The Experiment and the Unexpected Journey

Chance's obsession with reversing time to save Keiko and their unborn child had only intensified. His previous attempts at creating a singularity had given him valuable insights, but they were not enough. He decided to incorporate radiation theory into his experiments, believing it might hold the key to stabilizing the singularity and controlling the temporal jump.

For weeks, Chance worked tirelessly, fine-tuning his machinery and calculations. He studied the effects of Hawking radiation, a theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation due to quantum effects near the event horizon. Chance hoped that by harnessing this radiation, he could achieve a more controlled and precise time travel experience.

He meticulously recreated the conditions of his initial accident, ensuring every detail was perfect. The electrical setup, the coffee spill simulation, and now, the added element of radiation. His goal was to generate a stable, navigable singularity.

On the night of the experiment, Chance activated his machinery. The equipment hummed with power, and the room was bathed in an eerie glow. He carefully introduced the radiation component, watching as the vortex of light and energy began to form.

"This is it," he thought, a mixture of hope and trepidation in his heart. "This time, I will succeed."

As the vortex stabilized, Chance stepped into the swirling energy. The sensation was overwhelming, and he felt his body being pulled through time and space. But something went wrong. The radiation levels spiked, and the singularity began to destabilize. The energy became chaotic, and Chance felt a searing pain as he was hurled through the vortex.

When he awoke, Chance found himself in a completely different place. The sun was shining, and the air was filled with the sounds of a bustling city. Confused and disoriented, he realized he was lying on the side of a street. People walked by, some giving him curious glances.

He tried to remember what had happened, but his mind was a haze. Bits and pieces of his life flashed before him, but nothing made sense. As he struggled to his feet, a woman approached him. She was strikingly beautiful but had a harsh, almost menacing demeanor.

"There you are, you lazy bum!" she shouted, grabbing his arm. "I've been looking everywhere for you. Get up, we need to go."

Chance, still dazed, allowed himself to be pulled along. The woman introduced herself as Lisa, and she made it clear that she was not pleased with him.

"Stop daydreaming and get in the car," she snapped, pointing to an old, beat-up taxi. "You're late for your shift. If you don't start earning some money, we'll be out on the streets."

Chance felt a strange sense of familiarity and fear. He couldn't remember anything clearly, but Lisa's domineering presence made him uneasy. He climbed into the taxi, his hands gripping the steering wheel as if it were a lifeline.

Lisa leaned into the window. "And don't even think about coming home early," she warned. "I have things to do, and I don't need you getting in the way."

With that, she stormed off, leaving Chance to start the taxi. He drove aimlessly through the city, trying to make sense of his fragmented memories. Every now and then, a flash of his past life would surface, but it was quickly drowned out by the harsh reality of his current situation.

As the day wore on, Chance realized that Lisa had no real affection for him. She treated him more like a servant than a husband. His mind, clouded by the strange journey through the singularity, couldn't piece together who he really was or where he came from.

Meanwhile, Lisa had her own plans. She had arranged to meet her lover, a smooth-talking man who promised her a life of luxury and excitement. As Chance struggled to navigate his new life, Lisa was busy planning her future without him.

That evening, as Chance returned home exhausted and disheartened, he found Lisa in a suspiciously good mood. She barely acknowledged him, instead focusing on getting ready to go out.

"Where are you going?" Chance asked, feeling a pang of jealousy and confusion.

"Out," Lisa replied curtly. "Don't wait up."

As she left, Chance slumped onto the worn couch, his mind racing. He knew something was terribly wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it. The memories of his past life, the love he had for Keiko, and the strange journey through the vortex were all a blur.

He stared at the ceiling, feeling a deep sense of loss and longing. "Who am I?" he whispered to the empty room. "What happened to me?"