The Royal Banquet

The grand hall was filled with the sound of laughter and clinking glasses as the Emperor welcomed the envoys from the Western Regions. The Crown Prince, still seething from his failed plot, watched Chance with contempt as he entered the hall.

As the banquet progressed, one of the Western envoys, a tall man with a stern demeanor, stood up and addressed the Emperor. "Your Majesty, we have heard much about the wisdom and strength of your princes. We would like to see a demonstration of their skills."

The Emperor nodded, signaling his approval. "Very well. My sons are well-versed in many arts. What kind of demonstration do you seek?"

The envoy smirked. "We have brought with us a unique challenge. It is a device that measures the power of an arrow shot. We would like to see which prince can achieve the highest score."

The Crown Prince stepped forward confidently. "I will go first." He took the bow and arrow handed to him by the envoy and aimed at the target. The arrow flew straight and true, striking the center of the target and scoring high.

The hall erupted in applause, and the Crown Prince basked in the admiration. "Let's see if anyone can top that," he said smugly.

Chance stepped forward. "I accept the challenge," he said calmly. He took the bow and arrow, but instead of immediately shooting, he studied the device. He recognized the mechanics of the device and quickly formed a plan.

"I will use a different approach," Chance announced. He turned to his servants and whispered instructions. Within minutes, they returned with a small, curious-looking contraption that Chance had designed using his knowledge of modern physics.

The device was a miniature catapult, precisely calibrated for maximum force and accuracy. Chance placed the arrow in the catapult and made careful adjustments.

"What is that?" the Crown Prince sneered. "Are you afraid to shoot the arrow yourself?"

Chance ignored the jibe and launched the arrow. It flew with incredible speed and precision, striking the target dead center and shattering the previous score.

The hall fell silent, and then erupted in astonished applause. The envoys from the Western Regions exchanged bewildered glances, unable to comprehend how such a device could exist.

"This device uses principles of leverage and elasticity," Chance explained. "With precise calculations, it can achieve far greater force and accuracy than a simple bow."

The Emperor's eyes gleamed with pride. "Chance, your ingenuity never ceases to amaze me. You have not only met the challenge but surpassed it with your innovative thinking."

The Western envoy, visibly impressed, bowed to Chance. "Your knowledge and skill are indeed remarkable. We are honored to have witnessed such a demonstration."

The Crown Prince's face was a mask of fury, but he could do nothing as Chance's brilliance was celebrated by all. This victory solidified Chance's reputation and further secured his position in the royal court.

That night, as Chance retired to his quarters, he reflected on the evening's events. He realized that his modern knowledge was a powerful tool that could shape his future in this ancient world. With each victory, he moved one step closer to achieving his ultimate goal.

A few days later, the Western envoys proposed yet another challenge, this time a test of both intellectual and physical prowess. They presented a complex trebuchet, a medieval siege weapon, and challenged the princes to improve its design for greater accuracy and distance.

The Crown Prince eagerly accepted the challenge, confident in his mechanical skills. He spent hours making adjustments to the trebuchet, increasing its counterweight and adjusting its arm for maximum range. When he finally tested it, the projectile flew far and true, impressing the onlookers.

Then it was Chance's turn. He approached the trebuchet, studying its design carefully. Drawing on his knowledge of modern physics and engineering, he made precise calculations and modifications. He adjusted the angle of the arm, optimized the counterweight, and introduced a new tension mechanism to increase the force of the launch.

When Chance tested his improved trebuchet, the projectile soared through the air with astonishing speed and distance, far surpassing the Crown Prince's attempt. The crowd was once again awestruck by his ingenuity.

The Western envoys were amazed. "Your Highness, your improvements are revolutionary. This trebuchet is now more powerful and accurate than any we have seen."

The Emperor, beaming with pride, declared, "Chance, your brilliance shines yet again. Your innovations will undoubtedly strengthen our kingdom."

The Crown Prince, defeated and humiliated, could only watch as Chance received the accolades he had long coveted.

Simon watched Chance's impressive performance with growing jealousy. He fumed silently, cursing under his breath,

"That arrogant Fourth Brother, always showing off. Does he really think he's something special now? Just wait for the next competition. When you fail, I'll make sure to expose you in front of Father, disgrace you, and bring shame to the royal family. Just you wait."