The Yang Energy -3

Xian Tian's eyes snapped open, his gaze sharp and piercing as he registered the lingering scent of Lady Yun in the air.

A surge of emotions welled up within him; confusion, shame, and an undeniable spark of arousal.

He had been awake the entire time, feigning sleep as Lady Yun had tended to his... ailment.

The feel of her delicate fingers caressing his sensitive flesh had set his nerves alight, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through his body.

Yet, even as he reveled in the memory of her skilled handjob, a tinge of guilt gnawed at his conscience.

Had he taken advantage of her kindness?

Surely, she had only meant to assist him in regaining his balance, not to... Something sinful.

Xian Tian shook his head, clearing the errant thoughts. As he rose from the bed, his eyes landed on the spot where Lady Yun had been sitting.

"Lady Yun!!!" he called out, his voice hesitant, yet laced with an underlying desire to see her once more.

A part of him yearned to confront her, to understand the depths of her actions.

But another, more primal part, simply craved her touch, the soothing comfort of her embrace.

Xian Tian steeled himself, his resolve hardening as he stepped out into the hallway, determined to unravel the mysteries.

How can his essence help her?

Climbing to his feet, Xian Tian quietly made his way to the doorway, peering out into the hall.

He could hear the faint sounds of Lady Yun's labored breathing, punctuated by the occasional soft gasp.

Intrigued, he followed the source of the noises, eventually arriving at a secluded meditation chamber.

Pressing his ear against the ornate wooden door, Xian Tian could sense the crackling energy within, a veritable tempest of Qi swirling about.

"What is the meaning of this?" he muttered, brow furrowed in concentration.

Had his earlier release somehow unlocked a hidden potential within the esteemed Lady Yun? The thought both thrilled and unsettled him.

Slowly, he eased the door open, slipping inside as quietly as a shadow. The sight that greeted him caused his breath to catch in his throat.

There, bathed in a dazzling golden aura, was Lady Yun, her delicate features etched with a look of pure rapture. Her alabaster skin glistened with a fine sheen of perspiration, her ample bosom heaving with each labored breath.

Xian Tian felt a stirring between his own legs as he drank in the spectacle before him, unable to tear his eyes away. He had never seen anything quite like it.

" is this possible?" he whispered.


Few moments ago...

Lady Yun's eyes widened in shock as she felt the surge of Qi coursing through her body.

This was no ordinary breakthrough... the energy was potent, almost overwhelming.

She could sense the undercurrent of Yang vitality, pulsing with a raw, masculine essence that was unmistakably Xian Tian's.

Hurrying to a secluded meditation chamber, she sat in the lotus position, her brow furrowed in concentration.

As she delved deeper into her Dao Heart, she could feel the Qi aligning and refining itself, her cultivation base expanding at a dizzying rate.

Her spirit roots were expanding while the sea level on her sea of consciousness was increasing.

"This is... impossible," she murmured, her voice tinged with a mixture of awe and trepidation.

"How could his seed alone have such a profound effect on my cultivation?" she questioned herself, unaware Xian Tian was outside watching her, covered in dazzling pure aura.

Closing her eyes, she sought to unravel the mystery, tracing the intricate web of energies that now flowed through her being.

There was an undeniable resonance, a harmonious synchronization between Xian Tian's vitality and her own Qi.

"Could it be that our energies are... compatible?" The realization sent a shiver down her spine, for such a connection was exceedingly rare, almost unheard of.

As the breakthrough reached its crescendo, Lady Yun felt a surge of power, unlike anything she had experienced before.

She was at the later stage of the Qi Gathering realm, almost bottleneck, she needed a little push to reach the Qi Foundation realm.

Her Dao heart was ablaze, her spirit roots pulsing with renewed vigor. When she finally opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of her own aura, shimmering with an ethereal, golden radiance.

"Heavens..." she breathed, her voice tinged with a mixture of reverence and trepidation. "What does this mean?"

Composing herself, she rose from her meditative posture.

Steadying her breath, Lady Yun emerged from the meditation chamber, her mind abuzz with a whirlwind of questions.

Outside the room remained no one.

This unexpected breakthrough from early stage to later stage had shaken her to the core, for the implications were both exhilarating and unsettling.

As she made her way back to where Xian Tian lay resting, she couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose.

Perhaps this was a sign - a chance for her to forge a meaningful connection once more, to find the companionship she had so dearly craved.

He wasn't her dao companion but he was no worse, not to mention, his Yang essence could actually help her cultivate.

Pausing at the doorway, she allowed her gaze to linger upon Xian Tian's slumbering form.

There was a certain vulnerability about him that tugged at her heartstrings, a rawness that reminded her so much of her late husband.

"Young master," she called out softly, her voice tinged with a maternal warmth. "I must speak with you. There is much we need to discuss,"

Crossing the room, she knelt by his side, her eyes searching his face for any sign of wakefulness.

Reaching out, she gently placed her hand upon his forehead, her fingertips tracing the strong lines of his brow.

"You have done me a great service, whether you realize it or not," she murmured, her tone laced with a hint of wonder.

"Your vitality has granted me a power I never could have imagined. But with this gift comes a burden, one that I am unsure I am prepared to bear."

Chewing her lower lip, she wrestled with the complexity of her emotions. On one hand, she was grateful for this unexpected boon, for it offered her the chance to reclaim the life she had once known.