Self-heating rice

Chance's victory in the combat challenge had been spectacular, a display of strength and ingenuity that left the court buzzing with admiration. The Emperor, his eyes shining with approval, addressed him with pride. "Chance, you have proven yourself time and again. I am giving you the responsibility to manage a portion of our territory. Go to the Land Management Office and claim your land."

Chance bowed deeply, overwhelmed by the Emperor's trust. As he walked towards the Land Management Office, a sense of accomplishment warmed his heart. He envisioned a prosperous future, one where he could implement his knowledge and transform the land he was about to govern.

However, back at the palace, envy and fear brewed among the other princes. The Crown Prince, Simon, and their allies viewed Chance as an escalating threat to their ambitions. Huddled in a shadowy corner of the palace, they concocted a scheme to thwart him.

"We must ensure he receives the worst possible territory," Simon declared, his voice dripping with malice. "A place so remote and harsh that even his cleverness won't save him."

Their plan set in motion, the conspirators manipulated the officials at the Land Management Office. When Chance arrived, the officials greeted him with an air of false respect. One of them handed him the land documents with a barely concealed smirk.

"Your Highness, this is your designated land," the official said, attempting to mask his amusement.

Chance unfolded the map, his eyes scanning the parchment. His heart sank as he realized the location – a vast, rugged expanse in the northwest, known for its severe climate and isolation.

"The northwest?" Chance asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. "Is there no other land available?"

The official shook his head, feigning regret. "I'm afraid not, Your Highness. This is the only land that remains unallocated."

With no other option, Chance accepted the assignment. "Very well," he said, his voice steely with determination. "I will make the best of this opportunity."

About the northwestern region, the area corresponding to modern-day Tibet, is known for its arid conditions. This region suffers from a severe lack of rainfall, which leads to widespread drought and significantly impacts agricultural productivity. The persistent water scarcity means that local crops often fail, leaving the inhabitants struggling to survive.

Moreover, the region's geographic location makes it a frontier area, frequently exposed to incursions from neighboring hostile tribes, such as the nomadic wolf clans. These invasions add to the area's instability, making it a perilous place to live. The combination of environmental hardships and the constant threat of external attacks makes this part of the world especially challenging and dangerous for its residents.

As he prepared for the arduous journey, Chance knew the challenges ahead were formidable. The northwest region, known today as Tibet, was infamous for its extreme conditions. But he saw this as another test of his abilities, a chance to apply his modern knowledge to overcome adversity.

Chance's departure was a scene of mixed emotions. The Crown Prince and his allies watched with satisfaction, believing they had successfully marginalized him. But Chance's loyal followers held firm in their belief that he would turn this challenge into yet another triumph.

The journey to his new domain was long and treacherous, but Chance's resolve never wavered. "This land may be remote and harsh," he mused, "but it also offers a chance for innovation and growth. With my modern knowledge, I can transform this region into a thriving part of the empire."

After a month of arduous travel, Chance and his servants finally neared the desolate region of the northwest, known today as Tibet. The journey was grueling, and as they trekked through the harsh landscape, their provisions dwindled. Hunger gnawed at them, and the threat of starvation loomed large.

One evening, as the group stopped to rest, Chance noticed the exhausted, gaunt faces of his servants. Their supply of food had run out, and the once vibrant group now seemed on the verge of collapse. Realizing the dire situation, Chance rummaged through their supplies and found a few items that sparked an idea. Among the meager remnants were lime and their eating utensils.

"Don't lose hope," Chance said, trying to reassure his desperate companions. "I have a solution that will give us a hot meal even without fire." His words were met with skeptical glances, but the faint glimmer of hope in their eyes spurred him on.

Chance set to work, explaining his plan as he went. "In the modern world, we have a technique called self-heating meals. By using a simple chemical reaction, we can generate enough heat to cook our rice." The servants, though doubtful, watched with a mix of curiosity and desperation.

He poured some lime into a metal container and added water. The reaction was immediate and intense, the mixture bubbling and steaming as it released heat. "This is how we create the heat," he explained, his voice steady. He placed a bowl filled with rice and water atop the makeshift heater, letting the steam envelop the bowl.

The servants watched in amazement as steam began to rise, and within minutes, the aroma of cooking rice filled the air. "This is incredible," one servant exclaimed. "I never thought we'd be able to have hot food out here."

Chance smiled, feeling a swell of pride. "It's just basic chemistry," he said, downplaying the ingenuity of his solution. "This way, we can stay nourished and keep our strength up."

As the rice finished cooking, the servants eagerly took their portions, their faces lighting up with relief and gratitude as they ate the warm, steaming rice. "We have light!" one of the servants exclaimed, marveling at the makeshift light bulb. "But it doesn't come from candles or lanterns. Where does it come from?" Another servant pointed to the glowing bulb and said, "It's this. It's this that's shining."

After the meal, as they rested and prepared to continue their journey, Chance couldn't help but reflect on the strange twist of fate that had brought him here. In the modern world, pork was a common dish, but here in the ancient world, no one ate it. "It's a shame," Chance thought. "Maybe I could start a pork business here."

Upon reaching his new domain, Chance was greeted by the stark yet stunning beauty of the landscape. Towering mountains and vast plateaus stretched as far as the eye could see, the wilderness both intimidating and inspiring. The local inhabitants, curious about their new governor, gathered to meet him.

Chance addressed them with confidence, his voice a blend of authority and warmth. "I know these lands are challenging, but together, we will turn them into a place of prosperity and strength. We will use our knowledge, skills, and determination to overcome every obstacle."

The local inhabitants, initially skeptical, felt a spark of hope ignited by Chance's words. They saw in him a leader who not only understood the difficulties they faced but was also equipped with the knowledge to bring about real change.

Chance's journey to the northwest was fraught with the unknown, but his unwavering determination and innovative spirit promised a future where even the harshest of landscapes could be transformed into a thriving part of the empire. As he stood before his new subjects, Chance felt the weight of his responsibility and the exhilarating promise of what lay ahead.

As Chance reflected on his journey, a villager suddenly collapsed in front of him, frothing at the mouth. Alarmed, Chance turned to the local village head, who explained grimly, "This villager hasn't eaten in two weeks. He starved to death."

Chance's heart sank at the sight of the frail body before him. The village head continued, "Unfortunately, deaths like this are common here. Many are starving and struggling to survive."

Determined to make a difference, Chance resolved to save the people of this drought-stricken land. The hardships they faced ignited a fire within him to bring hope and change to the desolate region.