, his expression stern. "It's possible he's being manipulated. Someone may be guiding him toward villainy, just as we guide our students towards heroism."

Principal Nezu's eyes glinted with understanding. "Indeed, Tomura could be a pawn, influenced by someone who wishes to challenge the hero society. We must consider this when planning our defenses. On a positive note, we have apprehended Kurogiri, the portal user."

As the meeting concluded, Tsukauchi stood. "We'll keep investigating. Stay alert. The League of Villains won't give up easily."

That night, Izuku Midoriya sat in his room, lifting weights, his thoughts a whirlwind of determination. How can I master One For All? His muscles burned with exertion, but his mind was focused on becoming stronger, protecting his friends and living up to All Might's legacy. On protecting his Amelia—wait, his Amelia? The sudden realization startled him, and his grip on the weight faltered for a moment. His heart raced not just from the physical exertion but from the intensity of his thoughts. He set the weights down, staring at his hands as he tried to sort through his feelings. Protecting Amelia had become as important to him as mastering his quirk. As his resolve hardened, he knew he had to get stronger, not just for himself, but for her as well.

"Izuku, dinner!" His mother's voice broke his concentration. Izuku set down the weights, wiping sweat from his brow, and headed to the kitchen, his resolve as strong as ever.

The next morning, Class 1-A was abuzz with chatter about their unexpected appearance on the news. The students exchanged worried glances, the events of the previous day still fresh in their minds. The classroom door slid open, and to their surprise, Aizawa-sensei entered, not bundled in his usual sleeping bag.

"Good morning, class," he said, his voice firm. "I know yesterday was intense, but we have something important approaching: The U.A. Sports Festival."

The room erupted with mixed reactions. Some students worried that the festival was too soon, while others saw it as a welcome distraction. As the discussions swirled, the door opened again, and Amelia walked in, looking surprisingly well.

"Amelia!" Several voices called out at once, bombarding her with questions about her health and her sudden return. She laughed, waving off their concerns.

"I'm fine, everyone. Really. Thanks for worrying." She handed Aizawa the letter, then made her way to her desk.

Aizawa continued, ignoring the playful banter. "The Sports Festival is a major opportunity for you all. It's one of the most-viewed events in the world, a chance to be scouted by professional Hero Agencies. We can't cancel it because of what happened."

During lunch, the students gathered in the cafeteria, the air buzzing with renewed energy. Ochaco Uraraka, her eyes gleaming with determination, stood up, her voice ringing out. "I'm going to give it my all at the Sports Festival! We all should!"

Amelia chuckled, her spirits lifting at her friend's enthusiasm. Just then, Mina Ashido grabbed her arm. "Today, you're sitting with the girls only, Amelia!"

Mina's infectious energy pulled Amelia along, and she soon found herself at a table surrounded by her female classmates. Momo Yaoyorozu handed her a tray of food, smiling warmly. "Here, Amelia. We got this for you."

Amelia sat down, a mix of confusion and gratitude washing over her. "Thanks, everyone. This is...really nice."

They seemed determined to distract her from the previous day's incident. Mina, Momo, Ochaco, and Tsuyu chatted animatedly about hero costumes, quirks, and internships. They discussed the latest hero gossip, with Ochaco confessing her admiration for a pro-hero she saw on TV, and Mina teasingly suggesting that Amelia should design her hero costume with a more fashionable edge.

"Maybe some sparkles or neon lights?" Mina suggested with a grin.

Amelia laughed, shaking her head. "I think I'll stick to something practical. Sparkles might be a bit distracting in a fight."

They moved on to discussing their favorite foods, with Tsuyu sharing her love for chocolate-covered strawberries and Momo admitting her fondness for gourmet pastries. The light-hearted conversation was a welcome distraction, and Amelia found herself smiling and laughing, her worries momentarily forgotten.

As the day ended, Amelia walked with Izuku to the school gates. Silence enveloped them, the weight of unspoken words hanging between them. She stopped at the gate and turned to him with a shy smile.

"I guess we'll stop here..." she began hesitantly.

Izuku raised an eyebrow. "I'm dropping you off at home, Amelia. I don't think the U.A. gates are that."

Amelia looked to the side, debating whether to tell him about her new living arrangements. "Well, you're not wrong."

"What do you mean? You live at U.A.? I doubt you asked Aizawa-sensei to let you sleep in his class. Wherever you're staying, I'll make sure you get there safely..." He chuckled nervously.

"Why don't I show you, Izuku? You'll get what I mean then."

Izuku followed Amelia as they walked past the school yards towards the dorm rooms she now called home. Confusion flickered in his eyes as they approached the building. She opened her arms wide, a playful grin on her face.

"Welcome to my new house, Izu!"

Izuku didn't look at the inside. His gaze remained fixed on Amelia, realization dawning on him. "When I thought I'd let you come over to my house, I didn't think it would be this one," she chuckled nervously, sensing his silence. Even with Izuku there, a feeling of loneliness lingered.

"Want anything to drink? Principal Nezu stocked up on all my favorite teas."

Izuku nodded and sat at the kitchen island, watching her make the tea. She seemed intent on keeping herself busy, a sign he recognized all too well. Amelia was hiding her true feelings behind a smile. As the kettle whistled, she placed the tea before him and suggested they sit in the lounge. Izuku grabbed the tray before she could protest and made his way to the lounge, patting the spot next to him on the couch. Amelia sat down, keeping a distance that puzzled Izuku.

As they sipped their tea, Amelia avoided his gaze. Izuku, sensing her unease, set his cup down and leaned forward.

"Izu, don't you have any questions?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Izuku nodded. "I do... How are you, Amelia? How are you really? You can say you're healed, but what about the scars that hurt deep down?"

Amelia's head dropped, and she felt tears prickle her eyelids. Without hesitation, Izuku pulled her into his arms. The warmth and comfort of his embrace overwhelmed her, and she broke down, crying into his shoulder.

"I was so scared, Izu. I didn't know what to do. I just knew you guys had to get away, and I needed to protect my classmates, to protect you. I didn't want to see you get hurt."

Izuku held her tighter, his chin resting on her head. "I haven't seen my parents since the night I last spoke to them. I just want to see them," she confessed between sobs.

Izuku soothed her, whispering reassurances. His shirt was soaked with her tears, but he didn't care. Amelia was crying, and that was all that mattered. He shifted slightly, looking into her tear-streaked face. He had never seen Amelia cry before, but to him, even her tears were beautiful. They expressed feelings that words couldn't convey, revealing the depth of her pain and vulnerability. He meant it sincerely; her tears were a testament to her strength and her heart.

As Amelia's sobs subsided, Izuku continued to hold her, his heart aching for her pain. "I'm here for you, Amelia," he whispered softly. "Always."