Chapter 5

NATASHA'S apartment was a whirlwind of clothes, laughter and occasional exasperated sounds. She stood in front of her full-length mirror, her hair pinned up in loose curls, debating between two dresses held up by Sophia.

"I still like the black one, Tash! It's gonna make Jeremy's heart go into overdrive." Sophia teased, winking. "Get it? Jeremy…into overdrive?"

Natasha rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Yes Sophia, you're making a wordplay joke with Jeremy's company and me," she said in a sarcastic tone. "Did I get it right?"

It was the night of her dinner date with Jeremy. She and Sophia had never gotten the chance to go shopping after all, so both girls had turned Natasha's wardrobe inside out. Sophia kept rejecting Natasha's dressy choices in favor of more provocative ones.

Sophia chuckled. "Bingo! You're catching on. Now will you please just wear this black lace number and end my misery?"

"I told you I am not wearing anything over the top," Natasha replied. "I want to make a good impression, not look like I'm trying too hard." 

Sophia put her hand on her hip and tilted her head. "Babe, you're going to Le Calandre, one of the poshest restaurants in town. You need to match the vibe. Plus, I'm totally expecting Jeremy to bring his A-game tonight." She grabbed Natasha's phone and read aloud the text message Jeremy had sent earlier:

"Really looking forward to seeing you again tonight, Natasha. Pick you up at 7? Please text me your address."

She looked up with a cheeky grin. "Well well, hasn't Mr. Charming got a reservation for romance tonight!"

"You sure are having a lot of fun with this, aren't you?" Natasha said, narrowing her eyes at Sophia, but still blushing slightly.

"Oh yeah!" Sophia said, playfully. She slumped in an armchair near her and said, "Remember the last time we did this for you? You were dating that guy from accounting at your first job."

Natasha groaned, sorting through the outfits lying in front of her. "Don't remind me. He turned out to be a nightmare."

Sophia laughed. "And then there was that guy from the art gallery. What was his name? The one who kept calling you 'his muse'?"

Natasha giggled. "David. He was a bit much, wasn't he?"

"Totally. But Jeremy seems different. I mean, an email? That's practically Shakespearean in today's world," Sophia said.

Natasha was mulling over the outfits spread out on her bed. After a moment, she said, "I've decided. I'm wearing the green one." She pointed to a chic, bottle green-colored dress, the exquisite shade reminiscent of a deep forest canopy.

"Alright, I concede, and I admit that that too, is a stunning dress," Sophia replied with a smile. "Go get changed, Jeremy will be here soon," she said, looking at the time. 

Natasha went to her dressing area and after a while, she came out donning the dress she chose for her first date with Jeremy. Crafted from a luxurious, silky fabric, it cascaded gracefully down her figure, hugging her curves in all the right places. The bodice was elegantly simple, with delicate tie-up shoulders that added a playful yet sophisticated touch. The dress flowed into a fluid, ankle-grazing skirt, with a daring slit on the right side that reached mid-thigh. The rich bottle-green hue contrasted beautifully with Natasha's complexion, striking a perfect balance between sophistication and allure, just what she wanted. 

Sophia, who was on her phone, looked up and her eyes went wide. "I'm speechless, Tash. You look breathtaking!" She picked up a pair of statement earrings from her jewelry box and said, "Here, these will complete the look perfectly. Jeremy won't know what hit him!"

Natasha took the earrings from her friend's hands with a smile. As she was putting them on, the doorbell rang. 

Natasha's heart skipped a beat, the anticipation of Jeremy's arrival sending a rush of excitement through her. She didn't get it. Why was Jeremy affecting her so much?

Sophia, sensing her friend's nerves, gave her a quick but heartfelt hug. "Go get him, girl," she whispered, her voice filled with encouragement and excitement. "You look amazing."

Natasha returned the hug gratefully. "Thanks, Soph," she said, "Make sure you lock the door behind you when you leave."

"Oh I ain't going nowhere, sister!" Sophia replied with a wink. "I am gonna be right here when you come back, ready to listen to all the juicy details."

Natasha laughed and waved her hand towards Sophia. "You're impossible, Soph. Well, if you get hungry or thirsty, you know where everything is." She made her way towards the front door, steeling herself for a night she could feel was going to be exciting.


