Accidental electric shock

It was an oppressively hot summer, the kind that made the old, dilapidated walls of the laboratory building seem to ooze with moisture. The rhythmic sound of dripping water echoed down the hallways, providing an eerie soundtrack to the late-night experiments. Inside one of the rooms, Chance, a dedicated physics PhD student, was deeply engrossed in his black hole experiment.

Black holes had long been a staple of theoretical physics, an enigma that fascinated and puzzled scientists for centuries.

The question that haunted many minds was whether these mysterious entities truly existed. Chance ran his fingers through his disheveled hair, feeling the weight of exhaustion. He had been holed up in this lab for a week, sleeping on the uncomfortable couch in the corner, and had not returned home in all that time. He reflected on the long journey that had brought him to this top-tier university. All the hard work, the sleepless nights, and the endless studying had led him here, to this moment of discovery.

Despite his stellar academic record—straight A's in all his courses, always at the top of his class—Chance felt the crushing pressure of his current project. In a moment of fatigue, he accidentally knocked over his cup of coffee, spilling the liquid across the cluttered table. The coffee seeped into the experimental equipment, causing a short circuit. The machine sparked and hissed, and the room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

"Great," Chance muttered to himself, rubbing his eyes. "Just what I needed."

The darkness and silence provided an unwanted opportunity for introspection. He remembered why he had chosen this path, the admiration he had for pioneers like Richard Feynman, and the hope that his work might one day make a significant impact. Despite the setbacks, his determination remained unshaken.

As he cleaned up the mess, he couldn't help but think about the significance of his work. "If black holes do exist, and if I can prove it," he thought, "it would change everything we know about the universe."

With the equipment cleaned and the coffee wiped away, Chance resumed his experiment. He was at the brink of a breakthrough, he could feel it. Hours turned into days as he meticulously adjusted variables and recorded data. The room was filled with a chaotic blend of scientific instruments, notes, and half-eaten meals.

One particularly exhausting night, Chance finally witnessed something extraordinary. The data on his screen showed an anomaly, a disturbance that could only be explained by the presence of a black hole. His heart raced as he double-checked his findings. There it was, the theoretical becoming reality right before his eyes.

In his excitement, Chance knew he had to share his findings. He grabbed his phone and dialed his advisor, Professor Ramayah, a seasoned physicist with a sharp mind and a stern demeanor.

"Professor, you need to come to the lab immediately. I think I've found something incredible."

Professor Ramayah's voice crackled over the line, "I'll be there in twenty minutes."

As Chance waited, he couldn't help but pace the room, his mind racing with the implications of his discovery. When the professor arrived, they pored over the data together. Ramayah's eyes widened as he reviewed the evidence.

"This is astonishing, Chance. If this is verified, it could be one of the most significant discoveries in modern physics," Ramayah said, his voice filled with a rare note of admiration.

But their celebration was short-lived. Just as they began discussing the next steps, an unexpected surge of energy emanated from the experimental apparatus. The room was bathed in a blinding light, and before Chance could react, he felt himself being pulled into a vortex.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in an ancient era. Just when he thought he was going to die, he heard a woman's voice in his ear.

Maid: Your Highness, wake up quickly! The Emperor will be here soon.

Chance suddenly sat up, his heart pounding: What? I'm not dead? I've traveled to the Ming Dynasty and become a prince?

A soldier at the door shouted: The Emperor has arrived!

Chance quickly got up and knelt, his body trembling: Father!

The Emperor's face twisted in anger as he shouted: Unfilial son! All of my other sons are diligently practicing martial arts, and you just sleep all day. Drag him out and give him fifty strokes with the large board!

Chance's eyes widened in panic. Fifty strokes with the large board? That would kill me! He quickly tried to explain.

Chance: I overslept yesterday because I was studying poetry diligently.

At this moment, the Second Prince, Simon, who was always at odds with Chance, stepped forward with a smirk.

Simon: This Fourth Prince is clearly making excuses. If he dares, let him compete with me in martial arts.

Chance, feeling a surge of defiance, said: Fine!

Chance thought to himself, This Second Prince has always been against me. This time, I'll show him. So he said: What do you want to compete in?

Simon's eyes glinted with malice: Let's keep it simple. Let's compete in lifting the cauldron.

Chance thought: Isn't that the specialty of those who practice martial arts every day? But I've traveled into the body of the Fourth Prince. I'm a modern physics PhD; I can't be afraid of you. So he said: Let's compete in lifting the cauldron.

Simon: If you lose, you'll leave the palace and live as a commoner, no longer involved in family and royal succession.

He summoned dozens of soldiers to carry a huge cauldron into the middle of the arena.

Simon: Father, this cauldron weighs a full 1,000 pounds.

The soldiers watched and whispered among themselves: I heard Simon has natural strength and can lift 1,000 pounds. He truly is a hero of our nation.

Chance saw this and remained confident.

Chance: Add another 1,000 pounds of molten iron to the cauldron!

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

They whispered: The Fourth Prince has always been weak and idle. He couldn't lift 100 pounds, let alone 2,000 pounds. He's going to embarrass himself.

Under everyone's gaze, Chance confidently walked towards the arena, his mind racing. As a physics PhD, he knew that leverage and physics were on his side. He observed the cauldron and the setup carefully.

Chance: Bring me a sturdy wooden beam and some ropes.

Simon laughed derisively: You think you can lift the cauldron with a wooden beam? This is ridiculous.

Ignoring the taunts, Chance instructed the soldiers to construct a lever system using the beam. They secured the ropes to the cauldron and the beam, creating a makeshift pulley system. The soldiers followed his instructions, albeit skeptically.

Chance took a deep breath and grasped the end of the beam. With the principles of physics in mind, he began to apply force. Slowly but surely, the cauldron started to rise. The onlookers gasped in astonishment as the heavy cauldron lifted off the ground, inch by inch.

Simon's smug expression faltered, replaced by disbelief. The crowd erupted into murmurs of awe and admiration.

Chance: Just a little more...

With one final push, Chance lifted the cauldron to its full height. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their doubts replaced by amazement.

Chance stood there, his heart pounding with triumph. He had not only proven himself but had also used his modern knowledge to outwit his adversary. He looked at Simon, who was now red with anger and embarrassment.

Simon: This... this is impossible!

Chance smiled, feeling a surge of satisfaction: Believe it or not, Simon, but you've lost this time.

The Emperor, watching from his throne, nodded with approval: Well done, Chance. You have shown ingenuity and strength. Let this be a lesson to all my sons – true power comes from both the mind and the body.

As Chance left the arena, a profound sense of accomplishment washed over him. He had not only survived but thrived in this unexpected journey to the past.

Yet, an unsettling feeling lingered, hinting that this was merely the prelude to a grander adventure. With each step, the ancient world around him seemed to whisper secrets of untold stories and looming challenges. As he took in the sights and sounds of his new surroundings, Chance realized the truth: he had traveled through time. The realization both thrilled and unnerved him. This was just the beginning of an extraordinary journey.