The Birth of the Electric Bicycle

As Chance walked through the bustling streets, the weight of his newfound wealth pressed heavily on his mind. It was the 1990s, an era brimming with opportunity, where a fortune like his could turn dreams into reality. One million yuan was a staggering amount, a windfall that could change his life forever. He thought back to Lisa's scornful words about his poverty, and he made a silent vow to himself: he would use this money to amass even greater wealth and prove his worth.

But where to start? He wandered aimlessly, lost in thought, until he saw a familiar face in the crowd. It was his old friend, Daniel. Daniel was one of the few people Chance knew in this era, a loyal friend despite his own struggles. Daniel had poor eyesight, particularly at night—a condition that would later be recognized as night blindness. He was standing by a small stall, trying to sell bicycles.

"Daniel!" Chance called out, hurrying over.

Daniel turned and squinted, a broad smile breaking across his face. "Chance! It's good to see you, my friend."

They embraced, and Chance quickly noticed the absence of customers. "How's business?" he asked, glancing at the array of unsold bicycles.

Daniel sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I've been standing here for days, and I haven't sold a single one."

"Why not?" Chance asked, frowning. "Bicycles are still in demand, aren't they?"

Daniel shook his head. "Not like before. These days, everyone with money is buying cars. Ordinary people can't afford cars, but they already have bicycles. And bicycles... well, they just aren't as fast or convenient as cars."

Chance felt a spark of inspiration. His knowledge of physics and engineering, ingrained deeply in his mind, surged to the forefront. "What if there was a way to make bicycles faster and more convenient, like cars?" he mused aloud.

Daniel looked puzzled. "What do you mean, Chance?"

Chance's eyes lit up. "An electric bicycle, Daniel. A bike with a small motor that can assist the rider, making it easier to travel long distances and up hills without getting tired."

Daniel's eyes widened with curiosity and a hint of skepticism. "Electric bicycle? I've never heard of such a thing. How would it work?"

Chance quickly sketched out a basic design on a piece of paper. "We'd attach a small electric motor to the bicycle frame. The motor would be powered by a rechargeable battery, which could be charged using a standard electrical outlet. With the motor's help, the bicycle would go much faster and require less effort to ride."

Daniel examined the sketch, his brow furrowed in concentration. "It sounds incredible, but can it really be done?"

Chance nodded confidently. "Absolutely. I have the knowledge to design it, and with the money I have now, we can make it a reality. This could be the start of something big, Daniel. Something that could change both our lives."

Daniel's skepticism slowly gave way to excitement. "If you think it can work, Chance, then I believe you. But where do we start?"

Chance smiled, feeling a surge of determination. "First, we'll need to find a workshop and gather materials. I'll handle the design and engineering, and you can help with the assembly and testing. Together, we'll create the first electric bicycle."

The two friends spent the next few days scouring the city for the necessary components. They found a small workshop to rent and purchased motors, batteries, and bicycle frames. Chance threw himself into the project, drawing on his deep well of knowledge and experience. He worked late into the night, fueled by his vision and the desire to make a difference.

Daniel proved to be an invaluable assistant, following Chance's instructions meticulously and contributing his own practical insights. They worked tirelessly, and soon the first prototype of their electric bicycle began to take shape.

One evening, as they put the finishing touches on the bike, Chance stepped back and admired their creation. The sleek design and sturdy build filled him with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation. "Tomorrow, we'll test it," he said, a note of excitement in his voice. "If it works as planned, this could revolutionize transportation for ordinary people."

Daniel nodded, his eyes shining with anticipation. "Let's hope it does. This could be our ticket to a better future."

As they locked up the workshop and prepared to leave, Chance couldn't help but feel a sense of impending change. They were on the brink of something extraordinary, but success was not guaranteed. The road ahead would be challenging, but Chance was ready to face whatever came their way.