Natasha opened the door to find Jeremy standing there with a bunch of red roses in his hand, looking every bit the epitome of sophistication in a perfectly tailored charcoal suit. The jacket hugged his broad shoulders elegantly, and the crisp white shirt underneath accentuated his strong jawline. His dark hair was impeccably styled, giving him a polished yet approachable look.

Jeremy's eyes widened as he took in Natasha's appearance. A smile spread across his face, genuine admiration shining in his gaze as he noticed the way the soft glow of the hallway lights reflected off her glossy curls and illuminated the rich hue of her outfit. He cleared his throat slightly, his expression softening with a hint of awe.

"You look absolutely stunning, Natasha," Jeremy said warmly, his voice carrying a mix of admiration and excitement. He handed the roses to her and leaned in for a peck on her cheeks.

"Thank you, Jeremy. You look great too," Natasha replied, taking the flowers, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks.

"Ready to go?" Jeremy asked, taking a step back from the porch, making way for Natasha to step out.

"Yeah," Natasha replied with a smile, stepping out and shutting the door behind her.

As they walked towards Jeremy's car, Natasha couldn't help but glance at Jeremy, impressed with his thoughtful gesture with the roses. The scent of the flowers mixed with the crisp evening air, made Natasha feel a flutter of butterflies in her stomach.

Reaching his car, Jeremy opened the door for her. "Thank you," Natasha said as she settled into the passenger seat.

"Of course," Jeremy replied with a warm smile.

As Jeremy got into the driver's seat and started the engine, an odd tension filled the car. It wasn't uncomfortable, but rather the kind of tension that arises when two people who are undeniably attracted to each other find themselves alone together for the first time. They had exchanged pleasantries and compliments, but now, with the drive ahead of them, they both knew the conversation needed to go beyond surface-level niceties.

Jeremy glanced over at Natasha, her quiet confidence radiating through the pleasant silence. He could feel the anticipation of the evening, mixed with the excitement of getting to know her better. Natasha, on the other hand, was equally intrigued by Jeremy. His chivalry and sophistication had already made a strong impression, but she wanted to learn more about the man behind the serious and composed demeanor.

After a few moments of silence, Natasha decided to break the ice with a question that had been on her mind. "Jeremy, can I ask you something?"

"Of course," he said, his eyes briefly meeting hers before returning to the road.

"Why did you decide to email me instead of calling? I mean, you could've easily gotten the number to my office," Natasha asked, her curiosity evident.

Jeremy chuckled softly. "I didn't want to go through anyone to talk to you. I like being direct. Email felt more personal, more direct."

Natasha nodded, appreciating his straightforwardness. "That's fair. I guess directness is a good trait for someone in cybersecurity."

Jeremy nodded with a smile, "It definitely helps," his eyes twinkling with interest. "So, tell me, what made you start The Boston Inquiry?"

"It started as a creative outlet," Natasha replied, her eyes lighting up. "I've always loved writing and sharing my thoughts. It kind of grew from there, and I realized how much I enjoyed connecting with people through my words."

"That's wonderful," Jeremy said genuinely. "What's been the most rewarding part for you?"

Natasha thought for a moment. "I think it's the feedback from readers. Knowing that something I wrote resonated with someone, helped them in some way, or made a difference, is incredibly fulfilling."

Jeremy smiled. "That's really inspiring. It's not often you find someone so dedicated to their passion."

Natasha blushed slightly, enjoying the direction of their conversation. "What about you, Jeremy? What drove you to start your company? Cybersecurity is a pretty intense field."

Jeremy's expression became more thoughtful. "I've always been fascinated by technology and its potential. But as I learned more, I saw how vulnerable we all are to cyber threats. I wanted to help protect people and organizations from being take advantage of. It felt like a calling."

Natasha nodded, impressed. "That sounds like a lot of responsibility."

"It is," Jeremy admitted. "But it's also very rewarding. Knowing that we do our part in making the world a safer place is worth all the effort."

Their conversation flowed easily now, each question leading to new insights and a deeper understanding of each other. As they neared the restaurant, both Natasha and Jeremy felt the initial tension dissolve, replaced by a budding connection that promised much more.