Logistics network

YoYo decided it was time for Chance to meet her father, Mr. Xiang, the owner of the factory where their products were made. She believed her father would be impressed by Chance's accomplishments and foresight. True to her hopes, Mr. Xiang found himself very pleased with Chance. In just one year, Chance had established the largest electronics company in JIN City. Their new products—talking dictionaries, repeating players, and smart watches—were all selling remarkably well, marking Chance as a business prodigy.

One afternoon, Mr. Xiang invited Chance to a traditional tea house for a conversation. The setting was serene, with the gentle sound of a water fountain and the soothing aroma of freshly brewed tea creating a perfect ambiance for their discussion.

Sitting across from each other, Mr. Xiang poured tea with a practiced hand and began the conversation. "Chance, you've achieved so much in such a short time. I must say, I'm impressed. What are your plans for the future?"

Chance smiled, appreciating the elder man's interest and approval. "Thank you, Mr. Xiang. Besides marrying YoYo, I have some ambitious plans for expanding our business. I believe the next step is to invest in a logistics network."

Mr. Xiang raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Logistics network? What exactly do you mean by that?"

Chance leaned forward, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Imagine if customers from other cities wanted to buy our electronic products. We could set up logistics points in various cities where we stock our products. These points would handle the distribution and ensure that our products are delivered right to the customers' doorsteps. This way, we can reach a much larger market and increase our sales significantly."

Mr. Xiang nodded thoughtfully, absorbing Chance's words. "That's an interesting concept. So, you're thinking about starting this in NAN City?"

"Yes," Chance replied. "NAN City is a bustling hub with a lot of potential customers. If we can establish a successful logistics point there, it will serve as a model that we can replicate in other cities. This network will not only boost our sales but also make our products more accessible to people everywhere."

Mr. Xiang sipped his tea, his eyes never leaving Chance's. "That's a bold and visionary plan, Chance. It requires a significant investment and careful planning, but I believe you have the capability to make it happen."

Chance felt a surge of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, Mr. Xiang. I'm committed to seeing this through. I believe that with YoYo's support and your guidance, we can build something truly remarkable."

Mr. Xiang smiled, a warm and approving expression on his face. "You have my blessing, Chance. Not only for your business endeavors but also for marrying my daughter. I'm proud to have you as part of our family."

Chance's heart swelled with emotion. "Thank you, sir. I won't let you down."

As they continued their conversation, discussing the details of the logistics network and the potential challenges they might face, Chance felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that the path ahead would be filled with hard work and obstacles, but with the support of YoYo and Mr. Xiang, he felt ready to tackle whatever came his way.